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Show 1M IM Thefe were my matural impulfes for the undestaking; but ther was an accidental motive was full as forcible Mofes faw the bufh bur ‘ fumed 1. Want of fan&ity; want of holinefs 2. A& of unchaftity whic Dryden without being con and heard a voice out of it: this was fome Ivevu'Lsion pn_f/}a 5. Th . /. [impulfion, French Lzltin. agenc is moved ; an im too little little Sophy of thi Soxth Prior adj [impur im holy: of things 3 Donne un Hypocrites aufterely talk Condemning as /mpure what God has mad Pure, and commands to fome, lcaves free to all Milton Unchafte If black fcandal, or foul-fac'd reproach Attend the fequel of your impofition Your meer enforcement fhall acquittance m None was fo little 7z their friendfhips 3. Noting the time Whe fm‘e,j [ - impuritas, Lat, from the Locke To feed men's fouls,. quoth he, is not 7z man Hubb. Tule. Letufury in general be reduced to five iz the hun- Hooker dred, and let that rate be proclaimed to be freeian EBdcon. current I cannot but.lament the common courfe, which at leaft, nine iz ten of thofe who enter into.the mi. niftry are obliged to enter Swift 6. Acccording to In all likelihood I brought allsmy_ limbs .out o I onl innovateth but quietly an 8. For the fake for eve mend he, who is allowed to hav A folemn phrafe Now, iz the names of all the gods at once Upon what meat does this our.Cafar feed That le is grown fo great? Shake/p. Fulins Cafur Iz the name of . the people And in the power of us.the tribunes, w Shakefpeare's Coriolants Banith him our city Now, 7z the name of honour, fir, I.beg yo Dryde That I may fee your father's death reveng'd 9. Noting caufe by de grees fcarce to be perceived; for otherwife whatfo confider wha carried this argument fartheft, has faid iz it. Locke It was imputed to him for righteoufnefs Men in their innovations fhould follow the cxampl he hasnot done of Collier 7+ Conlcerning. good Romans, 1v. 22 'tis probable the bed, which the breach Shakef. Merchant of Venice and.unlooke ourfelves and th 5. Noting proportion notwithitand ImpurA'TIVE. adj. [from impute.] Tha which may impute Ainfworth ever is- ne do we but, beginning fro 4.. Noting pawer To IMPU'TE. w. a. [émputer, French ; imOne could not devife a more propex hell for a puio, Latin. impaure fpirit, than that which Plato has touche To charge upon; to attribute: gene- |upon Addifon. ‘1 Ivru'riry confider eternity a parte ante, ideas.of. years or ages paft -Have you heard any imputation to the contrary? -No, no ;; my meanitig is to have.you underftan whic we woul p-efent time we are iz, repeat iz our mind hu Anthonio is a good man of time or fo much iz that of thofe whom they had moft abufed Dunciad 4. Hint; flight notice rally ill; fometime Logke God hath made our eternal and temporal interefts iz moft cafes, very confiftent. Smalridge's Sermons From all the impure blotsand ftains thereof. Shakef 4. Feculent; foul with extraneous mixtures; drofly Ivvu'ReLY, advs. [fiom smpure.] Wit impurity Ivpu'Reness. |7 /o [impureté, Frenc and after the aét, groundle(s imputations of our enemies, and to rif above them Addifon Neither do I refle& upon the memory of his lat Majefty, whom 1 entirely acquit of any impuzatio upon this matter Swift me that he is {ufficient and i thing is fo unfit to affift the mind 7z that as fyllogifm Whatfoever happens they alfo the leaft feel tha before You needs muft grant is great. Daniel's Civil War Howeverit be iz knowledge, I may truly fay it i of no ufe at all 7 probabilities; for the affent there being to be determined'by ‘the preponderancy, afte a due weighing of all the proofs on both fides, no- Let us be careful to guard, ourfelves againft thef "Lhan earthly fubftance can unfore'd afpire 2. Contrary to fanctity ; unhallowed Dange reproach whic Hockers Like one of two contending 7» a prize That thinks he hath done ‘well in people's eyes Shakefpeare Sir Edmund Courtney, and the haughty prelate With many more confederates, are iz arms. Shak the ‘imputation of being nea [ Shakefpeare fcourge' of vulgar imputation the ftate or thing prefent at an fo iz very deed wha ing they deferve Nb more can /zpure man retain and mov In that pure region of a worthy love And leave his.nature to:converfe with fire. but a rigorou 3. Cenfure impurus 3. Defiled with guilt; unholy : of men effence, as hypothefes moir ‘his ‘men ‘wit their mafter the ordinance of Jefus Chrift: no one proof is ye 'brought forth, whereby it may clearly appear to b 2. Sometimes of good for themfelves or deAtterbury Latin. 2. Notin time Shakefpeare in the infinit I woul without The other is only by error and mifconceit name impofed upon his father To ufe intelle&tions and volition If T had a fuit to maftér Shallow the place where any thing i Is this place here not fufficient ftron To guard usiz . Daniel's Civil War Ulyffes is allowable Fairfax imputation is derogatory to him, and arrogant in us Glanville's Scepfis I have formerly faid that I could diftinguifh you writings from thofe of any others: 'tis now time t clear myfelf from any impuration of felf-conceit.o that fubjec Dryden. Addiforn will emplo French of any thing: generally There learn'd this maid of arms the ireful guife chandife, do fall into fome lewd aion, the imputation of his wickednefs, by your rule fhould b their ill-gotten influence towards procuring impunity IMPU'RE Our imputation fhall be oddly pois'd In this wild a&ion. Shake/p. Troilus and Creffida If a fon that is fent by his father about mer that there isa crime wher fayour [imputation, French Truft to me In the condition of fubje&s they will gladly continue, as long as they may be proteted and juftl governed, without oppreflion on the one fide, or impunity on the other Dawvies A general impunity would confirm them; for th undu In. prep. [in, Latin, *Tis neceflary to the imputablenc/s of an aion that it be avoidable Norris punitas, Latin.] Freedom from punifhment; exemption from punithment or extortin pendents tha Iz {chool of Jove are all things taught we fee ; IMPU'TABLENESS. 7. /. [from imputable. The quality of being imputable 1. Attributio ill - Miltor H prefent; no Ayliffe w f Impu'rer. 2. /o [from impyte. 1. Notin and fhe is in no wife imputable Impura'rion from impute. bhii imputes fhall be compelled tu allow her alimony; for the la deems her to be a dutiful wife as long as the faul His fierce ambition, like the higheft mover they fee no penalty Men, potent in the commonwealth If the wife departs from her hufband, through an default of his, as on the account of cruelty, then h Nature and duty bind him to obedience But thofe being placed in a lower {phere vulgar will never believe Milton proper moving; impellent French Thy meri | Imputed fhall abfolve them who renounc Their own both righteous and unrighteous deeds 2. Accufable; chargeable with a fault. No lies at his door ~ Swift 2. To reckon to one what does not properl belong to him. South Impvu'isive. adj. [impalfif, French, fro impulfe.] Having the power of impulfe [impunité red; to colou That firft fort of foolithnefs is imputable to them But thou didft plea Divine impulfion, prompting how thou might'f Find fome occafion to infeft our foes. Milz. Agoniftes u. f a differtation on, parties one may be accufed 2. Influence operating upon the mind Ivrvu/stey guage in fo/great a mafter of ftile. Locke I have read a book imputed to lord Bathurft, callé Imru'TABLE. adj. [from impute.] - 1. Chargeable upon any one; that of whic and if it be too fmall, it refifteth to Bacon's Natural Hiffory Temple . Dryden This obfcurity'cannot be inputed to want of lan Arbuthnot Pavement, thatlike a fea of jafpar (hone Impurpled with celeftial rofes, fmil'd it yieldet Has hurried with a ftrong impelfive motio Againft their proper courfe Denbam' Whatis the fountain or /mpulfive cauf prevention of fin ? Itis prefeétly free grace Poor men! poor papers! we and the Do fome impulfive force obey And are but play'd with, do not play by vomiting an Now in loofe garlands, thick thrown off the brigh of body in motion upo if the body be too great du from purple.] 'To mak as with purple The motion in the minute parts of any folid bod paffech without found; for that found that is hear fometimes is produced only by the breaking of th air, and not by the impulfion of the air Bacon To the impulfion there is requifite the force of th body that moveth, and the refiftance of the body tha imputed it to folly Impute your dangers to our ignorance To IMmpU'RPLE. @, a. [emponrprer, French body the alimentar Bacon's Effaysq I made it by your perfuafion, to fatisfy thofe wh the blood Like two great rocks againft the raging tide Unmov'd the two united chiefs abide Suftain th' /mpulfe, and receive the war Prior clyfters, the impurities of which will be carried int 3. Hoftile imprefiion Cleanf g hurt for a wrong, ‘imputeth it to the author Atterbury 3. Feculent admixture for a fortune, and thanks the times and he that i Foul impurities reigned among the monkifh clergy thing, befides finding an impu/fe upon his mind t go to Pharaoh, that he might bring his brethre out of Egypt Locke King Henry, be thy title right or-wrong, Lord Clifford yows to fight'7n thy defence. Shakefpe fome and impairs-others; and he that is holpen takes i 10, IN that -Becaufe Som |