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Show Ny AR AR anh fi:m rfi\.‘ in God's eourt, and are laid up in his archives, a witneffes either for or againtt us Q:\" Government of the Tongue I fhall now only look a little into the 'Mofui A'RDENT. i 1. Hot U rue, marjoram Y The court of arches, fo called ab arcuata ecclefia or from Bo church, b reafon of th W&L'fi ARCI'TENENT Bow-bearing li adj fteeple o fier';. &¢. diftilled before fermentation ance or quality of fire A knight of {warthy fac High on a cole-black fteed purfued the chace With flathing flames his ardent eyes were fill'd Ayliffe's Parergon [arcitenens reafon of the high mountains that encompafs it burnig 2. Fierce ; vehement; having the appear clochier thereof, raifed at the top with ftone pillars, in fafhion ofa bow bent archavife fi;. [;\ Lat yield oils without any burning fpirits; ‘but, afte fermentation, yield ardent fpirits without oils which fhews, that their oil is, by fermentation conve 1 ted into fpirit DNeavton's Opticks A'rcuwiss. adv. [from arch and wife. In the form of an arch burning [ardens Chym'{fls obferve, that vegetables, as lavender archives, to obferve what they furnifh us with upWoodward on this fubject adj AR Lat. Di& 3. Paflionate; affeCionate rally of defire Arcra'rTion.z./ [from ardo,toftraiten. Straitening ; confinement to a nar Dryden ufed gene Another symph with fatal pow'r may rife To damp the finking beams of Czelia's eyes § rower compafs Wi ha ghty pride may hear her charms confeft ay A'RcTICK. 7. /. [from &g«®-, the northAnd {corn the ardent vows that I have bleft. Prior vero.Tt: ern conftellation.] Northern; lying un- -A'RDENTLY ad [f o ar en . Ea er31(1:.‘« der the Arftos, or bear. See ArTick l af e@ on te y Ever-during fnows, perpetual fhade With true zeal may our hearts be moft ardentl Of darknefs would congeal their livid blood Did not the ar&ick tract fpontaneous yiel A cheering purple berry big with wine Philips inflamed to our religion A'RDOUR. 2. /. [ardor, Lat. heat. 1. Heat & A'rcrick Circle. The circle at which th northern frigid zone begins o, YCA'RCUATE adj. [arcuatus, Lat. Joy, like a ray of the fun, refle@swith a greate ardeur and quicknefs Bent i 2. Hea caufe of the confufion in founds, and th inconfufio of fpecies vifible is, for tha th Unmov'd the min Ray on the Creation. e, - A'RCUATILE adj. [from arcuate.] Bent iy Dig from feed, or that bea elm ' # lime alder Arpu'try. z f. [from arduous.] Height difficulty Dis A'RDUOUS an is { 2. Difficult called from bending down to the groun It was a means to bring him up in the fchool the branches which fpring from the off of arts and policy, and fo to fit him for tha great and arduous employment that God defigne him to South Di& i ARcuBA'LISTER. 7 /. [from arcus, a bow @i (ks " gr o and balifa, an engine. man men are rafh, old are cautious The lowelt not ARE, or Alamire crofsbow foo difpatc bu one in Guido's fcale of mufick King John was efpied by 2 wvery good arcubaHiffer, who faid, that he woul th cruel tyrant. God forbid, vile varlet, quoth th earl, that we fhould procure the death of the hol Camden's Remains. one of God. Hammond's Pract. Catechifm The ineffable happ}x"xafs of our dear Redeeme muft need M 5 brin a increai to ours, commen furate to the ardency of our love for him Boyle Addifon In areas vary'd with Mofaick art Some whirl the difk, and fome the jav'lin dart Pope Zo ARE"AD, or AREED. @. 4. [apeban Sax. to counfel.] To advife; to dire& Knights and ladies gentle deeds Whofe praifes having flept in filence long Me, all too meane, the facred mufe areed To blazon broad Fairy Queen But mark what I aread thee now : avant Fly thither whence thou fled'ft ! If from this hou Within thefe hallow'd limits thou appear Back to th' infernal pit I drag thee chain'd Paradife Loff Arera'cTioN. n f. [arefacio, Lat. t dry.] The ftate of growing dry ; th att of drying From them, and their motions, principally pro ceed arefattion, and moft of the effeéts of nature Bacon To A'REFY. . a. [arefacio, Lat. to dry. Todry ; to exhauft of moifture Heat drieth bodies that do eafily expire, a parchment, leaves, roots, clay, &c. and fo dot time or age arefy, as in the fame bodies, & Bacon's Natural Hiftory ARENA'CEOUS adj [arena Lat fand. Sandy ; having the qualities.of fand A piece of the frone of the fam mines of yellowith brown colour, an arenaccous friable fubftance, and with fome white fpar mixed with it Woodward on Foffils Arena'rioN # [fro arena Lat {fand. Is ufed by fome phyficians fo a fort of dry bath, when the patient fit with his feet uponhot fand ARENO'SE. adj. [from arena, Lat. dy ; full of {and ArRe‘'NULOUS. agj. [from arensla Dis SanDi& Lat {fand. Full of fmall fand ; gravelly AREO'TICK. adj. [éeaiorina.] Attenuents applied to medicines that diflolve vifcidities, fo that the morbifick matter ma be carried. off by fweat, or infenfibl perfpiration D:4 ARETO'LOGY #. /. [fro deern virtue and Aéyw, to difcourfe.] That part o moral philofophy which treats of virtue its nature; and the means of arriving a it Di&g Gamut I am, the ground of all ‘accord Are to plead Hortenfio's paffion B mi Bianca take him for thy lord Skakefp C faut, that loves with all affection Let us conceive a floor or arez of goodly length with the breadth fomewhat more than half th Watton longitude The Alban lake is of an oval figure filver. 1. The white colour ufed in the coats o gentlemen, knights, and baronets, fup [Latin. / 7 A'REA difpofinatura Signifie ¢ Arp. [Saxon. an betwee containe furfac Th 1 tion; as, Goddard, is a divine temper lines or boundaries Reinard, a fincere temper; Giffard, The area of a triangle is found by knowing th bountiful and liberal difpofition ; BerWatts's Logick height and the bafe nard, filial affection Gibforn's Camden. 2. Any open furface, as, the floor of A'RDENCY. 7. /. [from ardent.] Ardour room; the open part of a church; th eagernefs ; warmth of affection vacant part or ftage of an amphitheatre , Accepted our prayers fhall be, if qualified wit bowling o lifts a place inclofe A humility, and ardency, and perfeverance, fo far a ‘fif'/; eoncerns the end immediate toi them green, or grafs-plot A'RDUOUSNESS. 7 f. [from arduous.] A'rcar. z./. Hard lees fticking to th Height ; difficulty fides of wine veflels, more commonl Are. The third perfon plural of the pre- called tartar Di fent tenfe of the verb z0 4e; as, youn A'RGENT. adj. [from argentum, Lat The bending or curvature of an arch High on Parnaflus' top her fons fhe thow'd, And pointed out thofe arduous paths they trod Pope fets or ftools dfter they are planted w Chambers ro vt A'RCUATURE. 7./- [arcuatura, low Lat. i adj. [arduus, Lat. 1. Lofty ; hard to climb no feed, -as th willow This i Veil'd with his gorgeous wings, up-fpringing light Flew thro' the midft of heav'n Paradife Lof :%"f 3. [In gardening.] The method of raifin by layers fuch trees as cannot be raife "% be:a; Pope Thoufand celeftial ardours, where he ftoo defire of Ithacus remain'd 3. The perfon ardent or bright only ufed by M:lton The adt of bending any thing ; incur crookednefs love Nor delay'd the winged faint After his charge receiv'd ; but from amon vation i) 2, The ftate of being bent ; curvity, o as South And the vain ardours of our love reftrain'd the ‘midrift infleGed Arcua'rion. . f. [from arcuate. upon The foldiers fhout around with gen'rous rage He prais'd their ardour, inly pleas'd to fe His hoft Dryden the carneous fibres are infleéted and arcuate it of affection courage fight worketh in right lines; but founds, tha move in oblique and arcuate lines, muft' need encounter and difturb the one the other Bacon's Natural Hiftory In the gullet, where it perforatet when it rebound man from the breaft of his friend the form of an arch Th Spratt's Sermons looks like the area of fome vaft amphitheatre and, by pofed to bg the reprefentation of tha metal Rinaldo fling As fwift as fiery lightning kindled new His argent eagle, with her filver wing In field of azure, fair Ermini knew Fairfas In an argent field, the god of wa Was drawn triumphant on his iron car Drydez 2. Silver; bright like filver Thofe argent fields more likely habitants Tranflated faints, or middle {pitits, hold Betwixt th' angelical and human kind Or afk of yonder argent fields above Why Jove's fatellites are lefs than Jove Milton Pope ArGENTA'TION. 2. /. [from argentum,Lat filver.] An overlaying with filver. D A'RGENTINE. adj. [argentin, Fr.] Sound ing like filver Dia ArGiL |