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Show HA H A and that handy were hangings of fifteen cubits Exod. xxxviii, 1§ fide quarter , Part It is allowed on all Aands, that the people o England are mor corrupt i than an their moral refpe to the re Of which offer the baffa accepted receiving i wit celver Konolles's Hiftory our duty very eafy; a con Dand one year's tribute Thefe two muft mak {iderable reward in Aand, and the affurance of a fa Tillotfon greater recompence hereafter 6. Ready payment with regard to the prayer Let not the wages of any man tarry with thee, bu Tob. iv. 14 give it him out of band . Rate; price . Time is the meafure of bufinefs; money of wares bufinef at a dear band is bough {mall difpatch g, Terms conditions wher there i Bacon rate With fimplicity admire and accept the myftery but at no hand by pride, ignorance, intereft nity wreft it to ignoble fenfes or va Taylor's Worthy Com It is either an ill fign or an ill effe&®, and there fore at no band confiftent with humility. ~ Taylor . A& deed external a&ion Thou faweft the contradition between my hear King Charles and band §0. Labour act of the hand Alnafchar was a very idle fellow, that never woul fet his band to any bufinefs during his father's life Addifon my own judgment than I can be I rather fufp fieve a fault to be in that poem, which lay fo lon under Virgil's corretion, and had his laft hazd pu to it Addifon 11. Performance Where are thefe porters Thefe lazy knaves ? Y'ave made a fine hand! fellows There's a trim rabble let in Shakefpeare 12. Power of performance He had a great mind to try his hand at 2 Spec tator, and would fain have one of his writing in m works A frien violin of min 13. Attempt has a ver undertaking Addifon fine band on th Addifon Out of them you dare take in Aand to lay ope the original of fuch a nation Spenfer on Ireland 14. Manner of gathering or taking As her majefty hath received great profit, fo ma fhe, by a moderate hand, from time to time reap th like Bacon 15. Workmanthip power or 2& of manu fatturing or making An intelligent being, coming out of the bands o infinite perfeClion, with an averfion or even indif ferenc to be reunite wit its Author th fourc of its utmot felicity, is fuch a fhock and deformit in the beautiful analogy of things, as is not confiften with finite wifdom and perfection 16. Manner of acting or performing Cheyne Chang'd his hand, and check'd bis pride 17. Agency part in aétion Dryden Let Tamar drefs the meat in my fight, that Mmay eat it at her band 2. Sam. xiii. § And he deferyes the favour at my bard Addifon 19. A& of receiving any thing ready t one's hand, when it only waits to ‘b taken His power reaches no farther than to compoun and divide the material for want of a tenant to come up to his price. L'Eftr When a ftatefman wants a day's defence Or envy holds a whole week's war with fenfe Or fimple pride for flatt'ry makes demands May dunce by dunce be whitled off my Aands. Pope Difcharge of duty Let it therefore be required, on both parts, at th hands of the clergy, to be in meannefs of eftate lik the apoftles; at the hands of the laity, to be as the who lived under the apoftles 22 Hon/u:r Reach; nearnefs: as, at hazd reach, near, approaching Your hufband is at haxd withi That chambers will be fafe Shakefpeare He is at hand, and Pindarus is com To do you falutation Shakefpeare The fight of his mind was like fome fights of eyes rather ftrong at Aaxd than to carry afar off. - Bacon Any light thing that moveth, when we find n fheweth a wind at Aaxd Bacon: A very great found near hand hath ftrucken man deaf Bacon Tt is not probable that any body fhould effe¢t tha at a diftance, which, nearer hazd, it cannot perform Brown Whe mineral or meta that are made to his hand but can do nothing towards the making or defiroyin e atom of what is already in being Locke Many, whofe greatnefs and fortune were not mad and diftributed amongft the foldiers, or left in th bands of the proprietors under the condition of certain duties Arbuthnot 33. Preflure of the bridle Hollow men is to be generated natur needs not to have at band falt, fulphur, and mercury Boyle 23. Manual management Nor fwords at Aand, nor hifling darts afar Are doom'd t' avenge the tedious bloody war, Dryd 24. State of being in preparation Make gallant fhow and promife of their mettle {traint Menelaus bare an heavy band over the citizens having a malicious mind againt his countrymen 2 Mac. v. 2 1 look'd upon her with a foldier's eye That lik'd, but had a rougher tafk in ban Than to drive liking to the name of war Shake/p It is indifferent to the matter in hazd which wa the learned fhall determine of it Loctke 26.- Cards held at a game There was never a hand drawn, that did doubl the reft of the habitable world, before this. } Bacon is ufed in oppofitio t Confute, change hands, and ftill confute Hudibras 28. Scheme of aétion and think which baz Ben Fonfon Confult of your own ways Is beft to take though 25. Advantage the coul neve b fecure were firft at their mercy, wer the Aand in carrying on the war Clarendon gain; fuperiority French king, fuppofing to make his hand b Th Hayward 35. Influence blood Holds band with any princefs in the world 31. Tranfmiflion conveyance conveyance Shak agenc o The falutation by the dazd of me Paul Co/. v. 18 Poffeffion power Sacraments ferve as the moral inftruments of Go to tha purpofe th uf whereo is in our fasnds the effect in his Hooker And though you war, like petty wrangling ftates You're in my band; and when I bid you ceafe You fhall be crufh'd together into peace Dryden Between the landlord and tenant there muft be quarter of the revenue of the land conftantly in thei hands Locke Tt s fruitlefs pains to learn a language, which on may gucfs by his temper he will wholly negleét, a loo management Flattery, the dang'rous nurfe of vice Got band upon his youth, to pieafures bent 36. That which perform hand in pointing th Daniel offic of The body, though it moves, yet not changing per ceivable diftanc wit othe bodies as faft a th ideas of our own minds do naturally follow one angther the thing {eems to fran fill as is evident i the hands of clocks and thadows of fun-dials. Locke 37 Agent perfon employed a manager The wifeft prince, if he can fave himfelf and hi peopl fro ruin unde th worf adminiftration hands, and maketh ufe of the beft Swift what may not hisfubjeés hope for when he changet 38. Giver and receiver This tradition is more like to be a notion bred i of man tha tranfmitte fro 39. An at; a workman Your wrongs are known mands Aaz t Tillotfon a {oldier impof bu you com This hour fhall bring you twenty thoufand sands Drydern Demetrius appointed the painter guards, pleafe that he could preferve that hand from the barbarit and infolence of foldiers Dryd "A dictionary containing a natural hiftory require too many dands, as well as too much time, ever t be hoped for Locke 40. Catch or reach without choice as ap approac to manhood city as the beaft, and all that came to band. Fudges A fweaty reaper from his tillage brough Firft fruits, the green ear, and the yellow fheaf Uncull'd as came to hazd Miltorn 41 Form or caft of writing Here is th' indi¢tment of the good lord Haftings Which in a fet bard fairly is engrofs'd Eleven hours I've fpent to writeit over. Shakefpeare Solyman fhewed him his own letters intercepted afking -him if h not that feal knew not that hand, if he kne Kiolles Being difcoverad by their knowledge of Mr. Cow ley's band | happily efcaped If my debtors do not keep their da conteft Competition She in beauty, education 32 Bacon The men of Ifracl fmote as well the men of ever He would difpute except the kin willing to chang and lawyers However ftii@ a hand is to be kept upon all de- fires of fancy, yetin recreation fancy mutt be permitted to {peak Locke 25. State of being in prefent agitation wh difcipline; re hand through all generations To eafe the anguith of a torturing hour? = Shake/p The SI}[Z&!_‘/I{ 34. Method of government the min Where is our ufual manager of mirth What revels are in Aand2 Is there no play 27. 'That whic another like horfes, hot at hand rather to advance clergyme 1 hear his trumpet Coufins, I hope the days are near at hand wind hls own inclination Locke Vetigales Agri were lands taken from the enemy He kept a ftri@ hand on his nobility, and chof Shakefpeare 30 18. The a& of giving or prefenting Jupiter had a farm a long time upon his bands peace, and proclaimed hottility God muft have fet a more than ordinary eftee upon that which David was not thought fit to hav an hand in South 0-night the poet's advocate I ftand Addifon z20. Care; neceflity of managing 21 from a governour, fhall put him into the Aards o and op thofe rude ravages in England, broke off his treaty o ‘The mafter faw the madnefs rife His glowing cheeks, his ardent eyes And while he heav'n and earth defy'd had fufficient qualification portunities of rifing to thefe high pofts Savift other nation this day under the fun g Ready paymen to their hands HA fetting hi fre Deny their Aands, and then refufe to pay 1 muft attend Whether men write court or Roma any other writing Denbam Dryden hand, o there is fomething peculiar in every one' Cockburn The way to teach to write, is to.get a plate grave with the charaers of fuch band youlike Lscte Conftantia faw that the 4azd writing agreed wit the contents of the letter Addifon I prefent thefe thoughts in an ill haxd; butfcho lars are bad penmen, we feldom regard the mechanick part of writing Felton They were wrote on both fides, and in a fmai hand Arbuthnot 42. Hanp over head. Negligently withous feeing what one does So many firokes of the alaru rafhly bell of fear an awaking to other nations, and the facility of th titles, which band over bead, have ferved their turg doth ring the peal fo much the louder. Bacon A counir |