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Show EG the conjunétio fame meaning of tw word 1. Suddenly darted out; uttered in fhor A tribe of egotiffs, for whom I have always had mortal averfion, are the authors of memoirs, \'Vh_j;) ar Spect never mentioned in any works but their oWn The continuance of this pofture might ine Spencer's Sta of Ireland Efifoons the nymphs, which now had flowers thei fill Run all in hafte to fee that filver brood Spenfe The Germans deadly hated the Turks, whereofi was to be thought that new wars fhould efi/oons enfue Knolles's Hiffory Efifoons, O fweetheart kind, my love repay, Gay's Pa/t And all the year fhall then be holiday His mingled parents, an an eftuarie fom flows i egers an thof arif Tivers; as, is obfervable about Trent and Humber i Brown's Pulgar Errours Eng nd as the bear Divers creatures {leep all the Winter Th Lat. [egefus 7. / Ece'sTioN aé of throwing out the digefted food at th vents natura anima Th #fpcntancou of digeftion -exertion # / Ece circulation an egeffion Hales's Origin of Mankind ough, Erfe. [eg, Saxon v. 'That which is laid by feathered and fom other animals, from which their young i produced An egg was found having lain many years at th bottom of a moat, wher the eart ha - perfedt Egg are perhap and exalted of anima food an moft nourifhing; moft indigeftible Arbuthnot Ecrr'sston hatch'd would a hi kind gro mif chievous Shakefpeare Ev'ry infe& of each different kind In its own egg, chear'd by the folar rays Organs involv'd and latent life difplays. ~Blackmore 3. Any thing fathioned in the fhape of a egg There was taken a great glafs-bubble wit a lon neck, fuch as chemifts are wont to call a philofophica €8 o Ece Boyle e @. a. [eggia, to incite, Iflandick ezzian, Sax. To incite; to inftigate to provcke to afion: for this," edge is 1 think, fometimes ignorantly ufed Study becomes pleafant to- him who is purfuin his genius, and whofe ardou of inclination eggs hi forward, and . carriethdhim - through- every obftacle Derbam' EleranTine n ' f A {fpecies of rofe Phyfico-Theolagy [¢fglantier French {weet-briar O'er-canopied with lufcious woodbine With fweet muf rofes, and with eglantine. Shake/p The lea o Out-fweeten' 'd Sycamo }‘u:ug(‘. about th eglantine, not to flander thty breath Shakefpeare's Cymb eglantine were {pread fides, a covering over head. Dryd E/corism, #. /. [from ego, Lat.] 'Th fault committed -in ‘writing by the frequent repetition of the word ego or / too frequent mention of a man's felf i writing or converfation The moft violent cgozifm which I have met with in the courfe.of my reading, is that of Cardina Wolfey's; ego & rex 7eiLs, I'and myking. "‘7"557"'{" ‘goTisT n / [fro ego. to driv force with forc Miltyy away A ] e o L'T Shakefpeare's Coriolanys to rejed froxe i ouh,‘f i frth Will any man fay, that if the words whoring an drinking were by parliament ¢/ecZed out of the Englif dr tongue, we fhould all awake next morning chafte an temperate Eje'cTioN. 2. [/, [ejedio, Lat. 1. The act of cafting out; expulfion Thefe ftories ar Swift jnal m\l' founded on the ¢ecion of th fallen angels from heaven or tenant of an eftate depart Lat. . / This ifland contains eight fcore and eight miles i mid(t, and the like The eighrh fhe voluntarily moves to part Or urg'd by Jove, or her own changefulheart. Pa.jm in th Bacon In your dreffing let theve b the feveral altions of drefiing hands, pray God to cleanfe you Taylor' ¢aculations fitted t as at wathing you foul from fin Guide to Devotion edi. [from ejaculate. Bat'fifi And water her ambrofial couch with tears th 2. A fhort prayer darted out occafionally without folemn retirement 1 ftay relutent feven continued years the effeCts are; a the fufpenfio I'Il fee no more; .Thexc is to be obferved, in thofe diflolutions whic towards the top i Macbeths e' Shakefpea appears eight th ye An In'the cighth month thould be the reign of Saturns in the a& o bottom Nex eight. [fro Another yet>-A feventh an gaculation or irradiation of the eye Bacon's Effzys the precipitation to th adj order to the feventh; the ordinal of eight Blackmore 1. The a& of darting or throwing out will not eafily incorporate, wha Sandy's j‘aum?' circuit. EicuTH EilcHTEEN nine adj [eight and zen. Twic He can't take two from twenty, for his heart And leéave eighteen Shakefpeare's 'Cymédmg we'f‘hqul years twent bu live If men naturall eightee ye an eer abouteigh die the i fatisfie b thep wvouldvh year eightee a lon area no year [aylore E1cHTEENTH, adj. [from eighteen.] '1;1; ( A expreflion of fudde delight dbia Saxon [eapra adj EIGHT 'Twice four Gothick; achz, Scottifh. A word of number [from ciaculate There feemeth to be acknowledged, A suterj ErcH 1s commanded t ju Ho Jith Ho reom : Irradiate all the wide circumference One that is Ejalcuratory and not to be commanded in the word of God, conl not have been defended Hooker Lts active rays, ¢raculated thence ¢aculatio the hap thereof .to be ufed by the church of Rome Being rooted fo little way in the {kin, nothing nea fo deeply as the quills of fowls, they are the mor eafily ejaculated Grew's Mufeeum The mighty magnet from the center dart This ftrong, though fubtile force, through all the parts tl}g ebullition ffo account of, be it never fo harmlefs in itfelf, and o never fo ancient continuance, without any othe crime to charge it with, than only that it hath bee The at 79 EJA'CULATE. «. a. [ejaculor To throw; tofthoot; to dart out €nVy b To have gecfed whatfoever the church doth mak The ceeur-cherry, whlch inclineth more to white is {weeter than the red; but'the ¢grior is more four Bacon Ejacuialrion ( to difmif 2. [In phyfick. The difcharge of an thing by -vomit, ftool, or any othe E'ereT. 7 /. a fowl of the heron kind Quincy emunctory Bailey with red legs. E'crior. # [ [aigret, French; perhaps ‘Eye/ct™MENT. 2 /. [fromejez.] A leg houfe o n inhabit an whic b wri from aigre, four. A fpecies of cherry therefore it is decree 4. To caft away The valt number of troops is exprefled in th fwarms; their tumultuous manner. of iffuing out of their fhips, and:the perpetual egreffion, which feeme withoutend, are imaged in the bees pouring out. Pope Therefore think him zs the ferpent's egg expel He dies to-night Hift of going-out 2. The fpawn or fperm of other creatures Whic . /. [egrefio, Lat. Our certain death the ftrat of ftone and marble remained continuous Woodward's Nat We are peremptory to difpatc This viperous traitor; to gz him hence Were but our danger; and to keep him lere Milton ha out or expel from an affic with hatred This water would have been locked up within th Bacon the higheft 3. T fhamefully earth, and its egrefs utterly debarred ge The French king was again ¢jefed when our kin fubmitted to the church Dryden Gates of burning adamant overgrown it; and this egg was come to the hardnef of a ftone, and the "colours of the white and yol thro Is well gieéted, when the conquer'd can Pope Barr'd over us, prohibit all egrefs South It was the force of conqueft Elerzss,z. /i [egreffus. Lat.] The power o act of going out of any place; departure fomewha or pofieflion For making him egregion/ly an afs And pradtifing upon his peace and quiet Shakefpeare's Othello Even to madnefs He difcovered that, befides. the extravagance o every article; he had been egregion/ly cheated Arbuthnot's Fobn Bull or involuntar natura th a altion La{, [{'/‘z'[l.o, g‘efium {Z V. EJ E,CT- z. T Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me as well thei foul or fpirits manag L'Efira the burthen Ecrr/crousvy, adv. [from egregions] Eminently takep(l':; tl})l; ];‘:tcsnilf Tears may {poil the eyes, but not wafh away th affli¢tion, fighs may exhauft the man, but not ¢jec vicious The fate of Louisand the fall of Rome tha the left fide ¢reé?s the bounding wave. Blackmore And hence th' egregious wizzard {hall foredoo Lacon's Nat. Hift ‘tatwhenthey fleep, and egef? not repentances The heart, as faid, from its contracted ca € O Shakefpeare's Cymbeline Egregions murtherer thefe ali wa and the bee the bat the hedge-hog to value outfelves .Infernal lightning fallies from his throat Ejeéed {parks upon the billows float ! S andys for infolence, pride, and egregions contempt of al Hooker's Preface good order, are the worft Ah me, moft credulous fool out food at the natural vents hafty 1. To throw out; to caft forth: to yoi We may be bold to conclude, that thefe laft times T'o thro @w. a. [egero, Latin. Bce'st T Philips remarkabl Eminently bad "This is the ufual fenfe uppa's Devotiyy {tarts An egregious and pregnant inftance how far virtu [/Voo'd?uard furpafles ingenuity ma excitations are. made (_'{aculalol: portended jo Unfpeakable From the peculiar difpofition of the earth at th wherein quic We are no Maoore aguainft Atheifin both of art and valour One to empire born Egregious prince; whofe manly childhood fhew' or irregular flood or tide bottom 2. Sudden He might be able to adorn this prefent age, an furnith hiftory with the records of egregiouns exploit An impetuou E'cer, 7. /. [See EacEr. tions much of one's {elf EGRE'GIOUS. adj. [egregions, Lat. 1. Eminent; remarkable; extraordinary inftance or example e . " eafe and drowfinefs; they ufed it rat}%ér 1:;;2?':, thort gaculatory prayers, than in their larger devo To tal To Blcorize. w. n [from ego. For the fake of a E. G. [exempli gratia. fentences of himfelf . He in their ftead efi/oons placed Englithmen, wh pofiefled all theirlands always repeating the word ego, /; a talke of th b TLU Go |