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Show CAA CrAD zbe lofty branches had fupply' Lz earth's bold fons prodigious pride 3\-"!';‘111 as I am, yet may I have the grac T'o make you father of a generous race And noble then am I, when I begin In virtue cloth'd, to caft therags of fin. Dryden The ladies have been in a kind of moultin feafon, having caft great quantities of ribbon an cambrick, and reduced the human figure to th beautiful globular form Addifon So may caft poets write ; there' no pretenfio clothes to be wor upon little minds by valets cabler had the caffing vote for the life of a criminal, which he very gracioufly gave on the mer<iful fide Addifon on Italy Suppofe your eyes fent equal ray Upon two diftant pots of ale In this fad fate, your doubtful choic ‘Would never have the cafling voice Prior 27. To compute; to reckon ; to calculate Hearts tongues, figure fcribes bards canno poets "Think, fpeak, caft, write, fing, number, ho His love to Antony Shakefpeare Here is now the fmith's note for thoeing an plow-irons.-Lei t be caff and paid. Shakefpeare You caft th' event of war, my noble Lord An fU‘l:E.I(;'l'd th' account of chance, before yo aid Let us make head Shakefpeare The beft way to reprefent to life the manifol ufe of friendfhip, is to caff and fee how many thing ther are, which a man' cannot do himfelf Bacon's EfJays I have lately been caffing in my thoughts th feveral unhappineffes of life, and comparing th infelicities of old age to thofe of infancy. 4ddifon 28. To contrive ; to plan out The cloifter facing the South is covered wit vines, and would haye been proper for an orangehoufe an had, I doubt not been caf for tha purpofe, if this piecé of gardening had been the in as much vogue as it is now Temple 29 To judge judgment t confide i orde t If thou couldft, do&tor, caf The water of my land, find her difeafe And purge it to a found and priftine health 1 would applaud thee Peace, brother, be not over exquifit To caf? the fathion of uncertain evils 30. To fix the parts in a play Shakefpeare Milton Our parts in the other world will be new caft and mankin will be there ranged in different fta tions of fuperiority Addifon 31. To glance; to direét: applied to th eye or mind i Say, fhall the current of our right run of2 s;, He might be filent, and not caft awa His fentences in vain s Ben Fon O Marcia, O my fifter! fiill there's hop Our father will not caft away a lif So needful to us all, and to his country. Addifon' 41. Zo caft away 'To ruin It is no impofiible thing for ftate .muft be kept a confiderable while in a ftrong fufion 42. To caft by. 'To rejet or difmifs, wit negleét or hate Boyle How to build fhips, and dreadful ordnance cafl Waller Inftruét the artift The father's grief reftrain'd his art He twice efiay'd to caf? his fon in gold Twice from his hands he dropp'd the formin their potent oppofites, utterly to caft away them felves for ever Hooker Old Capulet, and Montague, Have made Verona's ancient citizen Caf? by their grave befeeming ornaments. Shakefp When men, prefuming themfelves to be the on mafters of right reafon, caf by the votes and opinions of the reft of mankind, as not worthy o reckoning Locke Dryden mould 33. To melt metal into figures Yon' crowd, he might refleét, yon joyful crow With reftlefs rage would pull my ftatue down Prior And caf? the brafs anew to his renown Life and death are equal in themfelves, That which could caf the balance, is thy falfhood Dryden Not many years ago, it fo happened, that Raleigh France, haft thou yet more blood ,t;‘fifl‘ f fi not enough that the filver be barely melted, buti to give overweight conftrained, contai a&t, and a power t Brown's Vulgar Err the balance in cafe Soutb ; fight in fome one aét or treaty betwée: tfi:x:vaer 26. To make to preponderate ; to decid Which being inclined, no within themfelves the caftin command the conclufion. How much intereft caff dubious 5 towaft orfer caft, as requires that the impreflion of hairs,. o very {lender lines, be taken oft' by the metal, iti Thy ewes and thy fhe-goats have not caff thei young Genefis by overbalancing of filver is to b When any fuch curious wor their bodies upon rich old Wormen the top of ,it, Caf# thy eyes eaftward, faid he, an | Addifen tell me what thou feeft mould to turn to no ufe They that want means to nourif ch abftain from_ marriage5 or, whic iscal;r?)l:‘: ,t\;'x caft awa And orient {cience, at a birth begun. Pope's Dun He then led me to the rock, and, placing me o has a very ill effe Addifon 25. To havs; abortions ; to bring forth before the time profufion; Dryden's Virgi fingle out Far eaftward caf? thine eye, from whence the fun 32. To found ; to form by running in Tolavif 40. To caft away How earneftly he caft his eyes upon me \ Shakefp Begin, aufpicious boy, to caf abgu Thy infant eyes, and, with a fmile, thy mo.tht_e To argue lofs of wit, from lofs of penfion. Dryden He has ‘ever been'of opinion, that giving caf Sit carelefs at a play As he paft along To lay afide, as fit to be ufed or wor no longer i Spenfer ed arms, and fometimes caf? up eyesy fhe though Sidney to have an excellent grace though my homely anceftors were rude ‘Whilft you, regardlefs of our woe Zelmanes's languifhing countenance, with croff ) From hence, my Jord, and love, Ithus conclude 24 And caft our hopes awvay Ne thought of heayen ever did affay His bafer breaft Dryden Tha But now our fears tempeftuoys grow A lofel wandering by the way One that to bounty never caf? his mind Waller The waving harveft bends beneath his b aft The forclt thakes, the groves their honours c f CA 43. To caft down the mind This was but as a refiner's fire, to purge out th drofs, an mould then caff the mafs again into a ne Burnet's Theory 34. Tomodel to form by rule We may take a quarter of a mile for the common meafure of the depth of the fea, if it were ¢caf into a channel of an equal depth every where Burnet's Theory of the Earth Under this influence, derived from mathematical ftudies, fome have been tempted to caf? ‘al their Jogical, their metaphyfical, and their theolo 'To reje; to depref . We're not the firft ‘Who, with beft meaning, have incurr'd the worft For thee, opprefled king, I am caft down Myfelf could elfe outfrown falfe fortune's frown Shakefpeare The beft way will be to let him fee you are muc caft down, and affliéted, for the ill opinion he entertains of you Addifon 44 To caft forth 'To emit He fhall grow as the lily, and caff forth his root as Lebanon Hofea gical and moral learning into this method Watts's Logick 45+ Zo caft forth nation 46. To caf? off To difcard ; to put away 35. To communicate by refle&tion or emaSo bright a fplendour, {o divine a grace The glorious Daphnis caffs on his illuftrious race Dryden We may happen to find a fairer light caf ove th fam fcriptures, an fee reafo to alter ou fentiments even in fome points of moment Watts on the Mind 36. 'To yield, or give up, without referv or condition but in makin Go ou friend, and in carrying a confcience fo clear, a may encourage us, with confidence, to caf? ourfelve upon him 37. To infli& I caf? forth all the houfehold fuff They caft me forth into the fea South The world is apt to caff great blame on thof who have an indifferency for opinions, efpecially i religion Locke 38. 90 caft afide. 'To difmifs as ufelefs o inconvenient I have bough Golden opinions from all fort of people ‘Which would be worn now in their neweft glofs Not caft afide fo foon Shakefpeare Nebemiah Fonah The prince will, in the perfeétnefs of time Shakefpeare Caf? off his followers Caft me not off in the time of old age. Pfalis He led me on to mightieft deeds But now hath caft me of, as never known. Miltot How! not call him father? I fee prefermen alters a man ftrangely; this may ferve me for a ufe of inftruion to caff off my father, when _ Dryde am great The reafon of mankind cannot fuggeft any foli ground of fatisfaction To ejed 1 long to clafp that haughty maid And bend her ftubborn virtue to my paffion When I have gone thus far, I'd caff her offs Addi 47. To caft of 'To rejett It is not to be imagined, that a whole fgcxet of me fhould publickl and profefiedly difow nbe bu no l co th c wh caft offtaia nrulewa an Locke a Jaw fallibly ce 48. 0 caff off. To difburden one's felf of All confpired in one to caff off their fubjectio to the crowlx)] of England. "Spenfer's State of Iréland This maket them, through an unyeariabl defire of receiving jnftrution, to caff off the car of thofe very affairs, which do moft concern thei Sir Francis Drake, and John Thomas, meetin with a ftorm, it thruft John Thomas upon th eftate Hogker, Preface The true reafon why any man is an atheift, 1 wicked man: religion would cmj becaufe he is_ him in his Ifxis 5 and therefore he caffs ltqgf_fi' His father Philip had, by like mifhap, been lik tenance to the agent; and fo much as the finnzt 39 Zo caff away 'To fhipwreck iflands to the South, where he was caff away Raleigh's Effays to have been caff awvay upon the coaft of England Knolles's Hiftory of the Turks With pity mov'd for others caff awa On rocks of hope and fears Rofcommon puts all the fcorn upon it he can illotfor Company, in any a&ion, gives credit and coun gets of this, fo much he cafis off of thame. Sof We fee they never fail to exe;‘lt d}mffi:fi'eifi 3to caf it{i ofoff t the oppreflion, W hen they ) fee: Addiin 49 T |