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Show ¢I C1 CI1 Ci'rRcumspecTLY . f f u r c r CiRCUMROTA TION. 7. S- [cireuom an [ / # C roto, Lat. ‘The at of fpreading round; the ftate o 1. The a& of whirling round with a mobeing poured round n m olutio lik tha o whee circum c i [ a 2 F gyras, Lat.] To roll round All the glands of the body be congeries of variou forts of veffels curled, a'rcumgyrated, and compli Ray on the Creation cated together CIRCUMGYRA'TION. 7. /i [from circum gyrate.] The act of running round The {un turns round his own axis in twenty-fiv days, from his firft being put into fuch a circumgyCheyne ration CircuMJa'CENT adj Lying roun Lat. dering on every fide CircuMI'TION 7 J circumeo pany men' [circumlocutio Virgil, ftudying brevity, could bring thefe word into a narrow compafs, which a tranflator canno -render without circumlocutions Dryden I much prefer the plain Billing{gate way of callin names, becaufe it would fave abundance of time loft by circumlocution Swift train of myftery and circumlocution L' Eftrange a wall He hath a garden circummared with bricks Shakefpeare CIRCUMNAVIGABLE. adj. [from circum'Tha dent to a natural fubftance When men are ingenious in picking out circumflances of contempt, they do kindle their arge nrich whic Stilling fleet 3 CirCUMSCRI'PTION. . /. [circumfcriptio Latin. 1. Determination of particular form o magnitude boundary confinement an mavigo Lat. @ Put into circumfeription and confine cumftances, of courage Shakefpeare Circumnavica'rion a /. [from circumnavigate.] The a& of failing round What he fays concerning the circumnavigation o Africa, from the ftraits of Gibraltar to the Re Sea, is very remarkable Arbuthnot on. Coins Circumna'vicaTor. #. /. One that fail W round Circumprica'rion. z [eircumplica Lat. 1. The a& of enwrapping on every fide 2. The ftate of being enwrapped CircumPo'LAR. adj. [from circum an polar.] Stars near the North pole, whic move round it, and never fet in th Northern latitudes, are faid to be circumpolar flars 5 thing 5 watchful-on all fides None are for me That look into me ‘with confid'rate ejes High reaching Buckingham grows circum/pest Shakefpeare Men of their own nature circumfpedd and flow but at the time difcountenanced and difcontent Haywood The judicious doctor had been very watchful an circunfpelt, to-keep himfelf from' being impofe upon Boyl. Circumsre''cTION. # [ [from circumJpecz.] Watchfulnefs on every fide ; caution ; general attention Circvmra'sion. . /i [circumrafio, Latin.] The ac of fhaving or parin sround Dia jtvaL. 7 Condition patience Clarendon an ftate of affairs - 15 fre= quently ufed with refpect to wealth o poverty; as, good or 1ll circumftances None but a virtuous man can hope well in al Bacon eircumflances We ought not tb conclude, that if there be rational inhabitants in ‘any of the planets, they muf therefofe have human nature, or be involved in th Bentley circumfPances of our world When men are eafy in their circumflancesy the are naturaily enemies to innovations Addifon's Freebolde CI'RCUMSTANCE. v: 4. [from th noun,] To placein particular fituation or relation to the things CIRCUMSTANT ‘adj [cirenmflans; Lat, Surrounding; environing Milton's Paradife Lof Its beams fly to vifit the remioteft parts o world, and it gives motion to all circumflant bodies Digh on th Soul CircumsTA'NTIAL. ad). [circumfiantialis low Lat. 1. Accidental ; not eflential All fly flow things, with circumfpettive eyes. Pope CIRcUMSPE'CTIVELY. adw. [from circumfpeitive. Cautioufly ; vigilantly attentively; with watchfulnels ever way ; watchfully induftry cir Virtue, art, peauty, fortune, now I fee Rarenefs or ufe, not nature, value brings And fuch as they ave circumflanc'd, they be." Donne CircuMsPE CTIVE. adj, [ circumfpicio, cirCircumreosi'rion. 2 /. [from circum cum/fpecium, Lat.] Locking round ever and pofition.]. The a& of placing an way ; attentive ; vigilant ;- cautious No lefs alike the politick and wife thing circularly Now is your featon for circumpofition, by tiles o bafkets of earth Ewelyn's Kalendar very remarkabl To worthieft things Obferve the fudden growth of wickednefs, fro want of care and circumfpeétion in the firft impreffions Clarendon So faying, his proud ftep he fcornful turn'd But with {ly circumfpetion Dawies The fculptor had (in his thoughts the. Conqueror's weeping for new worlds, or the like cirAddifon cumflance in hiftory The poet has gathered thofe circumftances whic moft terrify the imagination, and which reall .Addif. Spéct happenintiie raging of a tempeft Stones regular, are diftinguifhed by their externa forms: fuch as is circamfcriptive, or dependin defended Carlifle wit H CircuUMSCRI'PTIVE adj. [from circumJeribe.] Inclofing the fuperficies ; marking the form or limits on the outfide a [eircum 'To fail round rai t den of a minut gen eve Inc 4 contraction or {ubordinate kind upon the whole ftone, as in the eagle-ftone, is properly called the figure Grew The being of Antipodes, the habitablenefs o the torrid zone, and the rendering the whole terra- | CIRCUM_S PEC adj [ circum/pedtus queous globe circumnavigables Ray on the Creation Lat. Cautious ; -attentive to even 90 CIRCUMNA'VIGATE which may be taken away without th annihilation ef the principal thing confidered. Senfe, circumflance5 the doth the fubftance view 1 would not my unhoufed free conditio which may be faile adventitious {omethin Accident Senfe outfide knows, the foul thro all things fees leaves, flowers fruits, and feeds, nature affeéts a regular figure Ray on the Creation. Limitation ' - Bacor's Effays Of thefe fuppofed crimes give me leave Shakefpedr By circumflance, but to acquit myfelf Southers ‘2 2. The adjun@s of a faft,; which makei more or lefs criminal'; .or make an accufation more or lefs probable do* accom aéts, arethofe which do circumfcrib In the circumfeription' of man Our confefiing or concealing perfecuted" truths vary and change their very nature, according t differenit circumffances of time, place, and perfons South The little forms which circumfcribe your fex CircuMMU REDs adj. [ circum and murus Lat.] Walled round; encompafled wit navigate. round fatt : the{ame to a moral aétion as acci You are abov 2. The ufe of indire&t expreflions Thefz people are not to be dealt withal, but by circumftance and limit them PR A of words; peri Latin. 1. A circuit or compaf phrafis externa #. /. [circumftantia Latin. 1. Something appendant or relative to The words not fore'd but {lidinginto rhime. Dryd Th Caution ; vigilance ; watchful CI'RCUMSTANCE The a&ion great, yet circymferib'd by time " ‘2, The bond with which any thing is encompafled #. /. [from circum Travel forces circumfpeéinzfs on thofe abroad, wh W otton at home are nurfed in fecurity Milton i on the Creation nefs on every fide Such as lie pleas'd, and circumferib'd their being 1. The a& of bipding round in certain lines or bonnda142 He form'd the pow'rs of heav' Latin. #./ Jpect, The good Andronicu With honouyr and with fortune is return'd Erom whence he circimfcribed with his {word And brought to yoke, the enemies of Rome Shakefpearc Therefore muft his choice be. circumferib' Unto the voice and yielding of that bod Shake[peare ‘Whereof he 's head any thing; bor Ra C1'RCUMSPECTNESS 2. To bound ; to limit ; to confine circumitum, Lat.] The af of goin Di& - round CircuMLIGA TION. #. [ [circumligo CircuMLOCU'TION Their authority weighs more with me than th concurrent fuffrages of a thoufand eyes, who neve examined the thing fo carefully and circumfpeétly Yeribo, Liat. [ circumjacens [fro With watchfulnefs every way Jpet. cautioufly ; watchfully ; vigilantly tion ; circumgyration z. The ftate of being whirled round 7o CIRCUMSCRI'BE. w: a. [circum an 1. To inclof ries [from circum adv This fierce abridgmen Hath to it circumflantial branches, whic Diftin&ion would be rich ih This jurifdiction in the eflenttals of i as chriftianity; an thofe cir pa is 2& ¢d nial addition ® |