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Show 60 nofe; a dangerous beginning and preparation to goo ocke fellowfhip It was well known, that Sir Roger had been Arbuthot guod fellow, in his youth ufed as an epithe 28, It is fometime o flight contempt, implying a kind of negative virtue or bare freedom from ii. M givin Sh awa good man, as far from jealoufy as I'am fro him caufe. Shakef. Merry Wives of Wind had' left the good man at Home, and brough Addifon's Speétator her gallant . In a ludicrous fenfe As for all other good women that love to do bu little work, how handfom it is to loufe themfelye in the funfhine, they that have been buta while i Ireland can well witnefs Spenfer 30. Hearty; earneft; not dubious He, that faw the time fit for the delivery he in tended calle unt u to follo him whic w both, bound by oath, and willing by good will, obeyed Sidney The good will of the nation to the prefént wa clean.sh data import.tsv out README has been fince but too much experienced by the fuccefles that have attended it Temple Good will, fhe faid, my want of ftrength fupplies And diligence hall give what age denies Dryder 3L In Goobp time Not too faft ~In good. time, replies another, you have heard the difpute againft a vacuum in the {chools Collier 32. Iz Goop foorh Really ferioufly What, muft I hold a candle to'my fhames? They in themfelves, good footh are too too light Shakefpeare 332 C_}oon [ o make. 'To keep; t :inamtam ;5 NOt to give up; not to abanon ‘There died upo the place all the chieftains He forced the to retire i al making good the fight without any ground given Bacon's Henry V1 fpite of their dra goons, which were placed there to make guod thei refreat Clarendon Since we claim a proper intereft above others i the pre-eminent rights of the houfhold of faith, the to make gond that claim, we are obliged ahove other belong to this houfhold and virtues tha Sprait ¢ without fear a dangerous war purfues As hqnour made hint firft the danger chufe So Rill he mukes it good on virtue's fcore 34. Goo cftablifh. [ T mate. T Dryden confirm t . I'farther will maintai Upon hisbad life to make all this good S a e p To mape good this explication of the article, i will be.necelfar to prov that th church whic oir Saylour founded and the apoftles gathered wa to receive a conftant and perpetual acceffion Peur/ Thefe propofitions I fhall endeavour to make gaoii 35- Gooo [T5 make. Smalridge 'To perform While fhe fo far extends her grace 1€ 7akes but good the promife of her face 36, Goo [T0 make. 4 l?very ditin Waller To fupply b;ing has fomewhat peculiar to it .Y to make good in one circumftance what it want &) another L' Efrange Which he hath fent propitious, fome great goo Prefaging Milton Nature in man's heart, her laws doth pen Preforibing truth to wit, and good'to will. Dawies The lefleniing or efcaping of evil is to be reckone under the notion of good: the leflening or lofs o guodis to be reckoned under the notjon of evil Wilkins This caution will have alfo this good in it, tha it will put them upon confidering, and teach the the neceflity of examining more than they do Locke Good is what is apt to caufe or increafe plea fure, or diminifh pain in us; or elfe to procure o preferve us in the poffeflion of any other good, o abfence of any evil Refufe to leave thy deftin'd charge.too foon Locke And for the church's good defer thy own Work Prior may have more wit than does them good As bodies perifh through excefs of blood A thirft after truth Pope and a defire of good are prin ciples which il ac with a great and uniyerfal force Rogers 2. Profperity; advancement If he had employ' Thofe excellent gifts of fortune and of natur Unto the good, notruin of the'ftate Bex Fonfin 3. Earnett; not jeft Th goo woma neve died after this came to die for good and all. Good-now Wh By good 1 queftion not but gosd, morally fo calle bonum honeftum, ought, chietly at leaft, to be underftoed; ‘and " that th good of profit or pleafure th bonunr utile, or jucundum hardl com 5. Goonp placed after sad, with as, feems fubftantive ;- but the exprefiion, i1s, think, vicious; and gosd is rather an ad ellipticall je€tiv See Goop confidered as adverbial The pilot muft intend fom his courfe, or he had a ma or i ufed port befor b adv he ftees 7 leave his veflel to th dire@ion of the winds, and the government of th waves South Without gcod nature and gratitude, men had a good live in a wildernefs as in a fociety. L'L/frange Goop. adv 1. Well; not ill; not amifs 2. As Goop No worfe Was I to have never parted from thy fide As good have grown there ftill a lifclefs rib Say the cucko goad'h;w to th hawk Ha yo Shakefpeare' Hamlet ho your devotions jum Dryd Beauty his eyes Th Sidney fatclinefs of houfes, the gosdlinefs of trecs when we behold them, delighteth the'eye Goo'pLy. adj. [from' good. 1. Beautiful graceful Now little in ufe fine Hooker fplendid A prince of a goodly afpe&, and the more goodl by a grav majefty wherewit his mind did dec his outward graces Sidney A'goodlycity is this Antium Shakefp. Coriola Patience and forrow ftrov Which fhould exprefs her gosdlic/f: you have fee Sunfhine and rain at-once Were like a wetter May Her fmiles and tear Shakefp. King Lear Here from gracious England have 1 offe Of goodly thoufands Shakefp, Macbet Rebekah took gusdly raiment of her eldeft ‘fo Efau, and put them upon Jacob Gen. xxvii. 15 Ther wa not amon goodlier perfon than he th childre of Ifrae 1.Sam. iX. 2 Both yonger then they were; of ftature more And all their formes, much good/ier then before Chapman He had not made them any recompence for thei goodly houfes and olive gardens, -deftroyed in th former wars Kinolles "The good/icff man of men fince bor His fons, the fuireft of her daughters Eve. MMilton Of the fourt Edwar was his noble fong Fierce, goodly, valiant, beautiful, and young Not long fince walking in_ the field My purfe-and I; we there beheld A goodly fruit, which #allers -tempting:me I would have pluck'd Waller How full of ornament is all I vie In all its parts! and feems as beautiful as new O goodly ordez'd work ! O power divine Of thee I am, and what I am is thine His eldeft born, a goodly youth to view Drydens Excell'd the reft in fhape and outward {hew into ran account here South Nor holds this earth a more deferving knigh For virtue, valour; and for noble blood Truth, honour, all that is compriz'd in gosd. Dryd this fime watch' She fung this fong with avoice no lefs beautiful t his ears, than her good/inefs was full of harmony t 4. Moral qualities,. fuch as are defireable virtue; righteoufnefs; piety; the contrar to wickednefs His knowledge of good loft, and evil got Happier had it fuffic'd him to have know Good by itfelf, and evil not at all Milton Empty of all good, wherein confift Woman's domeftick honour, and chief praife. AZi: It is now alo Goo'pLiNEss. 7. /. [from goodly. grace; elegance L' Eftrange To know both good and evil, fince his taft Of that defended fruit, but let him boaf A gentl fit down, and tell me, he that knows Gaod-now, good-now with mine *till {h Depart from evil, and do good Pf. xxxiv. 14 Not only carnal good from evil does not juftify but no good, no not a purpofed good, can make evi good Holyday O fons, like one of us is Man become a la bonne henre 2. A foft exclamation of wonder e the cup often at hi Milton iuterjedtion exclamation of intreaty word e Still overcoming evil God is alfo infleep, and dreams advife 27, Companionable; fociable; metry. Ofte prevent the cuttom of havin with goo e Merciful over all his works wow 1. In goodtime ett Love with fear the enly God other original but the good liking and will of hi Locke. that firft made this combination Clarendon by drinking, yet he eat well Not being permitted to drink without eating, wil Shakefpeare's Coriolanus e good nor harm Herred to nothing elfe but itfelf, nor made by an Goo ett . This idea muft neceflarily be adequate, being re No furgeon dilates an abfcefs of any kind by inJe€tions, when the pus is good-conditioned. Sharp S S will do any man's heart good to hear me Shakefp He way'd indifferently *twixt them, doing neithe times ufed ironically Goop-conpirionsp. adj, Without il qualities or fymptoms. Ufed both o things and perfons, but not elegantly {iring greatly to fee usy as we alfo to fee you 1 Theff. iil. 6 Though he did not draw the good fellows to hi the con I fear the emperor means no good to us. Shake/p Let me play the lion too: I will roar, that You have good remembrance of us always, de ufed ironicatly t e happinefs; benefit; advantage trary to evil or mifery Ixxiiis 1 P aclean heart contribute Goob. duterjeditn. Well! right! It is fore e X Sam. xxve 15 not hurt . Truly God is good to Iftacl, even to fuch as are o phyficall Fair But the men were very good unto us, and we wer Goods . f ‘1. That whic tall his limbs with due proportion join'd But ofa heavy 2. Bulky Roun n v l l a u v F 5 GQ .e------------------------------ GO dull, degen'rate mind Diryden fwelling; affeCedly turgid as a globe an liquor'd every chink Goodly and great he fails behind his link }']{appy defireable; gay Diryden ingland was a peaceable kingdom, and but latel re to the mild and geod/y government of th Spenfer We have many geodly days to fee Goo/bLY adv. Excellently S/.‘d»(t/}n GVE€ Obifolete There Alma, like a virgin queen moft bright Doth flourith in all beauty excellent And to her guefts doth bounteous banquet dight Attempered goodly well for health and fo Goo'pLYHOOD. 7. /. [from goodly. goodnefs Obfolete PERJEY Grace But mote thy goodlyhood forgive it me To mect which of the gods I fhail thee name. i not a been cating worms now as pigeons L' Effrange Goobman 7. /i | good aud man. Spenfer t. A flight appellation of ciyility: - gene rally ironical lo |