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Show IM No Impa'ssABLE. adj. [ir and paffable not admittin .tobe pafled Th Crvious There are in America many high and impa/fabl ‘Impajablp, impervious he wa let us try not able t Impatient for the world, and grafps his promis'd pow't Alexander would have paffed the Ganges told by the Indian al tha beyon On the feas prepar'd the veflel ftands Th* impatient mariner thy {peed demands it wa Impa'TIENTLY Pipe He confidered on would not admi Coriolanus' impeachr e been fatal to their ftate Swift ToIMPE'ARL . a [iz and pearl. 1. 'To form in refemblance of pearls [from impatient, Innumerable as the ftars of night Or ftars of morning 2. Paffionately; ardently thing fo impatiently dewdrops whic the fu Impearls on every leaf, and ev'ry flow'r that h Milton 2. To decorate as with pearls any thing elfe to be worth, con {ideration bee hav no leaf or a adv confequences o had like to hav 1. With rage, under uneafinefs Two divinities might have pleaded their preroi:;zl)x-y/i&ilig' Th Dryden ‘ImpAsSIBILITY. 7. [ [impaffibilité, Fr from impaffible.] Exemption from fuffering; infufceptibility of injury from ex_ternal things gative o The king, provok'd to it by the queen Devis'd impeachments toimprifon him. Shak. R. 11 The lord Somers, though his accufers woul gladly have dropped their impeachment, was inftan with them for the profecution Addifon The mighty Cafar waits his vital hour either impajfable marlhes, or fandy defarts. Temple ardently defirous Sanderf 2. Public accufation; charge preferred endure delay: with fr before the thin defired To found a path from hell to that new world, Milton Whe fciences Addiforn's Spectator 5. Eager Raleigh which are very. rich Opver this gul mountains ment to Chriftian liberty, or enfnaring of men's con man will not give himfelf time to be informed of the matter that lies before him paffage; im fmparlen M Th Clarendon dew and fcatte of the merning impearl every thorn diamond on the verdan mantl of th 3. Eagerly; with great defire earth Digby to Pope Zo Impa'TRONIZE. . a. [impatronifer, FY. | IyppceastiiTy. . /. [impeccabilité,. ¥r in and patronize. 'To gain to one's fe paffo, Latin.] Incapable of fuffering trom impeccable.] Exemption from fin the power of any feigniory. This wor exempt from the agency of external caufes exemption from failure wounded by any mortal hand. Dryden's Zn. Dedic ImMpa'sSIBLE. adj. [zmpaffitle, Fr. in an fou chec t is confente wha by the will, in compliance with the flefh, and ca then hope that, after a few years of fenfuality, tha rebellious fervant {hall be eternally caft off, drop int a perpetual inpaffible nothing, take a long progref into a land where all things are forgotten, this woul Hammond be fome colour Secure of death I fhould contemn thy dart Dryden Though naked, and impaffible depart Ivpa/ssiBLENESS. 7. /. [from impaffible. Impafiibility; exemption from pain How fhamelefs a partiality is it, thus to referv all the fenfualitics of this world for the impaffiblencfs of the next and yet cry ou Decay of Piety Dif Impa'ssioNED. adj. [in and paffion. ordered by paflion So, ftanding, moving, or to height upgrown Milton The tempter, all inpaffion'd, thus began Impalssive. adi. [z and pafive.] Exemp from the agency of external caufes M i She told him what thofe empty phantoms were . Pale funs - Forms without bodies, and impafive aiv. Dryd. fn Mo ivn qud ual f o nparpar roll away unfelt at diftance Pope And on th' impaffive ice the lightnings play Concrete IMpa'sTeD. adj. [iz and pafle. 'This word is not in ufe as into pafte Horribly trick With blood of fathers, mothers daughters, fons s Bak'd and impafled with the parching fires. Shakefp ImpalTIENCE. 7. f. {impaticuce, Fr. impatientia, Lat. 3. Inability to fuffer pain fering rage under fuf All the power of his wits has given way to his /| patience The experimen Shakefpeare's King Lear I refolved fo make was upo thought, and not rathnefs or émpatience Temple 2. Viehemence of temper; heat of paflion ' 3. Inability to fuffer delays eagernefs ImpalrienT, adj. [impationt, ¥r, impatiens Lat. 3. Not able to endure; incapabl to bear with of Fame impatient of extremes 2, Kurious with pain decay Pope unable to bear pain The tortur'd fayage turns arounds And flings about his foam, impatient of the wound DI:}'[{L',',' agitate b fom painfu ~ paflion; clean.sh data import.tsv out README wit « afgbefore the occafion with of impatience is referred more t " the thing, with af to the perfon To be impatient at the death of a perfon, con‘cernin mour 4. Hot Y@L. who i wa certai h muf die is t becaufe thy friend was not born an angel hafty "J 7o ImpaA'WN Laylor's Rule of Jivirg baly w. a. [ impignorate pledge t and pawn. pawn t T giv a to pledge Many now in healt Shall drop their blood, in approbatjo Tha @ a t 1. To 'hinder little in"ufe 9 an who th common o betwee kindle Why what an intricac impeac th Ac IMP &/ ACHABLE. gdj. [from impeach. 4 cufable; chargeable Had God omitted' by pofitive laws:'to give religion to the world, the'wildom ‘of his providenc had been impeachable TmpeaCHik, 7 Cre [fro bring one.who irpeach. s would ‘leave th indu sence of a Saviour & theod A of Longue w [fromiz npeach.) delinquen 'to the mercifu %, / 1. Hi tion let ; Not in ufe i Man now Bu V is thi a Nei 7 i thussetir'd Imre't Shake/p w. a his nobler thoughts employs i;;*]/ir [émpello, Lat.] To driv owards a point o to urge forwa d t s On Mirrah' mind, Zmpell'd on either fide Takes ey'ry bent,:but cannot long abide. Dryder The furge impefZ'd me cn a craggy coaft Fope Propitious gale Attend thy voyage, and impel they fails. Pape' A mightier pow'r the throng direttion fends " t t imp Spenfer on dreland Tell thy king T do mot feck hi painy will hardly confent to loofe his lite with torments Taylor's Rule of living holy Free from th' impediments of light and noife Many of our fierceft intpenc Hooler all virtu Hooker They bring one that' was deaf, and had a impediment in his {peech Mark, vii, 32 Fear is the greatett impediment to martyrdom and; he that is overcome by litde arguments o againft another obftruc To this good purgofe, that {o. fairly thews Dream of impedimen ".Shaks Ant. and Cleopatra An an.accul impeachment I had foreftail'd this dear and deep rebuke May I neve If here you hous'd him; here he would have been 1f he were mad, he would not plead {o coldly S let Lat. The moift impedimerts unto my fpeech 1s this Shakefpeare 2. [ [impedimentum But for m Hin ImpslacH. 7. /i [from the ‘verb. drance; let; impedument, or to impede their courfe The life is led moft happily wherei is exercifed without impediment or let Swift latter hadsimpeached 'T which were the fpeedielt way to remove them Coxic:l:mu; o accoun Lat. The minds of beafts grudge not at their bodie comfort, nor are their {enfes letted from enjoyin their objects: we have the impediments of honour and the torments of confcience Sidney What impedimentsthere are to hinder it, an Addifon wer [impedio tion; oppofition They were both impeached by a houfe of comdiffention a to let; to obftrut Hindrance 2. To accufe by public authority noble @ Impe'DIMENT which they have no reafon to think themfelves abl to refift, theyput themfelves out of all expetatio Hayward of mercy A deflugion on my throat impeached my utterance Howel Grea any aé Creeclhs Manil of an army purpofe never commit The way is open, and no ftop to forc His fons did impeach his journey to the Hol Land, and vexed him all the days of his life. Davies th h DecaiofiP Spenfer mons pretend The ftars return impeac [z‘,vz;rcmbz'e All the forces are muftered to impede its paflage This fenfe i Pope Fr. iz an Exempt from poflibility o IMPE'DE |empecher, Fr. impede ma hinder Each door he opened without any breach "There was no bar to ftop, nor foe him to inpeach wil is the means of confecrating every fin of hiz Hammond on Furndamentals Therefore take heed how you impaws our perfon How yowawake our fleeping fword of war. Shake/p the e prohibited by the word of God, and then that wer a rare char to render him impeccable, or tha Of what your,reverence thall invite us to 70 IMPE'ACH (zz{/' pecco, Lat, fin Go to the king, and let there be impawn' Some furety for a f{afe return again. Shak, HenryIV I Infallibility and impeccability are two of his at The ambition of the French king was to imtributes patronize himfel of the dutchy. Bacon's Henry VI1. | IMp e/cCABLE accufer Not more by envy than excefs of praife 3. Vehementl / 1s not ufual exempt from pain If the uppe Odyf And fev'ral men izipels to fev'ral ends This drives them conftant to a certain : coaft P;{)c' IMPELLENT. 2. fo: [impellens, Liat. A impulfive power; a power that drive forward Hotw fuch a variety of motions fhould be regularl managed, in fuch a wildernefs of paffages, by mer blind impellents and material conveyances, I hav not the leaft conjefture b GLaN < |