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Show A A Then fhall thy Craggs (and let me call hi 2 To{leep mine If a2 man watch too long, it is odds but he wil fall afleep Bacon's Effays Thus done the tales, ta bed they creep By whifpering winds foon lull'd afleep. ~ Milton As1Lo'PE, adv. [from a and flope.] Wit declivity ; obliquely ; not perpendicularly Setthem not upright depth under the ground The curf Glanc'd on the ground My bread : what harm but aflspe, a reafonabl Bacon affop with labour I muft ear Idlenefs had been worfe My labour will fuftain me Th An g i l h b o a e v 3. GFaire than faireft, in his faining eye ‘Whofe fole afpec? he counts felicity [fro cope, 2 body. Incorporeal out a body view point an = Againft the eaftern gate of Paradif Paradife Loft Levell'd his ev'ning rays I have built a ftrong wall, faced to the qug afpect with brick S‘Y':'{[f . Difpofition of any thing to fomethin elfe; relation The light got from the oppofite arguings of me }n./fi [a/pis, Lat.] A kind o Asp of parts, fhewing the different fides of things, an A'srick. § ferpent, whofe poifon kill their various afpefts and probabilities, would b without a poflibility of applying any requite loft, if every one were obliged to fay after th Locke Itis faid to be very fmall, an medy fpeaker peculiar to Egypt and Lybia. Thole 6. Difpofition ofa planet to other planets that are bitte by it thre die withi hours; and the manner of their dyin being by fleep without any pain, CleoCalmet patra chofe it High-minded Cleopatra, that with ftrok Fairy Queen Of afp's fting herfelf did kill Scorpion, and afp, and amphifbzna dire And dipfas Milton Asp #.f A tree See AsPEN ASPALATHUS. ». /. [Latin. 1. A plant called the rofe of jerufalem, o our lady's rofe In fextile, fquare, and trine, and oppofite Paradife Loft not every fingle ftar fhe a feparat influence, and have afpefs with other ftars of thei ‘2. The wood ofa prickly tree, heavy, ole- aginous the tafte There's fome ill planet reigns I muft be patient till the heavens loo With an‘afpecz more favourable Shakefp. Winter's Tale % Not unlike that which aftrologers call a conJjuné&ion of planets, of no very benign afpec? th one to the other Wotton To the blank moo Her office they prefcrib'd : to th' other fiv Their planetary motions, and a/pes ‘Why doe own conftellatiorn Bentley's Sermons Z AsP 'CT w a [afpicio, Lat.} To befomewhat fharp and bitter t Apalathu afford an oil o admirable fcent, reputed one of the bef perfumes Chambers I gave a fweet {mell like cinnamo and afpala hold: not ufed Happy in their miftake, thofe people who The northern pole afpefs; whom fear of deat (‘The greateft of all human fears) ne'er moves Temple Aspe'cTABLE. adj. [afpectabilis, Lat. Vifible ; being the objeét of fight Aspa'racus. z /. [Lat. 'The name o He was the fole caufe of this afpectable an a plant. Ithas a rofaceous flower of fi perceivable univerfal Raleigh To this ufe of informing us what is in thi leaves, placed orbicularly, out of whof thus, and I yielded a pleafant odour like the bef myrrh Ecclus. xxiv centre rifes the pointal, which turns t a {oft globular berry, full of hard feeds Miller Alparagus affeCs the urine with a fetid mell efpecially if cut when they are white; and therefore have been fufpefted by fome phyficians, a not friendly to the kidneys : -when they are older and begin. to ramify, they lofe this quality; bu then they are not o agreeable Arbuthnat on Aliments A'SPECT. . /o [afpettus, Lat It ap- pears anciently to have been pronounce with the accent onthe laft fyllable, whic is now placed on the firft. 7. Look ; air; appearance 1 hav fuch a beft an The prefented the tongue under a double afpec may juftify the definition, that itis th worft part Government of the Tongue are, in my judgment, the image or pictur of a great ruin, and have the true 4fpe of a worl lying in its rubbith Burner's Theory 2. Countenance ; look Thofe eyes of thine from mine have drawn fal tears Sham'd their afpefzs with ftore of childifh drops Shakefpeare's Richard 111 I am fearful : wherefore frowns he thus 3Tis his afpeé? of terrour All's not well Sbakefp Yet had his afpe nothing of fevere But fuch a face as promis'd him fincere Dryden afpectable world, we fhall find the eye well fitted Ray on the Creation AspE'cTION. 7 /i [from a/peé?.] Beholding; view A Moorifh queen, upon afpetion of the pictur of Andromeda fair one As'pEN conceived .an or Asp . brough felves into all the pores of the bady to ;56 dem forth Brown [epe, Dutch 7, /i [from a/i'f-'r,ate,] }' Asrera'TION making rough Di AsPERIFO'LIOUS. aa}'.IEfmm.we,.' m\rgh and folium a leaf at. Oune of the fo called frop diviitons of plants roughnefs of their leaves The fetting {u Slowly defcended ; and with right afpec an or with Bacon''s Natural Hift pofition Hudibras «, priv toward 4. Direftio knight did ftoop Aso'maTovus. adj Spenfer fe the fpirits of another, there is joined both affe€tion and imagination corpufcles of colour, infinuatin‘!g may afibemte its fuperficies,/ according 0 tha ye fa! E)I he t e c u r c th o u x t nefs an When an envious or an amorous afpef? doth in Milton fate on further fide affope Paope With afpeé open fhall eret his head P 7s A'SPERATE, v. 4. [affam, Lut roughen; to make rough or uneye Thof On the caft ore another Pollio fhine A ap Dan. epre, trembling, Sax. Somner. See Porrar, of which it is a {pecies The leaves of this tree always tremble "The afpen or afp tree hath leaves much the fam with the poplar, only much fmaller, and not f white Mortimer "The builder oak fole king of forefts all The afpen, good for ftatues, the cyprefs funeral Spenfer A'sPEN. adj. [from afp or afpen. 1. Belonging to the afp tree Oh! had the monfter feen thofe lily hand Tremble like afpen leaves upon a lute Shakefp No gale difturbs the trees Nor afpen leaves confefs the:gentleft breeze. Gay 2. Made of afpen wood A'SPER: . adj. [Lat.] Rough ; rugged "This word I have found only in the following paflage All bafe notes, or very treble not s, give a afper found 5 for ‘that the baf friketh more ai than it can well firike equally Bacon Aspe'riTY. 2. [. [afperitas, Lat. 1. Unevennefs; roughnefs of furface Sometimes the pores and afperities o dr ko are fo incommenfurate to th{parti_cles gfl:ytgzd} By, quor, that they glide over the furface 2. Roughnefs of found ; harfhnefs ¢ f pro nunciation 3. Roughnefs or ruggednefs of tempe morofenefs ; fournefs; crabbednefs The charity of the one, like kindly exhalation will defeend in fhowers of bleflings; but the ri- gour and afperity of the other, in a fevere doom upon ourfelves Government of the ‘Taflgm Avoid all unfeemlinefs and afperity of carriage do nothing that may argue a peevith or fwwar {pirit Rogers AsPErRNA'TION. # [ [afpernatio, Lat Neglet; difregard Dig A'spEroUS. ‘adj. [afper, Lat.] Rough uneven Black and white are the moft afpeross and unequal of colours 5 fo like, that it is hard to diffin guifh them : black is the moft rough Zo ASPE'RSE Boyle @. a. [afpergo, Lat.] T befpatter with cenfure or calumny. In the bufinefs of Ireland, befides the opportunity to afperfe the king, they were fafe enough Clarendsp Curb that impetuous tongue, nor rafhly vain And fingly mad, afperfe the fov'reign reign. Popea Unjuttly poets we afperfe Truth fhines the brighter clad in verfe AsPE'RSION. = /o [afperfio, Lat. 1. A f{prinkling Swif If thou doft'break her virgin knot, befor All fan&timonious ceremonies No fweet cygzerfion: thall the heav'ns let fall To make this contra& grow Shakefpedre It exhibits a mixture of new conceits and old whereas the inftauration gives the new unmixed otherwife than with fome little afperfion of the old for tafte's fake, Bagi 2. Calumny; cenfure. The fame afperfions of the king, and the fam grounds of a rebellion AspuA'LTICK adj [fro Gummy ; bituminous Dryden afphalis And with gfphaltick flime, broad as the gate Deep to the roots of hell, the gather'd beac They faften'd ASPHA'LTOS " Mileon ». _/ [a'aa@a?\'rbg, bitumen. A folid, brittle, black, bituminous inflammable fubftance, refembling pitch and chiefly found {wimming on the fur face of th Laeus Afphaltites, or 'Dc?r Sea, where anciently ftood the cities o Sodom and Gomorrah, It is caft up the nature of liquid pitch, from th bottom of this fea; anS; being throw © upon the water, fivims like other fatbodies, and condenfes gradually ASPHALTUM. », /. [ Lat.] Abituminou ftone found near the ‘ancient Babylon and lately in' the province,of Nél_lfcha tel; which, mixed with other matter wmakes an ¢xcellent cegent, iflwmpl: |