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Show CO 5. Continuity ; uninterrupted courfe Anfwer ough to be mad befor th Itis dlgged out of the carth conringently, and in CoNTI'NGENTNESS. . gent.] Accidentalnefs or, in other terms, let there thould be a difcontinuance of the caufe Ayliffes Parergon 1. Inceffant ; proceedin 1. Chalte ; abftemious in lawful pleafures Shakefp. Winter's Tale temperate H feaft My defir All continent impediments would o'erbear That did oppuie my will Shakefpeare. | Co'NTINENT. 7. /. [continens, Latin. 1. Land not disjoined by the fea fro other lands Th South adj. [contingens, Latin. Falling out by chance ; accidental ; no determinable by any certain rule. Hazard naturally implies in it, firft, fomethin future ; fecondly, fomething contingent. | South I firft informed myfelf in all material circumftance of it, in more places than one, that ther might be nothing cafual or contingent in any one o Woodward thofe circumftances CONTI'NGENT. 7 / 1. A thing in the hands of chance By contingents we are to underftand thofe thing which come to pafs without any human forecaft Greaw's Cofmologia His underftanding could almoft pierce into futuve contingents, his conjetures improving even t prophecy i behoovet roem drawin wher of bough South's Sermons 2. A proportion that falls to any perfo upon a divifion: thus, in time of war each prince of Germany is to furnit his contingent of men, money, and mu nition ConTUNGENTLY. adv. [from contingent. Accideatally 5 without any fettled rule m t into the infide of fire is continually kept, hath bee tried with grapes Bacon 2. Without ceafing Why do not all animal continually increafe i bignefs, during-the whole fpace of their lives Bentley's Serimons ConTi1'NUANCE. 7. /. [from continue. 1. Succeflion uninterrupted The brute immediately regards his own prefervation, or the continuance of his fpecies 2. Permanence in one ftate Addifor's Speator. Continuance of evil doth in itfelf increafe evil upon the contingency of human aétions ConTI'NGENT 3. It is fometimes ufed for perperual ConTr'NUALLY. adv. [from continual. 1. Without paufe ; without interruption Clofe pent-up guilt Rive your contending continents. Shak. King Lear confintine i With continuity; without inter ruption "The water afcends gently, and by intermiffiong but it falls continuatel an , with force Wilkins CoNTINUA'TION. 7. /i [from continggr] out danger. For example, if I be dif- feifed of land, into which, though I have right into it, I dare not enter fo ¢ Cowell Shak. Antony and Gleopatra 00t P a3y t fan o o e th ng WA CH pr tr dt o on fi cc ff un o nt rr pt d es en th tb ne muf d th mh ng f wi at hca ai w no re fo i peét every year as long as I'live; and fo fave the right of entry to my heir O cleave, my fides Heart, once be ftronger than thy confinent i bieath'd, as ate. vidence, for the continuation of the%eéies' an upholding theworld. Ry _T R m po i bu th fe on p o th r o Tlias 5 a continuation of . the fame fory Diyde Sidney A chamber where a great fire is kept, thoug the fire be at one ftay, yet with the continuanc continually hath its heat increafed Sidney Thefe Romifh cafuifts fpeak peace to the confciences of men, by fuggefting fomething whic thall fatisfy their minds, notwithftanding a known avowed continuance in fins South 3. Abode in a place 4. Duration; laftingnefs You either fear his humour, or my negligence that you call in queftion the continuance of hi love Shake[peare's Tavelfth Night Their duty depending upon fear, the one was o no greater continuance than the other Hayward That pleafure is not of greater continuance, whic arifes from the prejudice or malice of its hearers Addifon's Freeholder 5. Perfeverance To them-who, by patient continuance in welldoing, feek for glory, and honour, and immorta lity, eternal life Romans, iie 7 6. Progreflion of time In thy boo all my member were written which in continuance were fathioned Pfaln cxxxix. 16 7. Refiftance to {feparation ef parts ; continuity ‘Wool, tow, cotton, and raw filk, have, befide the defire of continuance in regard of the tenuit of their thread, a greedinefs of moifture Bacon fr D CONTUNUATIVE. 2 /. [from continuate.] . An ex reflio duration opportunity of me and mine heir, b approaching as near it as I can, onc 2. That which contains any thing. Thi fenfe is perhaps only in Shakefpeare At leaft the fecond page of great contingency Such as confifts with wills originally free. Dryden Ariftotle fays, we are not to build certain rules = hold on my right of entry to the beft and will gradually increafe in humidity Bentley's Sermons If not thy firm, immutable decree white; and becometh moft black while it is tinuate and undivided, as we fee in deep water an thick glaffes \ - Peachap CoNTI'NUATELY. adv. [from continy . 3nc fear of beating By the rude ocean from. the continent Or thus created, it was {ure defign' "To be the facred refuge of mankind Waller The declivity of rivers will be fo much the lefs, and therefore the continents will be the lefs drained boo Hooer Shakefpeare's Tip A clear body broken to fmall pieces ,praducgl that is of a merry heart, hath a continua Proverbsy xv ‘Whether this portion of the world were ren Their credulities aflent unto any prognofticks which, confidering the contingency in events, ar only in the prefcience of God. Brown's Pulg. Err For once, O heav'n! unfold thy adamantin inter- 2. [In law. continu l clai i mad fro(;ndtlme t? tilme, vs}r:thui].everyh)fe}a 4. Oppofing5 reftraining Conti'vcEncy. § The quality of bein fortuitous ; accidental poflibility withou Milton *Tis all blank fadnefs, or continual tears. Pope The north-eaft part of Afia, if not continen with the weft fide of America, yet certainly is th leaft disjoined by fea of all that coaft of Afia . Brerewood on Languages CONTI'NGE. w. #. {contingo, Lat. To touch; toreach; to happen. D:Z CoNTI'NGENCE. ) #. /. [from contingent. with L hhis Other care perhapsMay have diverted from continual watc Our great forbidder 3. Continuous; conneéted 9 [from contin and continuous of place I pray you, have a continent forbearance, till th {peed of .his rage goes flower. Shakefp. King Lear Crack thy frail cafe We are of him and in him, even as thoy h our very fleth and bones fhould be made cmin g ruption ; fucceflive without any fpace o time between. Continual is ufed of time Lif Hath been as continent, as chafte, as true 2. Reftrained ; moderate 1. Immediately united ConTi'NUAL.7 adj. [con5 tinuus, Latin.] = | 2+ [im";efmpted ;blunbrolien moft incomparable man adj. [continens, Latin. As 1 am now unhappy CoNTI'NUATE. adj. [continuatus, Lfifih,} differently, as the pyritee and agates Poodward's Natural Hiffory fam judge, before whom the depofitions were produced left the continence of the courfe fhould be divided CO'NTINENT CO CO noting: permanence o BiG To thefe may be added continuatives;' as, Rom remains to this day; which includes at leat tw propofitions, wiz. Rome was, and Romeis Watts's Logick ConTiNva‘Tor. 7 [ [from continuate. He that continues or keeps up the ferie or fucceflion It feems injurious to Providence to ordain awa of production which fhould deftroy the producer or contrive the continuation of the fpecies by th deftruction of the continuator Brown's Vulg, Err 7» CONTI'NUE. @. . [continuerFr , continno, Latin. 1. To remain in the fame ftate, or place The multitude continue with me now three days and have nothing to eat Matthew, Xvo 3 The popular vot Inclines here to continue, and build up her A growing empire Milsons . _ Happy, but for fo happyill fecur'd Long to continue He fix days and night Continned making = ; ‘M'I"'" %o Milton 2, To laft ; to be durable Thy kingdom f{hall not continue. 1 Samuely xiii. 1 For here have we no continuing city, but w Hebreavs, xiiis 14 feek one to come They imagine that an animal of the longeft duration fhould live in a continued motion, withou that reft whereby all others continue Brown's Vulgar Errours 3. To perfevere If ye continue in my word, then are ye my difciples indeed Fobn, viil 31 Down rufh'd the rai Impetuous, and continued till the eart No more was feen Milton 70 CoNTI'NUE. 2. a 1. To protra&, or hold without interruption e O continue thy loving kindnefs unto them Yo kno ho to mak Pfalm xxxvie 10 yourfelf happy b only continuing fuch a life as you have been lon accuftomed to lead Pope z. To unite without a chafm, or interven ing fubftance. The ufe of the navel is to continue the infan unto the mother, and by the veffels. thereof convey its aliments and fuftenance Browns Vulgar E"‘jf‘g' |