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Show ASERT AG However, keep the lively tafte you hol Of God; and love him now, but fear him more And, in your afternoons, think what you tol And promis'd him at morning-prayer before On dice, and drink, and drabs, they fpend the af Dryden's Perfius, Sat. i A'FTERPAINS, 7 /. [from after and pain. The pains after birth, by which wo men are delivered of the fecundine A'FTERPART. 7. /. [from afier and part. The latter part proof- [fro Locke afte an 1. Evidence pofterior to the thing i queftion 2. Qualities known by fubfequent experience All know that h likewife at firft was muc under the expeftation of his afterproof fuc folar influence thereis in the folar afpeét Wotton AFTERTASTE. 2. /. [from after and tafle. A tafte remaining upon the tongue afte the draught, which was not perceive in the a& of drinking A'rTErRTHOUGHT. 7. /o [from after an thought.] RefleGtions after the a&t; expedients formed too late. It is not properly to be ufed for jecondthounght Expence, and afterthought, and idle care And doubts of motley hue, and dark defpair Sufpicions, and fantaftical furmife And jealoufy fuffus'd with jaundice in'her eyes Difcolouring all the view'd, in tawny drefs'd, Downlook'd, and with a cuckow on her fift A'FTER-TIMES time. 7. / Dryden's Fables [fro Succeeding times affe an See AFTER AGES You promis'd once, a progeny divin Of Romans, rifing from the Trojan line In aftertimes fhould hold the world in awe And to the land and ocean give the law Dryden's Virgil A'FTERTOSSING z0/s. Th 2 /. [from after an motion of th {ea after {ftorm Confufions and tumults are only the impoten remains of an unnatural rebellion, and are no mor than the aftertgffings of afea when the ftorm i laid Addifor's Freebolder A'FTERWARD adv [fro affe an peand, Sax.] In fucceeding time; fome times written afterawards, but lefs properly Ufes not thought upo fprin up, an that, whic before, may afterewar be reafonable caufes of retainin former confideration di procure to be inftituted A anxiou diftruf of th formerl Hooker divin goodnefs makes a man more and more unworthy of it; an miferable beforehand, for fear of being fo after "ward L'Efrange AFTERWIT. 2z [ [from after and avit. The contrivance of expedients after th occafion of ufing them is paft. Se - AFTERTHOUGHT There is no recalling what's gone and paft; f that afteravjr comes too late, when the mifchief i done AFTER-WRATH L'Eftrange % /i [from after an A'GA. n. /. The title ofa Turkith military officer AGA'IN. adv. [agen, Sax. 1. A fecond time; once more; matkin The poor remnan more governable and fafe; and, in the afterpart reafon and forefight begin a little to take place and mind a man of his fafety and improvement 7 / feems paft the repetition of the fame thing The flexiblenefs of the former part of a man' age, not yet grown up to be headftrong, makes i A'FTERPROOF Anger when the provocatio I hear him moc The luck of Cefar, which the gods give me T excufe their after-wrath Shakefp. Antony and Cleopatra Donne Such, all the morning, to the pleadings run But, when the bus'nefs of the day is done ternoon wrarh. AG of huma mained in their mountains feed whic re peopled their countr again flowly, by little and little Bacon's New Atalantis Should Nature's felf invade the world again And o'er the centre fpread the liquid main Thy pow'r were fafe Waller Go now, deluded man, and feek agai New toils, new dangers, on the dufty plain Dryd. Zneid Some are already retired into foreign countrie and the veft, who pofiefs lands, are determine never to hazard them again, for the fake of eftab lithing their fuperftition Swift 2. On the other hand; marking fome oppofition or contrariety For wit and judgment ever are at ftrife Tho' meant each other's aid, like man and wife Pope I fhould not be forry to fee a chorus ona theat}:e more than as large and as deep again as ours, buil and adorned at a king's charges Dryden's Dufrefnoy 10. Again and again 3 with frequent repetition often This is not to be obtained by one or two hat readings: it muft be repeated again and again with a clofe attention to the tenour of the dif courfe Locke 11. In oppofition; by way of refiftance ‘Who art thou that anfwereft again 12. Back fage Rom. ix. 20 as, returning from fome mef Bring us word again which way we fhall go Deut. is 22 Aca'inst. prep. [=ngeon, ongeond, Sax. 1. In oppofition to any perfon And he will be a wild man; his hand will b againft every man, and every man's hand againf him Gen.xvi. 12 2. Contrary; oppofite, in general That authority of men fhould prevail with me either againft or above reafon, is no part of our be His wit increafed upon the occafion; and f much the more, if the occafion were fharpene with danger. Again, whether it were the thortnef of his forefight, or the ftrength of his will, certai lief it is, that the perpetua matter; and this not holpen by the co-operatio of angels or fpirits, but only by the unity and harmony of nature Bacor's Natural Hiftory The preventing goodnefs of God does even wref him from himfelf, and fave him, as it were againf? his will South The god, uneafy till he flept again Refolv'd, at once, to rid himfelf of pain And, tho' againft his cuftom, call'd aloud. Drydens Men often fay a thing is again/t their confcience when really it is not Swift's Mifcellanies troubl o hi fortune could not have been without defets in his nature Bacon Thofe things that we know not what to d withal, if we had them, and thofe things, again which another cannot part with, but to his ow lofs and thame L'Eftrange's Fables 3. On another part; markinga tranfitio to fome new confideration Behold yon mountain's hoary height Made higher with new mounts of fnow Again, behold the winter's weigh Opprefs the lab'ring woods below Dryden cal action ; as, His fortune worked up on his nature, and his nature agaiz upo his fortune 5. Back; in reftitution ‘When your head did but ake I knit my handkerchief about your brows The beft I had, a princefs wrought it me And I did never afk it you again Shake[p. King Fobn thing in recom ence That he hath given will he pay again Prov. xix. 27 7. In order of rank or fucceflion ; marking diftribution Queftion was afked of Demofthenes What wa the chief part of an orator? He anfwered, A&ion What next Acion.. What next again 2 Ation Bacon's Effays The caufe of the holding green, is the clofe an compact fubftance of their leaves, and the pedicle of them: and the caufe of that again is eithe the toygh and vifcous juice of the plant, or th Bacon's Natural Hift ftrength and heat thereof 8. Befides ; in any other time or place They have the Walloons, who are tall foldiers But, on th yet that is but a fpot of ground other fide, ther is not in the world agaiz fuch {pring and feminary of brave militar in England, Scotland, and Ireland 9. Twic as much markin people, a Bacon th fam quantity ance repeated There are whom heav'n has bleft with ftore o - Wit Yet want as much again to manage it He is melancholy without caufe; and mer againft the hair Shakefpeare's Troilus and Creffida We might work any effe¢t without and again 3. In contradittion to any opinion 4. In return, noting re-ation, or recipro 6. In return for an Hooker After all that can be faid againft a thing, thi will fill be true, that many things poflibly are which we know not of; and that many more thing may be than are: and if fo, after alb our arguments againff a thing, it will be uncertain whethe it be or not Tillotfon The church-clergy have written the beft collection of trats againf? popery that ever appeared i England Saift 4. With contrary motio ufed of material a&ion or tendency : Boils and' plague Plaifter you o'er, that one infect anothe Shakefpeare's Coriolanus Againft the wind amile The kite being a bird of prey, and therefor hot, delighteth imr the frefh air; and many time flieth againf the wind, as trouts and falmons fwi Bacon againf} the fiream 5. Contrary to rule or law If aught againf my. lif Thy country fought of thee, it fought unjuftly Againft the law of naturé, law of nations Againft the public fan&ions of the peace Milton Againft all omens of their ill fuccefs With fates averfe, the routin arms refort 'To force their monarch, and infult the court Drydene 6. Oppofite to, in place Againft the Tiber's mouth, but far away Dryden 7. To.the hurt of another See fenfe 5 And, when thou think'ft of hereternity Think not that death again? her nature is Think it a birth : and when thou go'ft to die Sing like a {wan, as if thou went'ft to blifs Sir 7. Davies 8, In provifion for ; in expectation of This mode of {peaking probably ha its original from the idea of makin provifio |