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Show GOS GO o have efcaped many threat wotions¢ if they go oz, the onl with is wool from the belly of "To look upon the foul as goirn of ill fits by thef poltice I have deal fat theep, ~Zemple oz from ftrength t frength, to confider that fhe is to fhine for eve with new acceffions of glory, and brighten to al Addifon eternity, is agreeable Go on chearfully in the glorious courfe you hav Addi/a_u undertaken Copious bleeding is the moft effectual remedy i the beginning of the difeafe; but when the exetoration goes on fuccefsfully, not o proper, becauf Arbuthnot on Diet 1t fometimes fuppreffeth it I have already handled fome abufes during th late management, and in convenient time fhall go o Swift with the reft Come, come, take the righ ro. intery A fcornful exhortation courfe Of great Apollo; fhew thy famous migh In medicine Spenfer Go to, go to, thou art a foolith fellow Shakefp. Twelfth Night Let me be clear of thee My favour is not bought with words like thefe Go 20 ; you'll teach your tongue another tale. Rowe #. / Go-BY vention Delufion; artifice; circum over-reach Go-carT. 7 /. [goand carz.] A machin in which children are inclofed to teac them to walk, and which they pufh forward without danger of falling betak t Collier on Pride Young children, who are try'd i Go-carts, to keep their fteps from fliding When members knit, and legs grow ftronger Make ufe of {uch machine no longer Prior inpointe Saxon. [gad / Goap "the pratice of thofe to whom they go over. Addifon. fordrive ar oxe whic wit ftrumen wa maxim ol th t n accord which Power S ward S ift, ufed to follow, is now gone over to money Oft in his harden'd hand a goad he bears. Pope 65. 7o Go out. To go upon any expedition You need not have pricked me: there are other 70 Goap. @. a. [from the noun., men fitter to go oxz than 1. Shakefpeare's Henry 1V, | 1. To prick or drive with the goad Wiy 'To be extinguithed &6. To Go out "dflg! Think'ft thou the fiery fever will go out With titles blown from adulation > Shzk. Hernry V Spirit of wine burned tili it go ozt of itfelf, wil Bacon's Natural Hiffory ‘burn no more flone e The care of a ftate ‘or an army eonftant as the chymift's fire ough to mak to be a any grea production; and if it goes oxt for an hour, perhap Temple the whole operation fails The morning, as miftaken; turns about i ofibl haod anrl - 2. T incite to ftimulate to inftigate to drive forward ik g jih aly i nef dd "laws of that land your time there I will think you have not loft al Moft dangerou Is that temptation, that doth goad us o To fin in loving virtue. Shakefp. Meaf. for Meafure Goaded with moft fharp occafions Which lay nice manners by, I put you t Shakefpeare The ufe of your own virtues Of all that breathes the various progeny Stung with delight, is goaded on by thee. Dryden Spenfer Kings ought not to fuffer their council to g through with the refolution and direction, as if i depended on them, but take the matter back int their own hands Bacan J j‘:h He much feared the earl of Antrim had no freadinefs of mind enough to go through with fuc an undertaking Clarendon The amazing difficulty and greatnefs of his ac ‘count will rather terrify than inform him, and kee him from fetting heartily about fuch a tafk, as h dafpairs ever to go through with it Th power 1 German ar South's Serm borrowin money 30 order to go through their part of the expence Addifon on the War 8. 70 Go through. To fuffer; to undergo T tell thee that it is abfelutely neceffary for th common good that thou fhouldeft go zhrough thi Qperation 69. 70 Go npon Arbuthnot 'To take asa principle This fuppofition I have gone upon through thof _papers Addifon 70. ‘The fenfes of this word are very in dlfilf}&: its general notion is motion o progreflion. It commonly exprefles pafiag - from a place, in oppofition to come. Thi s often obfervable even in figurative exVor, I Th youthful charioteers with heaving hear Rufh to the race Dryden's Virgil 3. The final purpofe defign tends the end to which Our poet has always the goa/ in his eye, whic dire@s him in his race: fome beautiful defign whic h firft eftablifhes an the contrive th means, which will naturally conduct him to his end Dryd Each individual feeks a feveral goa/ But heay'n's great view is one, and that the whole Pope So man, who here feems principal alone Perhaps acts fecond to fome {phere unknown Touches fome wheel, or verges to fome goa/ *Tis but a part we fee 4. It is fometime goal hins The little bear that rock'd the might The fwan whofe botrow'd thape conceal' Are grac'd with light; the nurfing goat' and not a whole improperl writte Pope fo or jail Goar, 7z /o [garor, Welth.] Any edgin fewed upon cloth to ftrengthen it. Skiuzer GOAT. 7. f. [xaz, Saxon and Scotifh. A ruminant animal that feems a middl fpecies between deer and fheep Shake/p. Mach Gall of goat, and flips of yew We Cyclops care not for your goat-fed Jove Nor other bleft ones ; we are better farre Peacham Jove His love repai With heav'n, and duty rais'd the pious maid. Creech capri.] A plant Goa'TcHAFER. 7 f of beetle Goaltuerp Chapnr You may draw naksd boys riding and playin . f. [za Aninfett a kin and hypdb Bailey Saxon a feeder or tender. ] One whofe employment is to tend goats Is not thilk fame goatherd proud That fits on yonder bank Whofe ftraying herd themfelf doth fhroud Among the bufhes rapk Spenfer's Pafforals They firft gave the goatherd good contentmerit and the marquis and his fervant chaced the ki about the ftack Wotton Goa'rmarjoraM., # f. The fame wit GOATSBEARD Goa'rsmiLk. 7. /. [goat and milk.] "Thi 1s more properly two words After the fever and fuch like accidents are di minifhed, affes and goat/inilk may be necefiary Wifeman's Surgery Goa'TMILKER. 7. /. [goat and milker.] kind of owl {o called from fucking goats Bailey Goar's Rue. . [. [galega. A plant Goar's Rue has the reputation of being a grea alexipharmick and fudorifick: the Italians eat i raw and boiled; with us it is of no cfteem. Hill Goa/Tskin "And all her early fires again goont. Dryd. Aureng Let the acquaintance be decently buried, and the GoaL. n. /. [gaule, French, a long pole, fe up to mark the bounds of the race. #lame rather go oz than be fmothered Callier. My blood runs cold, my heart forgets to heave {1. The landmark fet up to bound a race And life itfelf goes out at thy difpleafure. Addif. Cato th poin marke ou t whic racer run And at her felt approach and fecret might A a th Olympia games o Pythia fields Art after art goes out, and all is night. Pope's Dunc Part curb their fiery fteeds, or thun the goa 67. 7o Go through. 'To perform throughly With rapid wheels Milton's Paradife Loff ‘to execute And the {lope fun his upward bea Finding Pyrocles every way able to go throug Shoots againft the dufky pole ‘with that kind of life, he was as defirous for hi Pacing toward the other goa/ Milton clean.sh data import.tsv out README fake as for his own to enter into it Sidney. z, 'The ftarting poft If you can as well go through with the ftatut Haft thou beheld, when from the goa/ they ftart with their paper-mills upon goats, eagles, or dof< GoA'TBEARD. 7. fo [goat and beard; barb O thou far renowned fo Go to then Many clergymen write in fo diminutive a manner with fuch frequent blots and interlireations, tha they are hardly able to go oz without perpetual heSwift "fitations, or extraordinary expletives 1 with you health to go oz with that noble work Berkley In the change of religion, men of ordinary underftandings don't fo much confider the principles a f plie G Sawift fhould not have goze on in fo expenfive a manage 64. To Go over. To revolt - himfelf to another party fore and that come after: to-day goes awa and to-morrow comes Except an apprentice is infiuGted how to adulterate and varnifth, and give you the go 4y upo occafion, his mafter may be charged with neglect When we had found that defign impraticable, w mentof it itha We fay, the words that go be preflions z. f. [goat and fein. Then fill'd two goat/kins, with her hands divine Pope With water one, and one with fable wine Goalrs-THORN. . /. [goat and thorn.] A herb Goa'risH. adj [from goat. Relemblin a goat in any quality : as, ranknefs ; luft A admirable evafion of a whoremafter man t lay his goati/b difpofition on the change of a ftar Shakefp. King Lear Th laf is notoriou for its goati/ fmell an tufts not unlike the beard of that lecherous animal More againfi Atheifim Gog. . f. [gobe, French. tity. A low word A {mall quan Do'ft think I have fo little wit as to part wit fuch a gob of money L' Eftrange GO'BBET. . /. [gobe, French. A mouth ful ; as much as can be fwallowed at once Therewith the {fpew'd, out of her filthy maw A flood of poifon, horrible and black Full of great lumps of fleth and godders raw. Spenfer By deyilifh policy art thou grown great And like ambitious Sylla, overgorg' With gobbets of thy mother's bleeding heart. Shak The cooks, flicing it into little gobbets, prick i on a prong of iron, and hang it in a furnace Sandys's Trauvels The giant gorg'd with fleth, and wine, and blood Lay ftretch'd at length, and fnoring in his den Belching raw gobéers from his maw, o'ercharg' With purple wine and cruddled gore confus'd. Addif 7¢ Go'BBEY. w. @. [from the noun. T fwallow at a mouthful A low word Down comes a kite pewderin guobbets up both together 7o GO'BBLE. . a upon them A an [gober, to fwallow, ol French. To fwallo mult and noife haftily wit tu The fheep were fo keen upon the acorns, tha they gobbdled up now and theu a piece of the coat along with them L' Effrange Of laft year's corn in barn great ftor Fat turkies gobbling at the door The time too precious now to wade Prior + And fuppfir gobbled up in hafte Again afrefh te cards they run Go'BsLy § . f [from gebble. Saift One tha devour |