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Show cCo CO He faid, and rofe the firft; the eouncil broke And all their grave confults diffolv'd in fmoke Dryden's Fables The perfon was cunning enough to begin th 3. A council ; a number of perfons afiembled in deliberation ber, to confider of the former labours Bacon A confulr of coquets belo ‘Was call'd, to rig him out a beau Savift Consurra'rion confummate the fraud in the ftrosger Brown's Vulgar Errours He had a mind to confummate the happinefs o the day Consu'MmaTE 1. The a& of confulting; fecret deliberaMark, xv. 1 2. A number of perfons confulted together a council A confultation wa called, wherei he advife Wileman of Abfceffes {alivation 3. [In law.] Confultatio is a writ, whereb a caufe, being formerly removed by pro hibition from the ecclefiaftical court, o cour t chriftian the king' court i returned thither again : for the judges o the king's court, if, upon comparing th libel with the fuggeition of the party they do find the fuggeftion falfe, or no proved the cauf and therefor to b wrongfully called from the court chriftian; then, upon this con/iltation or deliberation again Coxsu'LTER that confults decre #. f. [fro o b t i returne Coavell confult.] On alks counfel or intelli gence There fhall not be found among you a charmer or a confulter with familiar {pirits, or a wizard Deut. xviile 11 Consu'MABLE. adj. [from confume.] Sufceptible of deftruttion ; poffible to b walfted, {pent, or deftroyed Adbeftos does truly agree in this common qualit afcribed unto both, of being incombuftible; and no confumable by fire; but it doth contraét fo muc fuliginous matter from the earthy parts of the oil though it was tried with fome of the pureft oil that in a very few days it did choak and extinguif Wilkins's Mathematical Magick the flame Qur growing rich or poor depends only on, whic 3s greater or lefs, our importation or exportation o Locke confumable commoditics To CONSU'ME. . a. [confumo, Latin. To wafte; to fpend ; to deitroy Where two raging fires meet together They do confume the thing that feeds their fury Shakefpeare Thou fhalt carry much feed out into the field and fhalt gather but little in ; for the Jocufts fhal Deyt. xxviii confume i Thus in foft anguifh the confumes the day or quits her deep retirement. Thomfon's Spring 7o Consu ME. w. be exhaufted 'Towaft away; t On Consu'mER. #./. [from confume. that {pends, waftes, or deftroys an thing Money may be confidered as in the hands of th confuner, or of the merchant who buys the comLocke «. a. [confommer 7, CONSUMMATE Fr. confummare, Lat. To complete perfet 5 to finifh ; to end. accented on the firft fyllable o t Ancientl "yourfelf, myfelf, a?d Ofth}fr 10}‘1ds, will-paf afummate this bulinels happily omnibu Earth, in her rich attir Confummate, lovely fmikd The Platonifts hold, that the fpirit of the love doth pafsinto the fpirits of the perfon loved, whic caufeth the defire of return into the body; whereupon followeth that appetite of contag and con junétion Bacon's Natural Hiftry When the light fell fo-obliquely on the air, whic Milton's Paradife Loft Gratian, among his maxims for raifing 2 ma to the moft confummate greatnefs, advifes to perfor extraordinary aions, and to fecure a good hifto in othe Addifor's Freebolder rian into a misfortune terrour CoNsUMMA'TION. 7. /- [from confummate. fuppofed to take from its original to its confumma Addifon's Speétator deftru&tive without corporal contaion, there isn Brown's Valgar Errours high improbability. From the firft beginning of the world unto th laft confummation thereof, it acither hath been, no CONTA'GION T do digeft the poifon of thy flefh Nothing ill come near thee Shakefpeare's Comedy of Errours In infe&ion and contagion from body to body, a Shak. Cymbeline many times by the body paffive; but yet is, by th ftrength and good difpofition thereof, repul%d difeafe 2. The ftate of walting or perifhing From their mifty jaw air th i f n r d u i a n c l fo Breath (Sbafig&wfv're's King Fobn 8 Y Grieve for her forrows, groan for hex defpair.Prior e Ca io ta co he o f o f e c f W S C g m c r [ j/ 7 S E S CoNTA'GIO ous.]- The quality of being contagious n t L a n t o [ a I A N 7> C 1. To hold as a veffel u Je i w ng th h o n m ar e T i } On r ev tt wr b the which if they fhoul cf no l co el it r w th fuppofe that eve 1 Xk n Fo n tt wr b l o f th o b th a ar de n h l fh e c r f i l Gen Nothing taints found lungs fooner than infpirin the breath of confumptive lungs Haraey on Confumption The lean, confumptive wench, with cbughs de Jumptive.] A tendency to a confumption Shakefpeare's Henr 2. Difeafed with a confumption 7z J That drag the tragick melancholy night A long confumptive war is more likely to brea this grand alliance than difable France Addifon on the War coz 4 T The jades ing the quality of confuming [fro 1 fonous ; peftilential adj. [from confume. a confumptive perfon ma Arbuthnot on Dict ConTa'cious. adj. [from contagits L?t; i p c o p a b h u c Infetious The effential and diftinguifhing charaéter of Is call'd a pretty, tight, and flender maid. Diyden 1 Shakefpeare's Fulis Ceefar Confumption {o Shakefpeare's Timon In hollow bones of man The ftoppage of women's courfes, if not looke to, fets them into a confumption, dropfy, or othe Harwey difeafe cay'd Will he fteal out of his wholefome bed To dare the vile contagion of the night Quincy with a cough, a difcharge of purulent matter, an Blackmore a heéick fever n i a a e u m n v c e i f . P t confirmed confumption, is a wafting of the body b reafon of an ulcerated ftate of the lungs, attende Milton's Paradife LOji Catch'd by contagion A wafte of mufcula 3. [In phyfick. fleth. It is frequently attended with heick fever, and is divided by phyfi the variety of its caufes th uf ex io en in o f n o g th wi N King Charles fcandal and contagion of example Down fell they fo di th an d w n r hi di th A fo flams fort fen hav Vefuviu an Etn this two or three thoufand years, yet the mountains themfelves have not fuffered any confiderable accordin o e h f m o i a a o p i @ f I 2 Locke da th a ar bu on pt fu co o o t n m d the higheft mountains in thofe countries. #oodw A upon it being preferred in its confumption the plague and the like, the infection is receive In commodities, the value rifes as its quantit is lefs and vent greater; which depend Being frrumpeted by thy contagion Consu'MPTION. 7. /. [confumptio, Lat. 1. The a& of confuming; wafte ; deftruction ConNsu'MPTIVENESS If we two be one, and thou play falfe Ghoft, unlaid, forbear thee By an exa& regime hold out for years which difeafes are communicated 3. Death; end of life kinds #. /. [contagio, Latin, 1. The emifion from body to body b Hooker cians into fevera That deleterious it may be at fome-diftance, a 2. The end of the prefent fyftem of things the end of the world Unremoved be thy grave ConNTA'CTION. 7 /i [contadlus, Latin, The a& of touching; a joining onebod to another: That juft and regular procefs, which it muft b Quiet confummation have - Arbuthnot on Diet 1. Completion ; perfeétion ; end can be, otherwife between them, as to be al Newton's Opticks wholly tranfmitted The air, by its immediate contac?, may coagulat the blood which flows along the air-bladders it raifes our pity, but not ou Addifon's Spectator tion places wa refle€ted, it feemed in that place of contad? to b fall and confummate virtu If a man of perfe Latin Touch 3 clofe union; junéture of on body to another 1. Deftru&tive ; wafling ; exBaufting; hav ‘Which, as they meet, confumes Shak. Rom. and ful to export [from the verb. adj CoNsu'MPTIVE Thefe violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die; like fire and powder modity, when mad boarding a floor. 7. /. [contactus CO'NTACT Shake[peare chief priefts held a confultation with th elders and feribes tin.] A joining of boards together; I do but flay till your marriage be confummate v ation Th ConTABULA TION, 7./t (contabulatio, La Tatler Complete ; perfect; finithed numeris abjolutus [from confult. n f 7o CONTA'BULATE. @, a. [contabul Latin.] To floor with boards deceit in the weaker, and the weaker fufficient t Divers meetings and confults of our whole num Dia is fewed or ftitched together Shake[peare Tha Coxnsu'rILE. adj. [confisilis, Lat. There thall we confummate our fpoufal rites m ha an t g o t o a p i Greatl ‘ n ta co ca le ve th a w Of knowled ofl ‘l }; an th fo n br ta co re ft ‘What th Abundance f r m c t n 2. "Fo compreh fe d r w th al i fa rn fe a W ta co he I vp ' m f Mean, or in he T |