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Show jf ; FI FIL 4 'To diverfify; to variegate with adventitious forms or matter whiteft marble, were nothing elfe but fo many figure Addifon in fnow . Reprefentations in painting; perfons exhibited in colours Than hadI feen the vaulty top of heav' Figur'd quite o'er with burning meteors Whe The figure of a fyllogifm is the proper difpofitio of the middle term with the parts of the queftion Hearts Watts's Logick tongues, figures fcribes canno bards mon aétions and paflion virtue to us than was done by the ancients. ~ Dryd The emperor appears as -a rifing fun, and holds globe in his hand to figure out the earth that is enAddifo Jightened and acuated by his beams fums, {o in human affairs words pafs for things them W South's Sermons do not kno what's brough 6. 'T'o image in the mind Noie that feels fenfibly the decays of age, and hi life wearing off, can figure to himfelf thof to pafs unde He fet a figure to difcove 1f you were fied to Rye or Dover Hudibras Figure-flingers and ftar-gazers pretend to foretel the fortunes of kingdoms, and have no forefight i what concerns themfelves 1. VL{In theology. L' Efirange reprefentative Type Who was the figure of him that is to come Romans 12. [In rhetorick.] Any mode of fpeakin in which words are detorted from thei literal and primitive fenfe. In ftri& ac_ceptation, the change of a word is a #pe and any affetion of a fentence a fgure but they -are confounded even by the ex afteft writers Silken terms precife Figures pedantical, thefe Summer flie Have blown me full of maggot oftentation Shak Here is a ftrange figure invented againit the plai and natural fenfe of the words; for by praying t beftow, muft be underftood only praying to pray Stilling fleet They have been taught rhetorick, but never taugh language; as if the names of the figures that embellithed the difcourfe of thofe, who underftood th art of fpeaking, were the very art and fkill of fpeaking well Locke 13. [In grammar.] Any deviation from th rules of analogy or fyntax 7o Fi'curE. @, a. [from figuro, Latin. 3. To form into any determinate fhape. ‘Trees and herbs, in the growing forth of thei boughs and branches, are not figured, and keep n order Bacon Accept this goblet, rough with f£gur'd gold Dryd, Virg 2, To thow by a corporeal refemblance: a 1n piture or ftatuary Arachne figur'd how Jove did abuf Her through the fea did bear; fo lively feen That it true fea, and true bull ye would ween Spenfer Now marks the courfe of rolling orbs on high Oer figur'd world now travels with his eye cove 1mages o ador wit Pope figures o T'll give my jewels for a fet of beads y gorgeous palace for a hermitage My gay apparel for an alm{man's gown, My figur'd goblets for a difh of wood In this the heaven figures fome event Shakefp to pilfer by robbery nothing *Twa FI'LACER . / [flazarius lo Latin lum.] An officer in the Common Pleas fo called becaufe he files thofe writ whereon he makes procefs. There ar fourteen of them in their feveral divifion and counties : they make out all origina procefs, as well real as perfonal and mixt Robs me of that which not enriches him every bee did nought elfe but fting; fome like hor nets, fome like jfilching wafps, others as drones Burton on Melancholy What made thee venture to betiay s And filch the lady's heart away Hudibras The pifmire was formerly a hufbandman,. tha fecretly filched away his neighbour's goods L'E/fs Fain would they f/ch that litde food away While unreftrain'd thofe happy gluttons prey. Dryd So fpeeds the wily fox Gay Fr'vcuer. n.f. [from filch.] A thief; petty robber FILE. #. /. [fle, French; filum, a thread Latin. 1. A thread. Not ufed But let me refume the f/e of my narration, whic this obje of beoks, beft agreeable to my courfe of life, hath a little interrupted Worton 2. A line on which papers are ftrung t keep them in order All records, wherein there was any memory of th king's attainder, fhould be cancelled and taken of the feciens Bacon The petitions being thus prepared, do you continually fet apart'an hour in a day to perufe thofe and then rank them into feveral files, according t the fubject matters ~Bacon Th' apothecary-train is wholly blind' From files a random recipe they take And many deaths of one prefcription make. Dryden an more elightened filament, it ftirreth not the bodie Bro interpofed nothing remaining but the ambient membrane, an a number of withered veins and flaments. Harvey The ever-rolling orb's impulfive ra On the next threads and filaments does bear alarm'd by fear Who lately filch'd the turkey's callow care Fi'vament. 2 f. [ flament, French; filamenta, Latin.] A flender thread; a bod flender and long like a thread The Jungs of confumptives have been confumed Shakefpeare's Othells He could difcern cities like hives ot bees, wherei Hazrris 3. A catalogue roll; feries Our prefent mufters grow upon the £ To five and twenty thoufand men of choice The valu'd fil Diftinguifhes the fwift, the flow, the fubtle 4. A line of foldiers ranged on another Blackn The quick vibration propagates the light, The dung of horfes is nothing but the flament of the hay, and as fuch combuftible But he that f#/ches from me my good name As thro' a cryftal glafs the jfgzr'd hours are feen Dryder and fometimes the down that groweth above Bacon's Natural Hiffory 'tis fomething mine, 'tis his, and has been flave to thou fands Each thought was vifible that roll'd within monly And makes me poor indeed They make cables of the bark of lime trees: i is the ftalk that maketh the f/aceous matter com Tuffer's Hufbe Who fteals my purfe, fieals trafth Lacke Fr'cwort. # f [fg and wort; firaria. Miller A ;)Iant Fira ceovus. adj, [ from filum, Latin. Confifting of threads; compofed o threads to tak It is ufually fpoken of pett The champion robbeth by night And prowleth and flcheth by daie Figured and metaphorical expreflions do well t lluttrate more abftrufe and unfamiliar ideas, whic Fir'cURE-FLINGER 7. /. [figure and fling. A pretender to aftrology and prediGtion to rob He fhall find his wealth wonderfully enlarged b keeping his cattle in inclofures, where they f(hal always have fafe being, that none are continuall Jilched and ftolen Spenfer not literal 9. To note by charatters to pillage thefts 8. 'To form figuratively; to ufe in a fenf the mind is not yet thoroughly accuftomed to the beft are thof Mortimer 7o FILCH. «.a2. [A word of uncertai etymology. The French word fler, fro which fome derive it, is of very lat produltion, and therefore cannot be it original. 'To fteal; to take by theft Shake/p _Which form the {pringy texture of the air And thofe ftill ftrike the next, 'till to the figh bigger than either of the former of a thin fhell Three glorious funs, each one a perfet fun The effluvium paffing out in a fmaller thread Europa like a bull, and on his bac Yet in a jilbert T have often know Maggots furvive, when all the kernel's gone, Dorfe There is alfo another kind, ‘called the fi/bert o Conftantinople; the leaves and fruit of which ar ima Quacks, figure-flingers, pettifoggers, and republican' plotters cannot well live without it Co/lier Three pil'd hyperboles, fpruce affetation 3 -T Bacon's Effays On what elfe fhould thy worm of fancy feed rior 7. To prefigure ; to forethow of all colours Thou haft a brain, fuch as it is indeed If love, alas! be pain, the pain I bea No thought can figure, and no tongue declare. Shakefpeare monkfhood ginary charms in riches and praife, that men ar apt to do in the warmth of their blood Temple the profeffion of fortunetelling: fhe works by charms by fpells, by the figure, and daubry beyond ou element In Auguft comes fruit of all forts; as plumbs pears, apricots, barberries, fl/berts mufkmelons Shak like a glafs of nature, figrring a more pratticabl Filbert or Filibert A fine hazel nut with a thin fhell life, and mor of huma fro the name of him who brought it hither. arriage rings are not of this ftuff' Oh! why fhould ought lefs precious or lefs toug Figure our loves Donne An heroic poem fhould be more fitted to the com He that feeketh to be eminent amongft able men hath a great tafk; but that is ever good for th publick: but he that plots to be the only figur among cyphers, is the decay of a whole age. ~ Bacon *As in accounts cyphers and figures pafs for rea of th fore corrupte are faid to be vifible figns o F/'%/zlm'flg the nature of the times deceafed poet His love to Anthony. Shakefpeare's Ant. and Cleop 10. The horofcope; the diagra afpelts of the aftrological houfes facrament There is a hiftory in all mens lives Think, {peak, caft, write, fing, numbe felves introduced or cultivated it ; and is there invifible grace, we thereby conceive how grace i indecd the very end for which thefe h¢avenly myfterie were inftituted; and the matter whereof they confif is fuch as fignifieth, figureth, and reprefenteth thei Hooker end 8. Arrangement; difpofition; modification 9. A charafter denoting a number Shake/p §« To reprefent by a typical or figurativ refemblance and Skiuner from the long beards or hutks as corrupted from ful/ beard or full o beard It probably had its name, lik many other fruits, from fome onc tha Startle mine eyes, and make me more amaz' In the principal figures of a picture the painte Js to employ the finews of his art; for in them coaDryden fifts the principal beauty of his work My favourite books and pictures fell -And fet the price upon the bigger Fi'LeErT, 2 /. [This is derived by Fuuin But this effufion of fuch manly drops ~Kindly throw in a little figure FL Shak Shak behin Thofe goodly eyes Ardusbno That o'cx the files and muffers-of the wa Have |