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Show EXL turn things to be more pueumatu.al and rare, an not to retrograde from pocumatical to that which i Bacor denfe Extexva'riox, . £ [from extenuate. 1. The a& of reprefenting things lefs il than they are; contrary to aomntxon alliation bute to any other but fuch as we conceive God t be A third fort of marafmus is an exterzation of th body, caufed through an immoderate heat and dryHarvey nefs of the parts ward; external An Alone as children an beauties aftronomer Bsyle lileo's optick glaffes Father blac\'er and merrier are word which oM. ExTe'RIORLY e\tem'tllv wardly Out no intrinfically You have flander'd nature in my form ‘Which, howfoever-rude exteriorly Is yet the cover of a fairer mind "Than to be butcher of an innocent child. ShaZefp 9 EXTERMINATE «. a. [externtino Latin. To root out; to tear up; t drive away: to abolith; to deftroy Unluck wvices, on which ‘the exterminati ng lo Deca happened to fall of Piety Alexander left Grecian colonies in the Indxes but they were exterminated by Sandrocothus Arbutbnot on Coins Thi diftover alone is fufficient, if the vices o men did not cquvate their reafon, to explode an exterminate rank athexixn out of the world Bentley ExTerMiINa‘TION. 2. /£ [from exterminate. ) Deflru&xon excifion Th purfued queftio whethe of people is, ho far a hol to difplanting an EXTERMINA'TOR. 7. To exterminate is to b extermsiratio Bacon [exterminator, Lat. The perfon or inftrument b thing is deftroyed 7% Exte! RMI\'E. . a wa whic an [extermino, Latin. to deftroy No ufed If you do forrow at my grief in love _ By giving love, your forrow and my grie ExTsrRN. adj Lett:rmu, Latm. 1. External; outward In compliment exter, *tis not long afte But I will wear my heart upon my fleey Fo daw to peck: at bb.z"jp Othello Without 1tfelf not inherent; not intrinfick- not de endmg on 1tfel When two bod1e> are prefled one againft another ‘the rar body not being fo able to refift divifion a the denfe, and being not permitted to retire back by reafon of the extern violence impelling it, th parts of the rare body muft be fevered Digby EXTERNAL. ady. [externus, Latin. 1. Outward not procecdm fro operating or alting from without 1tf{elf oppo {ite to suternal We come to be affured that there is fuch a being either by an internal impreffion of the notion of God upon our minds, or elfe by fuch exterma'/an vifible effedsa as our reafon tells us muift be attri . buted to fome caufe, and which we canoot atfsi "{)" el hat in it nothing excellent, as be ing deftitute of th fan&ity that God requires, an nd it is common -t wicked men and good ExTi'L. w. #. [ex and jflls To drop or diftil from EXTINGUISH 1. Extin&ion; (up ing; deftru&tion Latin. ExriLLa'tioN. ». /. [from ex and fi/b Latin.] The a& ot falling in drops They {eemed mad tion of putrif by an e\ duuo uices out o T EXTYI MULATE. < T prlc Whe She would be g the rocky earth That {o the m He moved log [:1 :'m'lo a death's forma appear An utter que or ext _D;r'v..m s Pbyf Lat. ] to incite by ftimulation Choler is one excretion w h-»\=;> nature excludet another, which, defcending into the bowels, extiwuddates and exc::s: them Lmto expulfion Browwa ExTimura'tion z £ [rro extimulatio Latin.] Pungency; pcm er of exciting mo tion or fen(anon The native fpirits admit great diverfity; as, ho cold &Ctne dull ‘.i"ue an an f\&"f't'»‘/z'l th‘ng 1""P‘d K. E\tmvunhe quenche as tow blunted an 2x#7% Ifaiab her fires Pope 2. Ata ftop; without prurreffi\e fucceflion M day are exziz& The royal famil And the who reign The nobility ar caufe the greatef heirs ger reral Feb is all extiz& beftows her crown on me. D: never lik 1\ to :\ ex part of "the L\ 1‘\.‘{(: o -\flh:'\:.‘. to_ ‘r T2 EXTI'RPAT E . d. f:1.‘:: 0, Laun. To root out; to eradicat to exicind to deftroy But b The rebels were grown fo fireng account lp:‘ii ly to extirpate the Britif that kingd W 3. Abolithed; out of force an ‘,,";.'.':‘.Z ou f A csufure ivfl‘ Ted a jure co"tmue:, thOuch luc yiif Lat h" wmned in qu'g\ acquire a 7 accord of pofition and e t o virtu 7. / Exngp.\ TION Sa alt ot rooling out; cradication I e\m‘_lon defirmhon 1. The act of quenching or extinguifhing needles or wi ived t T"‘-P‘:}.\1Yl ow 2. / [,V"m‘ or ‘-L L\\xu(‘x J{‘? Their purple vengeance bath'd in gore retires Her weapon c ‘I P put "out of a fa _"."'J f'.ul withou L'\tm qucnche They are extiné? an Bacorn's Natural Hiffery [ .\.‘.')rg?u a E\TI NCT whence proceed moit of th but the air intermixed is withou maket rlnrm natio His heart eafil crown, \\‘hnn h &c virtues of bodies filver, do ye When my outward a&mn doth demonftrat The native a& and figure of my hear 8 The exterior miniftry, exterza ally an fi d om Red-ho vifible If it fhot'i wardly S0 NCTION ExTi Were both extermin'd. Shakefpeare's Asyou like it Exti'Ncuis xmllowLo EXTE'RNALLY. ado. [from external. ) Out together with the thing they denominate, impl alfo fomething elfe feparate and exterior to the exLacke iftence of that thing adv. [from exterior. ftroyed Sauth theft That may be quenchsd 1upp effed, or de is as guilty as he that commits the exz confider GJ. ExTi'NGUISHABLE He that commits only the exzerzal a& of idolatr behold exzer laver commo an Seraphic havin foul bft to obicure Bethink thee on hervirtues "u‘ f Her nat'ral graces that ex: Adam was then no lefs glorious in his externals he had a beautiful body as well as an immorta not mtrmuc what is faith, love, virtue unefiay' without exferiar help fuftain'd 3.2 floelou To cloud v ~<..-\ particular nature Out [exterior, Lat. m{i EXTERIOR \I‘ fame of c 1 reacht before, b to the view or outward perception an Arterbury the mufcular flefh of the whole bod Qutncy 2. Having the outward appearance . A lofs of plumpnefs, or a general deca o being expofed loofe upon the furface o picu‘ When fin is to be judged, the kindeft enquiry i what deeds of charity we can alledge in extenuatio of our punithment Shell the earth o fi\. injuries of weather, to be tro upon by horfes and other cattle, and to many othe external accidents, are, in tra& of time, broken t alleviation of pumfhmefl ¢. Mitigation Tillatfor ' The race of all things here it to exiemuate an i _t\:'ren , for want of utter es taken root and flo th . Browns Vi e Err The ftate of bemg quenched The parts are confumed through extin&ior of thei native heat, and diifipation of their radical moifture Harv Deftru&ion; excifion Th extintio kingdoms, wer evil of pations y and the defolation o but the effe@s of this deftrudtiv to on F‘;TIRPA TOR They lie in dead ob‘nmn, lofing hal Th~ fleeting moments of too fhort a life otal ‘extinéfion of th? enl .Uhtul d foul. clean.sh data import.tsv out README Thenifon To E\Tlx\GLIbI‘ o [ X1 1'*»"" LJt." to qLemh The foft god of pk. tha n'd our defires Has broken his 1 bow, and exiing d his fires Dryden Then rofe the feed. of chaos and of night To blot out order, and extingwifb light Pop To(uH)ren' to dcfiro another . /. [from extirpate. who roots out; a deftroyer Extisey! 'c10U m!'v'. [ex!: lt‘J.x[‘L n Regers's Sermons 4. Supprefl'on r. To put out m To -BXTOT 2 t th Latin. mipuhon o raife; to m"g i to hi tha rid he faith the Heav'n and earth th\'l hv\ Thy praifes with t On |