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Show [ IM IM im French . a. [impliguer %TMPL to intangle plico, Liatin. ‘1. To unfold; to cover in ufe woul No we thought this Lmd a land of magicians. Something he left xmpflm:t in the ftate Which fince lns coming forth is thought of, whic '[m/)mh the kingdom fo mucli fear and danger hat his return was moft requir'd Shakefp the wor Errours that iuDryden Bows the fl:rength of brawny arms imply Dryden and of\,idox Emblems of valour Where a malicious act is proved, a malicious inSherloc tention is implied }*18.‘(,11 [empoifoner a v 90 IMPO'ISO It might be written em,fi')//m. poifon 1, Lo conupt wit doth not kno On How much an ill word doth 7zspoifon liking Shake fm'azz This is rare. ! Se 2. To kill with poifon. [[:;//m, 7 mmo;/(, French. ImperfonalTo be of moment: as, it imports !_"J 1t 15 of weight or confequence as a confe uence or concomitant That it was in ufe among the Greeks Brown's Vulga triclinium implieth What follows next is no objeCtion; fo Jies a fault Her length of ficknefs, with what elfe more feriou A ma Let the heat be fuch as may keep the metal perpetually molten5 for that above all importeth to th work Number in armie the people is of wea This to attain No loadftone it will, in a fhort time, exchange its poles Brown Impori'ricar. ) adj. [in and politick. Imprudent; indifereet Impo/LiTrCK void of art or forecaft 's policy He that gxhorteth to beware of an SH dotli not give counfel to be impolitick; butrather t ufe all pr udent forefight and circumf] mulon, left ou fmphmt) be over-reach'd by cunning flights. Hocker Iwrort/ricaLry. ) adv. [in and political. Without att or foreImro/LiTICKLY caft Ivpo/NpEROUS. adj. [iz and ponderous. Void of perceptible weight It produces vifible and real cfh&s by /mprmn'craz/ Brown's Vulgar Errours and invifible emiffions IMPoRO'SITY. 7./. [inand porous. betwix porofity or wzpom_/'/ Th Abfenc compactnefs; clofenefs of interftices th tangibl parts, and the greatnefs or {mallnefs of the pores Bacon Imrolrovs. adl [ and porons ] Free fro pores; free from vacuities or interftices clofe of texture;. completely folid It ha refolved its earthl tha it an bod falinous parts fo exa&l i lef imporeus an no difcreted by atomical texmmatxon Brown's Viulgar Ervours If atoms fhould defcend plumb down with equa welocity, being all perfely folid and m;mcuu, the would never the one overtake the othe Ray on tuz Creation 7o IMPO'R'T w. a [imports, Latin. 1. To carry into any country from abread oppofed to export For Elis I would fail with utmoft fpeed T' import twelve mares, which there lugurious -"6 e / 2. 'To imply; to infer Himfelf not only comprehended all our neceflitics but in fuch fort alfo framed every petition as migh mof naturally ferve for' many not always require yet alway of fpeakels together The name of difciplin an impor doth thou a rx.u!‘ a jl;,nt/ importet Milton It may import us in this calm to hearken mor than we have done to the ftorms that are now raifin abroad ItI endur it, what imports not as the Temple Dryden it you 2 /. [from thc verb Imro'pr 1. Importance moment Confequence of impor O then, what intereft fhall T mak ' your wife Som Dryd. and ] ee's Oedipus You feem to go with When there is any difpute, the judge ought t appoint the fum according to the el oq uence and ability of the advocate, and in proportion to the impor Ayliffe of the caufe 2 Tendency Add to the former obfervations mad ables a third of th fam 7zpor about vege made in minera Boyle {ubftances 3. An thing importe fro abroad as our zzports ought not to exceed our exorts IMPO/RTABLE. adj. [in and poriable. fupportable; not to be endured accente b Un A wor Spex/er on the firft fyllable It is ufed in the Apocrypha "airvy Queen in them S/ /.zx:/IJ Winter's Tale Not in ufe It had been pity you fhould have been put together with fo mortal a purpofey as then each bore upon imporrance of fo flight a nature. Shakefpeare moment Skakef to the Turks Thy own importance know Not bound thy narrow views to things below ImDOIt"DL V A U! lmprop Pope PLCLI Maria wri The letter at fic Toby's grea Shakefpeare IMPO RTANT. adj. [important, ¥rench. 1. Momentous; weighty; of great confequence moft importan and prefling care of a ne and vigorous king was his marriage efablifhment of the royal line Thi by any ordinary violence South Examine how the fafhionable practice of the worl ca be reconciled to th importan religion dotrine of ou Rogers I;aportaflt truths ftill let your fables hold And moral myfteries with art unfold Granwvill Th' important hour had pafs'd unheeded by Irene 2. Momentous; forcible; of great efficacy This feems¢ o be the meaning here H An fiercely at him flew wit important outrage hi affail'd Who foon prepar'd to field his fword xoth drew And him with equal valour coumelvnl d. Fairy 9 3. Importunate A corrupt ufe of the word See IMPORTANCE Grea Franc My mourning and impsitant tears hath pitied Shakefpeare IMporTA"TION. 7. /i [from impore.] Th act or praftice of importing, or bringin into a country from abroad: oppofed t The king' reafonabl profit fhoul no be ne gleCted _upon ///1/)9,/1" 7 and exportation Bacon Thefe mines fill the country with greater number ple than it would be able to bear, withou the izportation of corn from foreign parts. Addifon The emperor has forbidden the importation o their manufaGures into any part of the empire Addifon-on Italy IMPO'RTER. 7 /. [from import. brmg One tha in from Abrm It is impoflible to limit the quantity that fhal be brought in, efpecm ly if the importers of it have fo fure a market as the Exchequer Sawift IMpo'RTLESS. adj. [from impert. Of no moment or confequence This is a word not in ufe, but not inelegant We lefs expe That matter needlefs, of /mpori/efs burthen Shakefpeare adj [importunus La repulfed The a ma importu no be abl to bea th {uitor A-rule reftrain our nature clam I o the mof I‘iPO'P" INATELY importunaie2appetites "o Rogers adv [fro importn- ate.] , With inceffant folicitation; per tchmuflv in pct‘tlon Thei pe mmc i fuch that*whe you ‘driv them out of one form, they affume \not‘ler, an are {o importunately troublefome, as makes mai n think it nnmhmh to be freed from them. Dup IMPO'RTUNATENESS sunate. She wit 7 [fro sz,:/ Inceffant {olicitation more an 7o IMPORTUNE importarce In recompence whereof he hath married her Th fhews the neceffity of its being rooted deep in th heart, and put beyond the danger of bun«f torn u mor s ;‘,N) ‘lunatencf crave which, in all good manners, was either of us to L defired, or not granted Sidney '5}.'/!1:/ eare har t of mankind, fufficientl would not hear my excufe Rate but the wifeft beholder, that knew no more bu feeing, could not fay if the importance were joy o We confide Th? importance of Cypru for, the governmen I was indebt to my z'm[m.‘fl/mm‘u bufin A notable pfl{uo.x of wonde: - appeare 3. Confequence gio defigns reli Go end tha The great importan ting importune, French. Unfeafonabl and inceflant in' {olicitations; not to'be that deadly frour Imro'RTAaNCE. 7 /. [French. r. Thing imported or implied Matter; fubje&t When the moft juft have caufe to quake? Rofeortintont IMPO'RTUNATE That forced him his ground to traverfe wide forrow ftake Divide thy lips Both 4t once him charge on either fide With hideous ftrokes and importable power And wifely watch to war To fave my laft importan eXpor ‘fation Shakefpeare bufinefs of /mport that triumph wear unto a more vigorou adjoine Being mzpalmz] or earth move not, if thou reckon right Import Shakefpeare diretion of the poles ufed Littl whether heav' Hath all fo long detain'd you fro Impo'LarILY. adv. [iz and polar. to: th Bacon not much, wher Bacon 7mportet courage What occafio And with his charity flain accordin Shakefp this bears Importeth thee to know EMPOISON by his own alms inpoifon'd Bacosn Zetdlio plOdLl(‘C in confequencc And Phebus flying fo moft thameful fight His blufhing face in foggy cloud implies FairyQueen or comprif but the felf-fam Hooker now afked, 17;1/mrted as that This queftion w Himiel? in ftraighter bonds too rath implies Fairy Queen involv fain have it conftrued thing it fignifieth, which the name of do€trine doth His courage flout Striving to loofe the knot that faft him tics 2. T IM for mediat Hotton fupcradd" treachery to the crime falfifying the moft /mportant twuk 'ts th Decay of Piety French w. a [inportuncr importunus, Latin Accented an ciently on the fecond {yllable. 'T teize; to harafs" with {li or‘\t vexation perpetually recurring; to moleft Againft all fenfe you do importune her Shakefp If he efpied any lewd gaiety in his fellow-fer- vants, his mafterfhould ftm"nt\mys know it, an not reft free from: importuning, until the fellow ha put away } 1s fault Careww The higheft faint in the celeftial hieraschy bega |