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Show COH CounTERCcHCKE. 7./t [from the verb. ~ Stop; rebuke l cut, h we no s w r be hi fa i ag I would fay I lye: this is called the counterchec Shakefpeare " quarrelfome &% CouNTERDRA'W. @. a. [from counte and draw.] With painters, to copy defign or painting by means of a fin linen cloth, an oiled paper, or othe tranfparent matter, whereon the ftrokes CoOv I am no counterfeit 5 to die is to be a counterfeit another counterfeit of a man, who hat for he is but th not the life of a man Shake[peare This prieft, being utterly unacquainted with th true perfon, according to whofe pattern he fhoul thape his counterfeit, yet could think it poflible fo him to inftruét his player, either in gefture o fafhions . 2. 'To oppofe ; to contradiét the orders o For us to alter any thing, is to lift up ourfelve againft God, and, as it were, to countermand him Hooker 3. To prohibit Avicen countermands letting blood in- choleric o bodies, becaufe he efteems the blood a brid Harw; ey the gall or in fit anfwers to queftions, to com Bacos near the refemblance But truft me, child, I'm much inclin'd to fea Some counterfeit in this your Jupiter. Addif. Owid CounNTERMA'ND. n. [, [contremand, Fr. Repeal of a former order anoo imitatio 1 mad Somethin 2 Have you no countermand for Claudio yet appearing through, are traced with i whic tha fo paf t intende ther Meaf fo Meaf Shak ow to-mor di h muf Bu r b Cha pencil refemble forgery an [count 7 v 'RCH TERM CouU 7 E N m /o [counter an COUNTEREVID My father was I know not where marc t r backw marc T march d o th i w i . b f c T evide When I was ftampt. Some coiner, with his toels, i indirec ways feem' mothe m ye pofition of fome former witnefs is opei counter Made me CounTERMA'RCH. 7. /. [from the verb. Shake[peare's Cymbeline The Dian of that time pofed Senfe itfelf defeéts its more palpable deceits by counter-evidence, and the more ordinary impofture feldom outlive the firft experiments Glanwille's Scepfis We have little reafon to queftion his teftimon in this point, feeing it is backed by others of goo is no counterevidence .credit 3 and -all becaufe there . nor any witnefs, that appears againtt it Burnet's Theory of the Earth To CO'UNTERFEIT «. a, [contrefaire Er. 1. To copy with an intent to pafs the cop for an original ; to forge ‘What art thou + 'That counterfeits the perfon of a king Shakefpeare's Henry IV It came into this prieft's fancy to caufe this la to counterfeit and perfonate the fecond fon of Ed ward IV. fuppofed to be murdered Bacon's Henry V11 There have been fome that could counterfeit th diftance of voices, which is a fecondary objeét o - hearing, in fuch fort, as, when they ftand faft b you, you would think the fpeech came from afa off in a fearful manner Bacon's Natural Hiffery Say, lovely dream, whare couldft thou fin Shadows to counterfeit that face Waller 1t happens, that not one fingle line or thought i contained in this impofture, although it appear that they who counterfeited me had heard of th true one. Sawift 2. To imitate ; to copy ; to refemble And, oh, you mortal engines ! whofe rude throat Th' immortal Jove's dread clamours counterfeit Farewell Shakefpeare's Otbello O Eve! in evil hour thou did'ft give ea To that falfe worm, of whomfoever taugh To counterfeit man's voice. Milton's Paradife Loft To counterfeit, is to put on the likenefs and appearance of fome real excellency: Briftol-ftone clean.sh data import.tsv out README would not pretend to be diamonds, if there neve had been diamonds Tillotfon "Co'unTERFEIT. adj. [from the verb. 1. That which is made in imitation o another, with intent to pafs for the original ; forged; fititious Ilear Now of my own experience, not by talk obfervation draw fro particulars are the jewels of knowledge, comprehending grea ftore in alittle room 5 but they are therefore to b made with the greater care and caution, left, i w tak couaterfei for true ou fham b th greater, when our ftock comes to a fevere fcrutiny Locke 2. Deceitful ; hypocritical True friends appear lefs mov'd than counter feit Rofcominon Co'unrerFEIT b On _poftor % /. [from the verb. who perfonate Vor. L another a im 1. Retroceffion ; march backward ; marc in a different direétion from the former How are fuch an infinite number of" thing placed with fuch order in the memory, notwithftanding the tumults, marches, and countarmarche Tillotfon fomething that really is CO'UNTERFEITER. 7. /. [from counterfeit.] A forger; one who contrives copies to pafs for originals. Henry the Second altere th coin 2 Co'UNTERFEITLY. adv. [from counterJfeit.] Falely ; fiGtitioudly ; with forgery Since the wifdom of their choice is rather t have my cap than my heart,-1 will practife the infinuating nod, and be off to them moft counterShake[peare's Coriolanus Seitly CoUNTERFE'RMENT. 7. f. [counter an Jferment.] Ferment oppofed to ferment What unnatural motions and counterferment muft a medley of intemperance produce in th body ! When I behold a fafhionable table, I fanc I fee innumerable diftempers lurking in ambufcad Addifor's Spectator among the difhes of the animal fpirit Chang o meafuree Collicr on Thought alteratio o conduct which wa corrupted by counterfeiters, to the great good of th Camden commonwealth They make him do and undo, go forward an backwards by fuch countermarches and retractions as we do not willingly impute to wifdom Burnet's Theory of the Earth CouNTERMA RK. 7. /. [counter and maré. 1. A fecond or third mark put on .2 bdl of goods belonging to feveral 'merchants, that it may not be opened bu in the prefence of them all 2. The mark of the goldfmiths company to fhew the metal is ftandard, added t that of the artificer 3. An artificial cavity made in fthe teet of horfes, that have outgrown their na CoUNTERFE'SANCE. 7. /. [contrefaifance tural mark, to difguife their age The a&t of counterfeiting ; 4. A mark added to a medal a long tim French. forgery. Not in ufe after it is ftruck, by which the curiou And his man Reynold, with fine counter fefance Supports his credit and his countenance Hubberd's Tale Such is the face of falfchood, fuch the figh Of foul Duefla, when her borrow'd ligh Is laid away, and counterfefance known. Fairy 9 know the {feveral changes in value whic it has undergone 7 Chambers COUNTERMA'RK. U 4 [comz/e an mark. 7. /. [from counter an A horfe is faid ta be coustermarked, when hi corner teeth are artificially made hollow, a falf Comnterforts, buttrefles or fpurs, are pillars ferving to fupport walls or terraffes fubjet to bulge Chambers CouNTERMI'NE. n. /. [counter and mine. Co'uUNTERFORT fort. CounTERGA'GE. 7. /. [from counter an gage.] In carpentry, a method ufed t meafure the joints, by transferring th breadth of a mortife to the place wher the teno is t be, i orde t mark being made in the hollow place, in imitatio of the eye of a bean, to conceal the horfe's age Farrier's Dict 1 rapet and ditch, to cover fome part o the body of the place Military Did CouNTERLI'GHT. . /. [from counter an light. A window or light oppofite t any thing, which makes it appear to difadvantage Chambers 7o CounTERMA'ND French. 1. To orde th der, an ta wha ordered or intended before t di&, annul, or repeal a command In ftates notorioufly irreligious, a fecret an irrcfiltible power countermands their deepeft pro Jets, and {ites thely policies with fruftration an Satith a curfe the ground ramme the walls the mouths; bu laid the powthe citizen 2. Means of oppefition ; means of counteraction He thinking bimfelf contemued knowin n countermine againft contempt but terror, bezan t let nothing pafs, which might bear the colour o a fault, without tharp punithment Sidney 3. A ftratagem by which any contrivanc 1s defeated The matter being brought to a trial of fkill, th countermine was only an at of felf-prefervation wa contra funk int made a countermine, and thereinto they poured fuc a plenty of water, that the wet powder could no be fired Hayavard . a. [contremander contrar or hol After this they mine mak A {mall rampart, with pa A wel from whick a gallery or branch runs ou under ground, to {eek out the enemy' mine, and difappointit. Military D:Z Chambers them fit each other CounTERGUARD. #. /o [from' counte and guard. How counterfeit a coin they are, who friend Bear in their fuperfeription ; in profperous day They fwarm, but in adverfe withdraw their head DMilton Genera There would be no counterfeits but for the fake o fomething real; though pretenders feem to b what they really are not, yet they preténd to b L'Efirange 7 CouNTERMI'NE. @. a. [from th noun 1. To delve a pafiage into an enemy' mine, by which the powder may eva porate without mif€hief 20 T |