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Show HE HE Hravew-srcor Bego by a celeftia power By fome fure fign We are, at the hearing of fome, more incline unto forrow and Aeavinefs; of fome more mollified Hooker and {oftened in mind Againft ill chances men are ever merry But heavine/s foreruns the good event. Shakefpeare Dryden Defcende from the ce leftial regions; native of heaven If once a fever fires his fulphurous blood In ev'ry fit he fecls the hand of God And heav'n-born flame Dryden's Fuvena Oli heav'n-born fitters! fource of art Wh charm the fenfe Wh lead fair virtue's train along ]'opr Produce o cultivate Much is the force of hea z '#-bred poefy Hesaven-suiLz gods Let us not burthen our remembrance wit Shakefpeare An heavinefs that's gone Heavinefs in the heart of man maketh it ftoop Prov. xii, 25 but a good word maketh it glad Yec greatly rejoice; though now for a feafon y are in heavinefs, through manifold temptations 1 Pet. i. 6 or mend the heart Moral truth, and myftick fong HeavEN-BRED in heaven Shak Built by the agency o 3. Inaptitude to motion or thought; fluggithnefs ; torpidnefs; dulnefs of fpirit languidnefs; languor Our ftrength is all gone into Aeavine/s His arms had wrought the deftin'd fal Of facred Troy, and raz'd her heav''n-built wall 2 What means this beavizefs that hangs upon me This lethargy that creeps through all my fenfes Addifon He would not violate that fweet recefs And found befides a welcome beavinefs taught that beav's-directed fpire to rife Dryden Which feiz'd his eyes A fenfation of droufinefs, oppreffion, Aeaving/s and laflitude, are figns of a too plentiful meal Arbuthnot Pope Taught by the powers of heaven O facred weapon; left for truth's defence To all but beaven-directed hands deny'd The mufe may give it, but the gods muft guide Pope He'avenry. adj. [from beaven. lov the love of heaven make of virtu worl mak virtuous one becom th lov worldly 5. Deepnefs or richnefs of foil Not Maro's mufe, who fung the mighty man Wor Pindar's deaw'zlylyre, nor Horace when a fwan DU'JL'.'I 2. Celeftial inhabiting heaven Alexandria exporte A man commodities wood fuch as metals an Arbuthnot pitch HE'AV Y. adj. [peapix, Saxon. 1. Weighty ; ponderous; tending ftrongl to the centre; contrary to light tells us, tha Merfennu Adoring firft the genius of the place Then earth, the mother of the beav'nly race Dryden engine of an hundre this earth a little child doubl though it were much beazger than it is fhall ever fhin Of him, t'whofe happy-making fight alone Our heav'nly guided foul fhall climb Milton and peapd I proftrate lay By various doubts impell'd, or to nbey Or to ebject5 at length, my mournful loo adv He'avivy determin'd thu 4. Wantin My heawy eyes,. you {ay, confel A heart to love and grief inclin'd a double misfortune; commo and commo 3. Sorrowfully; -with grief Shakefpeare becaufe his con dition in the army was lefs pleafant to him Clarendon . With an air of deje&ion Vhyldoks your grace {o beavily to-day Vhave paft a miferable night Shakefpeare Helaviness. # /. [from beavy. 3. Ponderoufnefs heavy; weight th qualit Wanting a&ivity ; indolent Fair 1 came hither to tranfport the tydings -O A work was to be done, a beawy writer to be encouraged, and accordingly many thoufand copies wer Swift befpoke 6 o bein The fubjet 15 concerning the Aeavinefs of feveral bodies, or the proportion. that is required be lazy tall, his limbs with due proportion join'd But of a heavy, dull, degenerate mind. 7. Droufy;- dull Dryden torpid Peter and they that were with him were beav Luke with fleep 8. Slow ; fluggifh But let thy fpiders that fuck up thy venom Shake/p And heavy gaited toads lie in their way g. Stupid foolifh This beavy headed revel, Eaft and Wef Makes us traduc'd felf ro. Burdenfome Knolle troublefome tedious I put into thy hands what has been the diverfio of fome of my idle and Aeavy hours Whe alone your time wil Locke not lie heav upo your hands for want of fome trifling amufement 11. Loaded _Hearin incumbered that ther wer burthened force comin S?L'ifi againf him, and not willing that they fhould find his me heavy and laden with booty, he returned unto Scot land Bacon's' Henry V1 12. Not eafily digefted; not light to th ftomach Such preparation as retain the oil or fat, ar moft Aeavy to the ftomach meat hard of digeftion whic make bake Arb 13. Rich in foil; fertile, as heawy lands 14 Deep cumberfome as heavy roads Hea'vy. adv As an adver ufed in compofition; heavily it is onl Your carriages were beavy laden ; they are a biir den to the weary beatft Ifa. xlvi. x Come unto me all ye that labour and aie hean laden, and I will give you reft Math. xi. 28 HXBDOMAD A week 7. / [hebdomas, Latia. a fpace of feven days Computing by the medical month, the firft febdomad or feptenary confifts of fix days, feventec hours and a half Brown Hrepo/MADAL Heepo/MADARY confiftin adj. [from hebdomas Weekly Latin. of feven days As for bebdomada periods or weeks, in regar of their fabbaths, they were obferved by the Hebrews Brow 7o HE'BETATE Th fe @ a. [hebeto, Latin beter, French. fupify 'To dull; to blunt; t eye, efpecially if hebetated, might caufe th fame perception Harvey my fon, but will Aebetate and clog his intelleGtuals Arbutbnot and Pope HeBera'rioN. #. /i [from hebetate. 1. The a¢t of dulling 2. The ftate of being dulled [hebetuds, Latin. 7 Hre'seTupe Dulnefs; obtufenefs; bluntnef The peftilent feminaries, according to thei groflnefs or fubtility, activity or bebetude, cauf more or lefs truculent plagues Harvey Hz'sratsM. #. /. [bebraifme, French; hebraifmus, Latin.] A Hebrew idiom Milton has infufed a great man well as Gracifms, and fometime and tax'd of other nations Shakefpeare not be accounted fo bafe: minded, o Latinifms, a Hebraifms, int his poem Spettator He'sraist. ». [ [bebreus, Latin. man fkilled in Hebrew He'srician. » /i [from Hebrew.] On {kilfu Th unanimated calamitie bleflings fall Aeawily upon them Collier Vhich L have beavily boine This.O'Neil took very heavily Prior ¢. Wanting {pirit or rapidity of fentiment Eafe muft be impraiicable to the envious ¢ the unde alacrity; wanting brifknefs o app(-:arance Prior. 1. With ‘great ponderoufnefs 2. Grievoully; affiictively Ji Swift Tells with a {neer the tyding beavy I {poke [from heavy. at the levee Chautres is for valour, power, or fortune better than my Beef may confer a robuftnefs on the limbs o Menelaus bore an Aeawy hand over the citizens 2 Mac. v. 23 having a malicious mind _et not your ears defpife my tongue for ever Which fhall poffefs them with the beawvie/? foun Shakefpeare's Macbeth That ever yet they heard 1f the caufe be not good, the king himfelf hath Shakefpeare's Henry V. heavy reckoning to make Pray for this good man,_ and for his iffue Whofe Aeavy hand hath bow'd you to the grave Shakefpeare And beggar'd yours for ever 2, By the agency or influence of heaven Heav'nward eiet Wilkins oppreflive ; afflictive 3. Grievous Pope - He'aAvENWARD. adv. [heave Towards heaven Saxon. mov For a light wife doth make a Aeawy hufband . Shakefpeare In thefe deep folitudes and awful cells Where heav'nly penfive contemplation dwells And ever-mufing melancholy reigns ‘What means this tumult in a veftal's veins Truth and peace and lov About the fupreme thron wilh a pulleys, migh = 2, Sorrowful; dejeéted; deprefled HrelaveENLY. adv Let me not be light 1. In a manner refembling that of Heaven f it received fome, which, by reafon of the fatnef and beavinefs of the ground, Egypt did not produce of th Sidflf_y th as afflition of taxes heavinef one '/JE'.I‘Z.'t')ll:j", th fo dci crufh 4. Oppreflion 1. Refembling heaven; fupremely excellent A Shakefpeare That makes the weight Pop( HeAvEN-DIRECTED 1. Raifed towards. the fky Wh Wilkins it 2. Deje@ion of mind; depreffion of fpirit I 1 am feav'n-degot, affert your fo 1ca VEN-BORN twixt any weight and the power which may mov i Hebrew words are more properly taken for the ai or ether than the lieavens, as the beft Hebrician Raleigh underftand them The nature of the hebrew verfe, as the meanef Hebrician knoweth He'caToms waromwfa confifts of uneve n. f feet [hecatombe Peachanmi Yrench A facrifice of an hundre cattle In rich mens home I bid kill fome beafts, but no hecatombs None ftarve, none furfeit fo One of thefe three is a whole becatomb And therefore only one of them fhall die Donne. Dryder Her triumphant fons in war fucceed And flaughter'd Aecatombs around 'em bleed Addifor m fr c e e F ‘g efi El j a L c T / H I woul c r ' e H the o an tha heavy headed, that I will confef 1 Habi |