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Show Shakefp. Cymbeline Good-morrow to the fun Woman's gentle brai Could not drop forth fuch giwnt rude invention Shakefp. As you like it Such Ethiop words Fierce faces threat'ning wars Miltor Giants of mighty bone, and bold emprife far exceede renown an nature proportion th o me an men thofe might giants Thof ftrength of thofe giamts remembered by Mofes o Raleigh's Hiftory his own time The giant brothers, in their camp, have foun T as not forc'd with eafe to quit my ground. Diyd By weary fteps and flo *The groping giant with a trunk of pin Addifon Explor'd his way Great Polypheme of more than mortal might. Pope A fheGrantess. 2 f. [from giant. giant; a woman of unnatural bulk an S‘ZU{f/ 2. Any traverfe beams without romance over Decay of Piety clean.sh data import.tsv out README come giantly difficulties Notwithftanding all their talk of reafon and pbiJofophy, which they are deplorably firangers to, an thofe unanfwerable doubts and difficulties, »wln.ch againft th objection Chriftia South Qualit Gi'anTsair. # /. [from giant. cor charadter of a giant His giant/bip is gone fomewhat creft fallen Stalking with lefs unconfcionable ftrides Miltor's Agonifies And lower looks 7/. Any old worn-out animal G1'sBE Hanmer Did fqueak and gibber in the Roman ftreets. Shake/ Gi'seerisH # / fhips. from each other, but the gibbojity of the inRay terjacent water French from gaber fro chymica th cant originall an implied the jargon of Geberand his tribe. Cant; the private language of rogues an words without meaning gipleys Some happe if the t hea a word ol albeit very natural and fignificant, cry out ftraightway, that we fpeak no Englith, but gibberi/b Spenfer Some of both fexes writing dow jetters juf a i cam int a number o thei heads upo reading this gibderi/b, that which the men had wrot founded like High Dutch, and the other by the women like Italian Sawift fwelling into in The bones will rife, and make a gibboxs member Wifeman A pointed flinty rock, all bare and black Grew gibbous from behind the mountain's back Dryden Th fea, by thi fhuffling th accefs and recefs empty fhells, wears them away, reducing thofe tha Woodward. are concave and gibbous to aflat 2. Crookbacked th ho 1 deman camels of Balria cam t have two bunches in their back, whereas the camel How oxen, in fom of Arabia have but one countries, began and continue gibbous, or haunchBrowan backed Con G1'BBOUSNESS. 7. /. [from gibbous. vexity; prominence To make the convexity of .the earth difcernible fuppofe a man lifted in the air, that he may hav a fpaciou horizon bu then becauf of th ftance, the convexity and gibboufnefs woul di vanif away, and he would only fee a great circular flat Bentley's Sermons An old worn G1BCAT. 7 /. [giband cat. out cat I am as melancholy as a gibcat, or a lugg'd bear Shakefpeare to cheat; by other conjeétured to be formed by corruptio But as it was ancientl from jabber written gebri/b, it is probably derive adj. [gibbus, Latin ; gibbenx 7 GIBE w [gaber French ol fneer, to ridicule.] To fneer cenforioufnefs with contempt They fee late a fram whereof w enemics, lef at our party t to joi to imagine that we have ere&ted o of fome new religion, the furnitur fhould not have borrowed from ou they thould afterwards laugh and gib Hocker When he faw her toy, and gibe And pafs the bounds of modei Her dalliance he defpis'd Why that's the way to chok Whofe influence is begot of tha Which fhallow laughing hearer Thus with talents well endu' and geer merry make Spenfer a giding fpirit loofe grac give to fools. Shak When you pertly raife your fnout ¥leer and grbe, and laugh and flout t ‘That blefled pow'r which he had fet at nought Dawuies You fcanda to the ftock of verfe, a rac Abje to bring the giddes in difgrace Cleaveland Is of more ferious confequence Savift taunt When rioting in Alexandria, yo Did pocket up my letters, and with taunt Did gibe my miflive out of audience Shakefpeare Draw the beafts as I defcribe them From their features, while 1 gibe them Swift Ben Fonfor G1'B1NGLY. adv. [from gibe.] clean.sh data import.tsv out README Scornfully centemptuoudly His prefent portance Gibingly and ungravely he did fafhio After th' inveterate hate he bears to you Shakefp Gr'eLets. #. f. [According to Minfhea from gobbet, gobblet: according to Funiu more properly from gibier, game, Fr. The parts of a goofe which are cut off before 1t is roafted *Tis holyday; provide me better chée 'Tis holyday and fhall be round the year Shall I my houfhold gods and genius cheat To make him rich who grudges me my meat That he may loll'at eale; and pamper'd high When Iam laid, may feed on giblet pie Drydes ‘G1/'BSTAFF. 7 / 1. A long ftaff to gage water, or to fhov forth a veffel into the deep 2. A weapon ufed formerly to fight beaft Di& upon the ftage Gi'ppiLy. adv. Pfrom giddy. 1. With the head feeming to turn round 2. Inconftantly; unfteadily To roa Giddily, and be every where but at home Such freedom doth a banifhment become Disnse 3. Carelefly; heedlefly; negligently The parts that fortune hath beftow'd upon her Shakefp Tell her, I hold as giddily as fortune Gr'opingss. z /. [from giddy. 1. The ftate of being giddy or vertiginous the fenfation which we have when ever thing feems to turn round Megrims and giddinefs are rather when we rif Bacon after long fitting, than while wefit This blefled thiftle, which is fo fovereign a me dicine againft the giddinefs of the brain; 'tis. thi will fettle it Holyday Vain fhow and noife intoxicate the brain Young Begin with giddinefs, and end in pain 2. Inconftancy ; unfteadinefs ; mutability changeablenefs, . There be that delight in giddinefs, and count i a bondage to fix a belief "13. Quic rotation Bacorn inability to keep it lace us G1'BBET. 2. /. [gibet, French. 1. A gallows; the poft on which malefattors | 70 GiBE. w. a. 'To reproach by contemptuous hints; to flout; to fcoff; t are hanged, or on which their carcafes ar ridicule; to treat with f{corn; to fueer expofed When was theye ever curfed atheift brough Unto the gibbet, but he did ador He is a giber, and our prefent bufinef Th To be fcurrilous and rude a fcoffer; a taunter You are well underftood to.be a more perfec giber of the table, than a neceflary bencher of th capitol Shakefp. Coriolanus When fhips, failing contrary ways, lofe the figh one of another, what fhould take away the fight o by Skinne [Derive tuous hints berance T The fheeted dea Game n. /. [French. 1. Convex; protuberant equalities Swwift | G1'BER, 2. /. Efrom gibe.] A fheerer; on who turns others to ridicule by contempwil GiBBO's1TY. 7 [ [gibbofité, Fr. from gitbous.] Convexity; prominence; protu For who that's but a queen, fair, fober, wife Would from a paddock, from a bat, a gibbe Such dear concernings hide? Shakefpeare's Hamlet 7o GUBBER. w. z. [from jabber. {fpeak inarticulately Will never have done with his gées and his jeers Thefe impofts are laid on all butcher's meat while, at the fame time, the fowl and gibbier ar Addifon on Italy tax-free religion fhall pre {ently vanith and quit the field But the dean, ifthis fecret {hould come to his ears fowl that all their giant/ik undertak 1 dar an traverfe Speciator. Shakefp. Henry 1V gibbets on the brewer's bucket G/'BBIER Dryden than he tha off and on {wifte com He fhal The rich have ftill a gibe in ftore moment Oldham z. To hang on any thing goin as the beam of a gibbet over their cups, they pretend to have again Chriftianity; perfuade but the covetous man not t deify his money, the proud man not to adore him {elf Mark the fleers, the gibes, and notable feorn That dwell in ev'ry region of his face, Shakefpeare If they would hate from the bottom of their hearts their averfion would be too ftrong for little gibes ever 1. To hang or expofe on a gibbet DIl gibbet up his name Gisz. a /. [from the verb.] Sneer; hin of contempt by word or look; fcoff; ac or expreflion of fcorn; taunt And will be monftrous witty on the poor 7o G1'BBET. w. . [from the noun. GI'BBOUS . fit an n gi o [f GrUANTLIKE. |5/adj French ky bu vaf ic Gigan GraNTLY often L'Eftrange way height I had rather be agiantefs, and lie under moun Shakefpeare Pelion Were this fubje@ to the cedar, fhe would be abl to make head againft that huge giantefs. Howel the vet himfelf upo Papers lay fuch principles to the Tories, as, ' i they were true, our next bufinefs fhould be to erec gibbets in every parith, and hang them out of th Neptune, by pray'r repentant, rarely won Afiés the chief t'avenge his giant fon Single courage ‘ha deat gibbet that he had provided for another withou turbans on keep their impiou fuffere Hama Gates of monarch Are arch'd fo high that giants may jet through An 2Gal' GI indignation of Heaven rolling an 'till at length fuch a giddinef feize turnin upo vernment, that it fell into the very dregs of feCtasies South 4. Frolick; wantonnefs of life ‘Thou, like a contrite penitent Charitably warn'd of thy fins, do'ft repen Thefe vanities and giddineffes Danne GI'DDY. ad;. [g1org, Saxon. I know no whether this word may not come fro gad, to wander, to be in motion, gad gid, giddy l go Ve! |