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Show FI { So‘faylxug on he led his radiant files Dazzling tlmg moon Milton's Paradife Loft 5. [peol, Saxon; wil Dutch. ftrument to rub down prominences An in With a refembling face the daughter buds arife Prior an the fmooth fi/ is to take out thofe cuts, or file-ftrokes, that th Jil. Moxon tine fi/e made A file for the mattocks and for the coulters 1 Sam. Xiii. 2 FrLecuTTER maker of files 7 fi [fle and cutter. Gad-fteel is a tough fort of fteel : filecutter o F1vE. v, a. [from flum, a thread. 1. -To ftring upon a thread or wire. Whenc up to the brim Infinitude _his tongue f/ed, and his eye ambitious Shake[p 4. [from pilan, Saxon.| To foul; to fully to pollute. - 'This fenfe is retained i Seotland For Banquo's iffue have I f'd my mind ¥or them the gracious Duncan have I murder'd Shakefp His weeds divinely fafhioned Al /#/°d and mang]'d clean.sh data import.tsv out README i a file no abreaft bu -All ran down without order or ceremony, 'till w gdrew up in good order, and fi/ed off Latler Pid all the groffer atoms at the cél Of chance, fi/e oft ‘to :form the pondrous ball, And undetermin'd into order fal Fi'vemor morte n f colours you ough Jlemot, turned up with red ~-one wh adj Latin 1. Pertaining to a fon ; befitting a fon 7. To Friv up He griev'd he wept the fight an image brough Of his own filial love, afadly pleafing thought 5 Dryden 2. Bearin the charatte o relatio 'To occupy by bulk, There would not be altogether fo much water re of {on S up part of that fpace upon the land, and fo mak Burnet lefs water requifite 'To engage; to employ Milton Where the old myrtle her good influence fheds Sprigs of like leaf crect their f#al heads Shakefpeare's Macbeth g applied The youth approach'd the fire, and as it burn'd On five fharp broachers rank'd; the roaftthey tum'd Thefe morfels ftay'd their ftomachs; then the ref | They cut in legs and fillets for the feaft. . Diyder 3. Meat rolled togethier and tied round Fillet of afenny fnake In the cauldfon boil and bake 'The mixture thus, by chymick ar Shakefpearé { United clofe in every part | Appear'd like one continu'd fpecies Swif? 4 [In archite@ture.] A little member whic appears in the ornaments and mouldings Harris and is otherwife called liftel In the cup which fhe hath filled, £/ to her double We £/ to th? general joy of the whole table And to our dear tricnd Banquo, whom we mifs 2, To grow full or othe { In fillets roll'd, or cut in pieces Is it far you ride -As far, my lord, as will f// #p the tim Rew And thus the fi/ia/ godhead anfw'sing Tpoke Par t the hea 2. 'The flelhy part of the thigh ! commonly to veal raife them t an equal height ; becaufe mountains and hills woul To BILL. Wesn 1. To give to drink [ flet, French; filum, Lat. She fcorn'd the praife of beauty, and the care Popeé ! A belt her waift; a /et binds her hair Pope war abfolutely neceflary for f//ing up the laboriou part of life, and carryin .on the underwork of th nation I Addifon on the Way *Twixt this and fupper His baleful breath infpiring, as he glides ! Now like a chain around her neck he rides ' Now, like a fi//es to her head repairs plied; you will find moft of thofe' that are proper fo 10. o F1LL p Dryden's Frt 'To fupply fea, t Pope ' And with hiscircling volumes folds her hairs /s 2#p all the mind quired for the land as for th From impofition of kit laws, to fre Acceptance of large grace ; from fervile fea To filial ; works of law, to works of faith. Milton the feveral trades and profeffions are fup 9. 70 F1Lr zp 2. One whofe employment is to fill veflel e o Till lengthen'd on to faith, and unconfin'd When . of needlefs Sllers up to the reft. 1. A band tied roun And opens f{till, and opens on his foul 8. 70 FiLL zp Dryd. Ain. Dedic A mixture of tender gentle thoughts and fuitabl . expreflions, ‘of forced and inextricable conceits; an FULLET. n. / Hope leads from goal to goal It pours the blifs tha *Tis a meer fi//er, to ftop a vacancy in the hexa meter, and connedt the preface to the work of Virgil They have fiz diggers to four fil/ers, {o as to kee - the fillersalways at work Mortimer's Hufbandry [Up 1s often'ufed withsu Lo makedulleasG FiLven. #z [ [from f#/. 1. Any thing that fills up room withou ufe of carriage much addition to the force of the verb. My mifchievous proceeding may be the glory o his flial picty, the only reward now left for fo grea a merit Sidney = 'To extend by fomethin Pope | 2. [More properly #hill.] ‘The place be tween the thafts of a carriage I only fpeak of hi Jeel Whom pomp and greatnefs fits fo loofe about ‘That he wants majefty to #// them oxt. . Dryden Orne whe files flins Milton away with the cart and timber. ~ Mortimer's Hufp =T 'Pofi; olxt;licjuqrj:' fo contained -A brown o French Tempting {o nigh, to pluck and eat my_fi// Milton's Paradife Loff I'fpar'd not Which made me gently firft remove your fears That fo you might haye reom to entertai Your fi/i of joy Denbham's Sophy Your barbarity may-have it £/ of deftruétion This mule being put in the f#// of a cart, ru .. Shakefp 6. To F1Lw out Sawift [filial-le Amid' the tree now got, ‘where plenty hun {He with'his conforted Eve drink ufes the file in cutting metals YVLIAL ilton -Ay, to fee meat #// knaves, and wine heat fools to 'wifh for are blue o Fr'ver. n /. [from file. g T wersanre Miltor Thou art going to lord Timon'sfeaft oo 2 Efd, }, 20 Can comprehend, incapable of more 4. To glut; to furfeit [corrupted from feweill yellow-brown cclour Th "Your £/, what happinefs this happy ftit Nothing but the fupreme and abfolute Infinite ca adequately fi// and fuperabundantly fatisfy the infinite defires of intelligent beings Cheyne Blackmore a dead leaf, French. With admiration and deep mufe to hear behind another and waters flowed out to your / Mean while enj The ftory heard attentive, and was f#//' To marc on When ye were thirfty, did I not cleave the rock 3+ To fatisfy'; to content Chapman's Iiads o ¥1LE. @. 2. [from the noun. But thus inflam'd befpoke the captain, Who fcorneth peace fhall Have his #// of war Fairfax Milton Be fruitful, multiply, and in the fea And lakes and running fireams the waters £ 3. To fmooth; to polith his difcourfe peremptory nor vacuous fpace 2. To ftore abundantly. nefs of that offer, do in more fparing terms acknow"Hooker ledge little lefs ‘Let men be careful how' they: attempt to"cire blemith by fi/ing or cutting off the head of fuch a Ry overgrown tooth is lofty Fairy Que Exhaling firlt from darknefs they behel -Birth-day of Heav'nand Earth ; with joy and {Hou The hollow univetfal orb they f//'d Milton Arbuth. and Pope's Mart. Scrib His humou That aye thereof her babes may fuck their f/ The celeftial quires, when orient ligh From the day his firt bill was fi/zd he began jt They which would £/ away moft from'the Targe "Her neck and breafts were ever open bare Fokny ii. 7 I am whof#l to file a :bill is to offer it in' its order' t the notice of the judge 2. [From peolan, Saxon.] -To cut with fele fadtion Fill the waterpots with water, and they f//ed the DMoxon colleck reports 1. As nuch as may produce complete fatis Fragments rubbed off by the atio 7o ¥ILL. @. m [pyllan, Saxon. 1. To ftore *till no more can be admitted uf Sharp Firr. 7. /. [from the verb. FEelton on the Clajf it to make their chiffels, with which they cut théi files or fkinning over, cicatrization Brown copperofe The chippings and fllings of thofe jewels are o more value than the whole mafs of ordinary authors Dyyden Woodward ter, is by furgeons called digeftion; the fecond, o the filling up with fefh, incarnationj and the laft The flings of iron infufed in vinegar, will, wit a decottion of galls, make good ink, without an Files in their hands, and hammers at their {ide The firft ftage of healingy or the difcharge of mat of the file The {miths and armourers on palfreys ride To gtow full frp z /i [without a fingular Fi'vines fat ate more fiz'//r/g Neither the Palus Meotis nor the Euxine, no¢ an - otlier feas, fi// up, or by degtees grow fhallower facred perfons of the Trinity, and the denominatio thereof, muft needs be eternal, becaufe the term of relation between whom that relation arifeth wer Hale's Origin of Mankind eternal the deep cuts, or file-firokes, the rough file made the fine-toothe fi/e is to take out the cuts, or file the baftard f7e made 4.' To Firy up Fh and the relation betwee firft and fecond perfon that ate f{weet an and do fwim and hang morc about the mouth of ! the ftomach, and go not down (b fpeedily Bacop _to paternity. The relation of paternlty and ffliation, between th the baftard-toothed fi/e is to take out of your wor {trokes Thing Fivria'rion, z /. [from filius, Latin,] Th relation of a fon to a father ; correlativ The rough or coarfestoothed file, if it belarge, i called a rubber, and is to take off the unevennefs o your work which the hammer made in the forging e 3. To gluty to fatiate And when the parent rofe decays and dies xviil Shake/p Pillars and their fi//ets of filver Exodug 2. 'To adorn with an aftragal To F'LLET. @. 4. [from the noun. 1. 'To bind with a bandage ot fillet He made hooks for the pillars, and overlaid thei ehapiters, and fi//ested them Ly xxxviiis 473‘ Have glow'd like plated Mars, now bend, now tur Upon a tawny front. Shakefpeare's Ant. and Cleop |