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Show BA in the fronts of galleries in churches This fhould fizft have been planche over, an railed about with dalufters Carew Ba'vusTraDE. 2. /. [from baluffer.] A aflemblage of one or more rows of littl turned pillars, called balufters, fixe upon a terras, or the top of a building for {feparating one part from another Bam, Beam, being initials in the nam of any place, ufually imply it to hav been woody ; from the Saxon beam which we ufe in the fame fenfe to thi day BamBoo' Gibfon # / An Indian plant of th reed kind It has feveral fhoots muc larger than our ordinary reeds, whic are knotty, and {eparated from f{pace t {pace by joints. The bamboo is muc larger than the fugar-cane Zo BaMBO0ZLE. . 4. [a cant word no ufed in pure or in grave writings.] 'T deceive ; to impofe upon ; to confound After Nick had bambosziled about the money Jehn called for counters Arbuthnot BamBo'0ZLER. n. [ [from bamboozle. A tricking fellow ; a cheat There are a fet of fellows they call banterer and bamboozlers, that play fuch tricks. Zrbuthnot Baw. n /. [ban, Teut. a publick procla mation; as of profcription, interdiction _excommunication, public fale. 1 Publick notice given of any thing whereby any thing is publickly com manded or forbidden ~'This word w ufe efpecially in the publifhing matrimonial contralts in the church, befor marriage, to the end that if any ma ~can fay againft the intention of the parties eithe i refpe o kindre o otherwife, they may take their exception in time And, in the canon law banna funt proclamationes [ponfi & [ponfe \ 7 ecclefiis fieri folitee CGoavell Ibar it in the intercft of my wife *'Tis the is fubcontraded to this lord And T her hufband contradié your bans. Shakefp To draw her neck into the daxns Hudibras 2. A curfe excommunication Thou mixturerank of midnight weeds colleéted With Hecate's ban thrice blafted, thrice infeGed Shakefpeare's Hamlet A great overfight it was of St. Peter that h did not accurfe Nero, whereby the pope might hav got all; yet what need of fuch a ban, fince fria Vincent could tell Atabalipa, that kingdoms wer the pope's ? Raleigh 3. Interdition ‘Bold deed to ey The facred fruit, facred to abftinence Much more to tafte it, under ban to touch. A 4. Ban of the Empire; a publick cenfur ‘by which the privileges of any Germa prince are fufpended He proceeded fo far by treaty, -that he was proffered to have the imperial ban taken off Altapinius, upon fubmiffion ZoBax Hoaell w. a. [banier, Dutch, to curfe. T'o curfe ; to execrate Shall we think that it daneth the work whic ‘they leave behind them; or taketh away the uf thereof Hooker It is uncertain whether this word, i from ban, to curfe, or bane, to poifon In thy clofet pent up, rue my fhame And ban our enemies, both mine and thine. Shak Before thefe Moors went a Numidian priett bellowing out charms, and cafting ferowls of pape on each fide, wherein he curfed and banned th Chriftians Knolles Baxa'na Tree A fpecies of plantain Bawo. n. /. [bende, Dutch; band, Saxon. 1. A tic; a bandage ; that by which on thing is joined to another You fhall find the band, that {eems to tie thei friendfhip together, will be the very ftrangler o their amity Shake[peare 2. A chain by which any animal is kep in reftraint. This is now ufually f{pelt lefs properly, &ond So wild a beaft, fo tame ytaught to be And buxom to his bands, is joy to fee. Hub. Tale Since you deny him entrance, he demand His wife, whom cruelly you hold in dands.. Dryd 3. Any means of union or connexion between perfons Here's eight that muft take hands To join in Hymen's bands Shakefpeare 4. Something worn about the neck; neckcloth. It is now reftrained to neckclot clergymen "colleges of particula lawyers form an worn b ftudent i For his mind I do not care That's a toy thatI could fpare Let his title be but great His cloaths rich, and band fit neat Ben Fonfon He tock his lodging at the manfion-houfe of taylor's widow, ‘Who wathes, and can clear-ftarc his bands Addifon 5. Any thing bound round another I ol ftatue of fton in celiars them being bound with leaden bands that the lead did fiwell the feet o it appeare " Bacon 6. {In architeéture.] Any flat low membe or moulding, called alfo fafcia, face, o plinth 7. A company of {oldiers Zeal too had a place among the reft, with bandage over her eyes 5 though one would not hav expeéled to have feen her reprefented in fhow Addifon Cords were faftened by hooks to my bandages which the workmen had girt round my neck Saift's Gulliver 2. I Shatkz[peare 8. A company of perfons joined togethe in any common defign We tew, we happy few, we band of brothers Shakelpeare The queen, in‘white array.before her bund Saluting took her rival by the hand Dryden Ona {udden, methought, this fele@ band ipran forward, with a refolution to climb the afcent, an follow the call of that heavenly mufick Tatler Strait the three bands preparein arms to join Each band the number of the facred Nine Pope is ufed in furgery, for the fillet o roller wrapped over a wounde ber ; and fometimes fo th memaé o practice of applying bandages Ba'~npBox. 7. /. [from band and box.] flight box ufed for bands, and othe things of {fmall weight My friends are furprifed to find two bandboxe among my books, till T let them fee that they ar lined with deep erudition Addifon With empty bandbox fhe delights to range And feigns a diftant errand from the *Change Gay's Trivia BA'NDELET 7. /. [bandelet, Fr. 1in archi tecture.] Any little band, flat mouldg, or fillet Ba'~pis. n. fi [bandito, Ital.] A ma outlawed No favage fierce, bandjt, or mountaineer Will dare to foil her virgin purity Milton No bandit fierce, no tyrant mad with pride No cavern'd hermit, refts felf {atisfy'd Pope Baxpi'rro. # /. in the plural banditti [bandito, Ital. A Roma {worder Murder'd weet Tully and banditto lave Shakefpeare Ba'~poc. #. f [from bax ot band, an dog. 'The original of this word is ver doubtful Caius, De Canibus Britann:cis, derives it from band, that is, dog chained up Skinner inclines to de duce it from bana, a murderer it not come from ban, a curfe fa And, good my lord of Somerfet, unit Your troops of horfemen with his dands of foot nailed upon the bows of the faddle, t hold the bows in the right fituation Ba'vpacGe. n. [ [bandage, Fr. 1. Something bound over another a curf? cur or rather fro Ma as w baund {welled or large, a Danifb word; fro whence, in fome counties, they call great nut a ban-nur 2] A kind of larg dog The time of night when Troy was fet on fire The time when fcreech-owls cry, and dandogs howl Shakefpeare's Henry V1 Or privy, or pert, if any bin We have great bandogs will tear their fkin. Spenfer Banpors'ers. #. [ [bandouliers, Fr. Small wooden cafes covered with leather, each of them containing powde that is a fufficient charge for a mufket Ba'nprovn. #. [ [banderol, Fr.] A littl fla o fir ame th littl fri ge fil or flag that hangs on a trumpet Ba'woyn..[ [from bander; Fr.] A clu The bifhop, and the duke of Glo'fler's men tarned' round at bottom, for ftriking Have fill'd their pockets fuil of pebble ftones And banding themfelves in contrary parts ball at play Do pelt at orie another's pates Shakefpeare 7 Ba' Dpy @ a [pr bab fro dan y Some of the boys banded themfelves as for th the inftrument with which they firik major, and others for the king, who, after fix day Yo Banp. . 2. [from band. 1.-To unite together into one bod troop {kirmifhing, at laft made -a compofition, and departed Carew They, to live exemp From Heav'n's high jurifdiétion, in new leagu Banded againft his throne Milton 2. To bind over with a band And by his mother ftood an infant lover With wings unfledg'd, his eyes were danded over Dryden BanDs of a Saddle, are two pieces of iro they are placed with rails on ftairs, an the foregoing fenfe, is to be deduce ! menfions and forms are various; the are frequently adorned with mouldings BA balls at play, which, being crooked is named from the term lander; as bander un arc, to firing or bend a bow. 1. T bea t an another fro or fro one They do cunningly, from one hand to another bandy the fervice like a tennis ball Spenfer And like a ball bandy'd *twixt pride and wit Rather than yield, both fides the prize will quit Deiban Wha "B A |