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Show W B-aA BA B A(T. If golden feconces hang not on the walls To light the coftly fuppers and the balls. Dryden 3. [In fireworks. A ball of pafteboard, ftuffed with combuftible matter, which He would make no extraordinary figure at bail; but I can affure the ladies, for their confola whe any man bright {parks of fire, refembling ftars Swift Ballad once fignified a folemn and facred fong as well as trivial, when Solomon's Song was calle the ballad of ballads5 but now it is applied to nothing but trifling verfe Watts An' T have not 2al/lads made on you all, an fun to filthy tunes ma a cu of fack be 'm Shakefpeare poifon Like the fweet ballad, this amufing la Too long detains the lover on his way Gay 7v Ba'tLAD. w. 7 [from the noun. T make or fing ballads mount t a confidergbl height in the air, and then .burfls int tion, that he has writ better verfes on the fex tha Ba'Lrav. u. [ [balade, Fr.] A fong fired Basvnad iy i ballotey B #o 2. The a& of voting by ballot Ba'vror. @. n choofe by ballot Will catch at us like ftrumpets, and feali'd rhimer Ballad us out 0' tune. Shake[peare Ba'LLAD-SINGER. . /i [from ballad an Jing.] One whole employment is to fin ballads in the fireets No fooner gan he raife his tuneful fong Eut lads and laffes round about him throng. Not ballad-finger, plac'd above the crowd Sings with a note fo fhyilling, fweet, and loud Gfly it is known what is the refult o each vote was given No competition arriving to a fufficient nuEnbc of balls, they fell to ballst fome others. - Wetton Giving their votes by ballsting, they lie unde ng awe Sawift Barvrora'rion. . /. [from baller. act of voting by ballot Th The eleétion is intricate and curious, confiftin of ten feveral ballotations Wotton Bavwm. ni/. [baume, Fr. balfamum, Lat. Ba'vvast. a /. [ballafte, Dutch. 1. The {ap or juice of a fhrub remarkabl odoriferous 1. Something put at the bottom of th Balm trickles through the bleeding vein thip, to keep it fteady to the centre of O happ fhrubs i Idumea plains Dryden gravity 2 An valuabl or fragrant ointment There muft be middle counfellors to keep thing fteatly5 for, without that ballaft, the fhip will roul too much Bacon As for the afcent of a fubmarine veffel, this may be eafily contrived, if there be fome great weigh at the bottom of the fhip, being parc of its ballaft clean.sh data import.tsv out README which, by fome cord within, may be loofened from it \ Wilkins As, when empty barks on billows float With fandy ballaft failors trim the boat So bees bear gravel ftones, whofe poifing weigh Steers thro' the whiftling winds their freddy flight Dryden 2. That which is ufed to make any thin fteady Why fhoul refs he fink where nothing feem'd t His lading little, and his ba//af} lefs 7o Ba'LLasT. . a. [from the noun. Savift 1. To put weight at the bottom ofa thip in order to keep her fteady If this be fo ballafted, as to be of equal weigh with the like magnitude of water, it will be move able Wilkins 2. To keep any thing fteady While thus to 2al/aft love T thought And fo more fteddily t have gone I faw I had love's pinnace overfraught Donne Now you have given me virtue for my guide And with true honour ballafted my pride. Dryden BALLE'TTE. #. /. [ballette, Fr.] A danc in'which fome hiftory is reprefented Ba'LLiarps. . /. [from ball, and yard or flick to pufh it with.] A play a which a ball is driven by the end of ftick : now corruptly called 4://iards With dice, with cards, with balliards, far unfit With fhuttlecocks miffeeming g manly wit, § enfer. Ba'LrisTER See BALvUSTRE gfffo(')o]:. in.f [balion 1. A large round thort-necke in chymiftry 2. [I architefture. bal placed on the top. of a pillar Thy place is fill'd, thy feeptre wrung from thee Thy balm wafh'd off wherewith thou waft anointed. Shakefpeare. 3. Any thing that fooths or mitigates pain You were conduéted to a gentle bath And balms apply'd to you Shakefpeare. Your praife's argument, ba/m of your age Deareft and beft Shake[peare A tender {mile, our forrow's only balm. Young Barwm n. J. [meliffa, Lat. Th Bairm Mint. veflel ufe o glob mame of a plant The fpecies are, 1. Garden balm balm, with yellow variegated flowers 2. Garde s St};ficin Roman balm, with f{ofter hairy leaves Liller Barwm of Gilead 1. The juice drawn from the balfam tree by making incifions in its bark. It colour is firft white, foon after green but, when it comes to be old, it is o the colour of honey The fmell of it i agreeable, and very penetrating; th tafte of it bitter, fharp, and aftringent As little iffues from the plant by incifion, the baim fold by the merchants i made of the wood and green branche of th tree diftilled b fire whic generally adulterated with turpentine i Calmes It feems to me, that the zori of Gilead whic we render in our Bible by the word balm, w s no the fame with the balfam of Mecc , but only better fort of turpentine, then in ufe f r the cure o wounds and other difeafes. Pride usx's Canneions z. A plant remarkable for the ftro g bal{famick {cent which its leave emit upon being bruifed ; whence fom hay fuppofed Ba'LmY. adj. [from balm. 1. Having the qualities of balp Soft on the flow'ry herb I foup d melsq erroneoufly, that the Aul Gilead was taken from this plant Miller 70 BaLMm, v. a. [from balm. 1. To anoint with balm, o with an thing medicinal Balm his foul head with war diftilled waters And b ra fweet wood ¢ Shake[pear 2. 'To footh5 to mitigate ; to a luage Ml"'"' 2. Producing balm Let India boaft her groves, nor env w The weeping amber, and th 3. Soothing ; foft ; mild Come .T [balloter, Fr. ‘that is, by puttin the poll, without any difcovery by who Saucy lictor This reft might yet have baln'd thy fsn{é;. ‘3} balmy tree Py Defdemona, *tis the foldierslif To have their balmy lumbers wak'd with i little balls or tickets, with particula marks, privately in a box; by countin which {leeps In balmy {weat; which with his beam t f Soon dry'd 1. A little ball or ticket ufed in givin votes, being put privately into a box o urn 7 Oppreft natur Sh ah' Such vifions hourly pafs before my fight T Which from my eyes their balmy flumber frigh 4 Fragrant Dryden odoriferous Thofe rich perfumes which from the happy for The winds upon their balny wings convey'd Whofe guilty fweetnefs firft the world betray'd Firft Eurus to the rifing morn is fent The regions of the balmy continent Diyden 5. Mitigating ; afluafive Gh almy breath, that doth almoft perfuad Juftice to break her fword Shatefpear Ba'uneary. n /[ [balnearium, 'Lat.i bathing-room Tke balnearies, and bathing-places, he expofet unto the furnmer fetting Barnea'rion Broaon's Vulgar Errqurs z. /0 [from balneum, Lat a bath.] The a& of bathing A ma the head ma th fame wa be difturbed by the kin, i be relieved, as is obfervablef balneations, and fomentations of that part Ba'uxeaTory adj Brown's Valgar Errour [balneariss, Lat Belonging to a bath or ftove Ba'Lorape. s / The leap of an horfe fo that when his fore-feet are in the air ‘he fhews nothing but the fhoes of hi hinder-feet, without yerking oat. balotad differ fro a capriole; fa when a horfe works at caprioles, h yerks out his hinder legs-with all force Farrier's Did Ba'Lsam ment O%nt [ balfamum, Lat. a unguent a unctuous apphga tion thicker than oil, and fofter tha {alve Chrift's blood our balfam; if that cure us here Him, when our judge, we fhall not find fevere. Denb Ba'Lsa Apple [momordica annual Tndian plant Ba'vsam Tree Lat :,;A This is a fhrub which fcarce grows taller the the pomegranate tree ; the blofloms are like fina' ftars ver fragrant whenc {pring ou l-',t pointed pods, inclofing a fruit like an almon called carpobalfamum, as the wood is called' xyloCalniet balfamum, and the juice opobalfamum Barsa'micar ady [from balfam.] Ha ing the qualities" o balfam; unuous; mitigating; {oft mild ; oily Bavrsa'mick If there be a wound in my leg, the vital we!&? of my foul thrufts out the balfamical h"""f}‘, ale my blood «o heal it The aliment of fuch as have frefh wounds ough to be fuc as keep th humours from Pl{tffi faction, and renders them oily and falfamick jrhltlm. BaLusTER. 2 /. [according to D cq.yga from balauftrimm, low Lat. a bzith'fl ' place. A fmall column or pilaf from an inch' and three quart ers o fo inches fquare or diameter. Their ‘dimeflfifln fr |