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Show E A Oh foul of honour Oh early heroe Smith's Phadra and Hippolits Soon Ea'RLY. adv. [from the adjective. betimes ra f i c t w r m th r f b r E r f e S d h e e o ' a h h i b o o n w T Waller None in more languages can fho Thofe arts, which you fo early know The princefs makes her iffue like herfelf, by in a u r v o g l r n m i th in l ea n ftill Addifon honour 75 EARN. @. a. [eannian, Saxon. 1. To gain as the rewar of la or wage that have joined with their honour grea perils, are lefs fubjet toenvy; for men think tha Bacon's Effays they earn their honours hardly Winning cheap the high repute Which he through hazard huge muft earz. Milton I to the evil tur My obvious breaft; arming to overcom By fuffering, and earz reft from labour won. Milton Men may difcer From what confummate virtue I have chof "This perfe man, by merit call'd my Son Milton clean.sh data import.tsv out README To earn {alvation for the fons of men Since they all beg, it were better for the ftate t keep them, even although they earzed nothing Graunt's Bills of Mortality This is the great expence of the poor, that take Locke up lalmoft all their earzings The poems gained the plagiary wealth, while th author hardly earzed his bread by repeating them Pope on Homer Aftex*iling twenty days To earn a fock of pence and praife Swift Thy labour's grown the critick's prey 2. To obtain as a confequence of aftion T can't fay whore It does abhor me, now I fpeak the word To do the a&, that might th' addition earz adj. [eopneye, Saxon.] 1. Ardent in any affeftion; warm zealous "importunate He which prayeth in due fort, is thereby mad and he whic the more attentive to hear heareth the more earne/t to pray for the time which we befrow 2. Intent Hooker as the other as well in the on fixed; eager Milton They are never more earnef? to difturb us, tha when they fee us moft earzeff in this duty. Duppa 3. Serious; important ef,-not in jeff Som fay in ezrz They whom earneft lets do often hinder fro being partakers of the whole, have yet this th length of divine fervice, opportunity for accefs unt Hooker fome reafonable part thereof Ea'RNEST. 7. /. [from the adje@ive. reality a ferious event; no not a feigned appearance Take heed that this jeft do not one day turn t earncf? Sid 1 told you Klaius was the haplefs wight Who earnef? found what they accounted play. Sidzey Therewith the laugh'd Which leader fhall the doubtful vi&'ry blefs Zaller And give an earneft of the war's fuccefs It may be looked upon as a pledge and earneft o Smalridge quiet ‘and tranquillity mercie received 3. 'The money which is give that a bargain is ratified and did her carneff en mJef That high All-feer, whic Fairy Qucen I dallied with Hath turn'd my feigned prayer on my head And giv'nin earneft, what [ begg'd in jeft. Shakef Nor can I think that God Creator wife ‘Though threat'ning, will in earneft fo deftro Us, his prime creatures Milion But the main bufinefs and earneff of the world i Amoney, dominion and power L' Eftrange ‘We fhall. die in earzeft, and it will not becom As£o live in jeft Government of the Tongue ‘;Sefigpmmus, you have acted like yourfelf 2, and fo able, or confifting of pa luble in water; not difpofed to burn, fiame, or tak What are thefe So wither'd, and fo wild in their attire That look not like th' inhabitants o' th' earth Shakefpeare's King Lear And yet areon't They can judge as fitly of his worth As I can of thofe myfteries which heav' You have confpir'd againft our perfon Join'd with an enemy proclaim'd, and from hi Satan Pay back the earneft penny received fro Decay of Picty and fling away his fin adv. [from earngf. Ea'RNESTLY 1. Warmly ; affeGionately portunately zealoufly im intenfely A7i/ Shame is a banifhment of him from the goo opinion of the world, which every man moft ear South and power of a neftly defires Earneftly invoke the goodnef all-mercifu and almight Smalridge God defiroully 2. Eagerly Why {o carneftly feek you to put up that letter Shakefpeare My foul, more earneftly releas'd Will outftrip her's; as bullets flown before A Jatter bullet may o'ertake, the powder being more Donne 1. Eagernefs 7 f. [from earneft. warmth vehemence impe tuofity Often with a folemn earncfinefs More than indeed belong'd to fuch a trifle as a man may doubt that befide the ver daring and earnefinefs, and perfifting and importunity, there fhould be fome fecret binding, an frooping of other mens fpirits to fuch perfons his fond complaint Addifon's Cato There never was a charge maintained with fuc a fhew of gravity and earzefluefs, which had flighter foundation to fupport it Atterbury 3. Solitude; care; intenfenefs With overftraining, and earneftnefs of finifhin their pieces, they often did them more harm tha Dryden plowed field [from ear to plow. Not now in ufe With crackling flames to burn the ftubble blade May's Virg #./ [eonz, Saxon. 1. The element diftiné& from air, fire water; foil; terrene matter The fmiling god is feen;. while water And air atteft his bounty o earzh T homiforn 2. 'The terraqueous globe; the world Nought fo vile that on the earth doth live But to the earé fome {pecial good doth give. Shakef This folid globe we live upon is called the earzh which word taken in a more limited fenfe, fignifie fuch parts of this glob In ten fet battles have we driven bac Thefe heathen Saxons, and regain'd our earth As earth recovers from the ebbing tide a& of turnin up th Dryden ground i [from ear, to plow. tillage Such land as ye break up for barleyto fow Two earths, at the leaft, ere ye fow it beftow Ty(fer 7o EarTH. v. . [from the noun. 1. To hide in earth The fox is earthed; but I fhall fend my two tar Dryden's Spanifb Fryar riers in after him 2. To cover with earth Earth up with frefh mould the roots of thofe au ricula's which the froft may have uncovered Ewelyn's Calendar 'To retire under ground 7o EARTH. @. # Hence foxes earth'd, and wolves abhorr'd the day And hungry churls enfnar'd the nightly prey. Tickel EA'RTHBOARD. 7. /. [earth and board.] Th board' of the plow that fhakes off th Th the mof plow reckone for fif prope black clays, is one that is long, large, and byoad with a deep head and a fquare earthboard, {o as t IMortimer turn up a great furrow [earth and born. adj Ea'RTHBORN 1. Bornof the earth; terrigenous The wounds I make but fow new enemies Which from their blood, like earthbern brethre Dryden The God for ever great, for ever king Who flew the earthborn race and meafures righ To heav'n's great habitants as are capable, being ex pofed to the air, to give rooting and nourithmen to plants, 1o that they may ftand and grow in it Locke Prior born Earthborn Lycon fhall alcend the throne Swith EA'RTHBOUND adj. [earth and bound. Faftened by the preflure of the earth Who can imprefs the foreft, bid the tre Unfix his earthbound root Shakefpeare's Mach Ea'rTuEN. ad). [from earth. earth; made of clay Mad o About ‘his fhelve Green earthen pots Fires oft are good on barren ear/bes made EARTH 6. Country; diftinét region 2. Meanl 2. Solemnity; zeal; ferioufnefs # / The whole earth was of one language. Gez. i, T rife And trembie athis vehemence of temper good pqré EA th n ea t th o The inhab A T earth Shake/peare's Othello He begg'd of me to fteal it Audacity and confidence doth in bufinefs fo grea effelts 5 Shakefp. Coriolanis Will not have eaith to know 7. Th When earneftly they fec Such proof, conclude they then begun to fail o to other fcene oppofe 4. This worl exiftence in toke Shake/p ;'. Woodwa fire Atterbury coffer Receiv'd the golden earzeff of our death dried, fri and infipid are opake Earth wer are great as the earncfts and pledges of greater Earsa a jeft The five genera of earths are, 1. Boles. 2. Clays 3. Mails, 4. Ochres. 5. Tripela s Mat. Medica The apoftles term it the handfel or earneft o Hooker that which is to come Have fo much earzeftnefs and paflion in them I hear him with a fecret kind of horror a multitud 3. Different modification of terrene matter In this fenfe it has a plural « fomething of the fame kind in futurty Marcus is overwarm Now ris'n, to work them further woe or fhame 1. Serioufnefs 2. [Ernitz penge, Danith; arres, French. Pledge; handfel; firft fruits; token o Bacon's Natural Hiftory On that profpe¢t ftrang Their earnef? eyes they fix'd; imagining For one forbidden tree Addifon Ea'rRwEsTNESS Not the world's mafs of vanity could make me Shakefpeare EA'RNEST One twould have thought you had been halfin earxeft Th bour, or any performance Thof A EA bladders and mufty feed Were thinly fcatter'd Sha As a ruftick was digging the ground by Padua, h found an urn or eartber pot in whic ther wa another urn, and in this leffer a lamp clearly burning Vilkin The moft brittle water-carriage was ufed amon the Egyptians, who, as Strab h, would fai fometimes in the boats made of earther ware i Arbuthnot on Coins EARTHFLAX. 7. [ [eart kind of fibrous foffil Of Englit or parget haig and flax. tz'ic,‘ the coax-J"gl' fort is called plaifer th finer earthflax or falamander' Waodward E A'RTHINESS. #. /. 'The quality of containing earth; groflnefs Ea'RTHLING, 2, /, [from earth. 4 N An in habitan |