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Show A thin drefs mentioned by Spen/ér Alfi:‘ fim:ny:},x;s:ofil{‘yefi}gicfcorcmng Pucfled upon with many a folded plight. Fairy Q. A cup; gene- Ca~. n. [ [canne, Sax. . campus = / [mmp, Fr whe by armié place field. Weuf deliricam th the phrafe z pitch a ca menfffi'f ( Next, to fecure our camp and naval pow'rs Raife an embattled wall with lofty tow'rs. Pgpe 7o Camr @. a. [from the noun. 1. To encamp; to lodg combat A eold wor }n fo i 4 whic mOOd Rofcommon Scutherné cel. Crofsbarred ; marked with line the beatt is very hairy and tancellated fome refemblance to the fcales of fithes witl Grew | CANCELLA'TION, 7./. [from cancel.] Ac i is allowe me perfo wit cordi.n' t Bartplus 7 / i a line [Can[er draw in th 4}'/{# Lat, When now no more th' alternate T'wins are fir'd And Cancer reddens with the folar blaze the wer th werd pafive Short is% the doubtful empire of the night. Thonfon as, I can do it [French. the dregs th people DEOL Th lees lowef the off- a Frenc ter 3 lemaliaba e walks and long canals reply Any traft or courfe of wate 2 el T Rh it o Wiferman As when a cancer on the body feeds And gradual death from limb to limb proceeds So does the chilnefs to each vital par Spread by degrees, and creeps into the heart. Addif 70 CA'NCERATE. w. fli)[fi-om cagrer.] T 5 dNC k of a nai i e nelo the wall, his hand cancerated, he fell into a fever and foon after died on't L'Efirange Pope mad may a degenerate Seriintola fehis 5 CONC 1 IQN o IO But firiking his fift upon the poin b art, as the canals in Holland |3- [In anatomy. cuAr An ;l "O 1. A bafon of water in a garde T Carncera'rion A conduit or paffage 7 A growing cancerous [fro cancerate. through which any of the juices of the | Cy'xlprous. adj. [ from cancer.] Havin bIOdY flow C There ace two forts of this tree; one is a nativ of the ifle of Borneo, from which the beft cam NAL-COAL 7 f jet C;}NALILCULA'léEhD i b ' Cana'r; y. at. the virulence and qualities of a cancer A fing kind of coal dug up in England Even our canal-coal nearl Phire is taken, which is fuppofed to be a natural At 15 oftener ufcd for the gum of this tree Before the fad accounting day I pafs the bills, my lords For cancelling your debts Dryden. Lat. gelwolnced or cut The other fort is a native of Japan, whic Dr. Kempfer defcribes to be a kind ‘of bay, bearing black or purple berries, and from whence th inhabitants prepare their camphire, by making fxmgle dz}coéltlion of the roothar'xd wood of this tree cu A into fmall. picces; ; but this for s of campbire is 1:‘":3%6' eighty or ;P hundred times Jofs thar{ th I & Ornean campbire ‘ Miller it is ufed of th Mortimer potentia d {courin of th of repr%ac The mountain beech is the whiteft; but th campefbral, or wild beech, is blacker and more du ::kf:fji:::;?}? :Pigze;,esr?it;cid in fuf‘hglsce il mna people _Addifon n. /. [camplwra Cancel my debt, too great to pay ftrument, by tw manner of a crofs CANAILLE campaniform TREE Thou, whom avenging pow'rs obey The tail of the caftor is almoft bald, thoug it may or can be done CaMPA'NIFORM. adj. [of campana, a bell CA'MPHIR I If fhe can make me bleft! the only can Empire and wealth; and all fhe brings befide wit Clarendon rable tho altive, where may is ufed of the thing, | 3+ A virulent fwelling, or fore, HRRStS b of the cam Growing in fields Know then, I here forget all former griefs Cancel all grudge; repeal thee home again Skak or wiping eut of the contents of an in Ca 2. The time for which any army keeps th Lat. in one, and cancelled for aye. Spenfer croffing each other but in poetry they are confounded and forma, Lat.] A term ufed of flowers which are in the fhape of a bell. Harris CaMPa'NULATE. adj The fame wit S POW? And fattens, a; he runs, the fair campaign. Garth adj. [ campefiris Cmfi"_' arey.h"' toes ik exprefl‘e Where Tiber rolls majeftic to the main Camre'sTraL expecte 3. It is diftinguithed from may, as power | ;. A crabfifh _From permiffion ; 1 can doit, itisin my | ;. The fign of the fammer folftice ow by th refidence of kings Temple 5'Th013fe g;t‘:f:,lc;,gvzs fli;tg thade the Pla;,:;mf An Iliad rifing out of one campaign Has fumm' Are but the train and trappingo s her love. Dryd. | CA''NCER In countries thinly inhabited, and efpecially i valt campanias, there are few cities, befides wha paign do in general Tocrofs a writing. To efface ; to obliterat expung{n without hills a fair conclufio mood : as, I ca o He can away with no company, whofe difeourf res goes beyond what claret and diffolutenefs infp Lo CAMPA'NIA. § pania, Ital. 3. A large, open, level traét of ground would have mad expreflio Meczenas and Agrippa, who can mof [mmpazgne, Fr. cam h a 2 f;;;; And all my cares which cruel love collete O, there 's the wonder {Jake-wxl/ field, without entering into quarters This might have haftened his mar a but Bacon. with the peril of his own body, to prove the acrufed guilty; 3 and, 3 by offering him his glove o AMPAIGN uf in conftan alone F o1 dition is not to will; the fecond, not to can. | CA'NCELLATED. particip. adj. [from can For their trial by camp-fight, the accufer was Cganflct,"to challenge him to this t.rxal i ufe [cancel[e) That long day's labour doth at laft defray 1. To be able; to have power In place there is licence to do good and evil whereof the latter is a curfe: for, in evil, the bef Sbakefpeare. 7. / rarely A 2 Now welcome night thou nigh fo lon p,qng other terminations. 2. To camp; to pitch a camp ; to fix tents Camp-r1GHT ‘times; thoug cenft do, 1 could do, thou couldeff do for hottile purPOfCSHad our great palace the capacit To camp this hoft, we would all fup together ryaen the pmentla in tents 1 2 o, [4onnen, Dutch. Itis fome- d Skakefp The hum of cither army filly founds day o o cancellis notare, to mark with crofs lines. His empty can, with ears half WOrn away Was hung on high, to boaft the tnumphDot dth 775 ]E';X;'I\igE Grew clothing, fhipping, meat, drink, and can P Shake[peare One tree, the coco, affordeth ftuff for houfing th kee d I hate it as an unfill'd can of tents orde Th Lat. Of finging birds, they have linnets, goldfinches ruddocks, canary birds, blackbirds, thrufhes, an matter than earth camp, SaX' fro e Capstion equal Ho ar to b treate fin{zmm{, fehirrous, or cancerous their proper places the foreig whe ar you may fee i Wifeman 5 mad The ftate of being cancerous like Di S ‘N RI?.E:' an_'/; [from cancer.] th qualities of. a crab called fack - HaVIH Hot; i next t fufio 1f a i wire be heate as th;t :fiéeisec;f)‘;eg u(;:}:i(x‘;tofngof:n\:marflcO;t(l;z fpectively acquires a verticity, as we have di'clnre 1 will to my y ho honefef t knikn ghtght FalftFal af};taff, and dr rinnk canary with him.--1 thinkI hall drink in pip wine firft with him; Tl ake him dance, Skak in wices "totally candent, An old dance the Woodward. | Ca'NCEROUSNESS. #. /. [from cancerous. atlfi;d[from éaflléfilfll ann the [ [from the Canary p lands.] | Cp"wpexcr. adj. fcandens, Lat. 1. Wine brought from the Canaries, now the higheft degree of heat z R CAMP bredi and no where elfe ; but now bred in feveral parts of Europe, particularly Ger many ra"y a{u}E made 'Of met]al, or I‘om'e othe Brown's Vulgar Errours e fing:gi out the cameys nofc unto this day An excellen O AL have not wor though after frequent commixture sirp. A Spaniards, of the race of Barbary Moors a'e W KREH Man humour it with turning up your eyelids. ~ Shakefp 4 Plant Lat' Ca'mus z / [probabl fro camifa Lat. ¢ Ca'MOMILE. 7 /. [anthemis.] A flower Camo'ys. adj. [camus, Fr.] Flat; level deprefled. It is only ufed of the nofe feet at the tongue's end, canary to it with you [{yc/yms awhin, or reffharrow brawl ?-How mean'ft thou, brawling in French -No, my compleat mafter; but to jigg offa tun on Boyle a Frenc Mafter, will you win your love wit Se nis. feems to fignify to dance ; to frolick liquor int the together, we eafily confounde high-coloured liquor An herb; the fame with pert camphora, | To CANa'RY. . a. A cant word, whic fhuking the faline and camphorat B Bacon Saxon; ono fz.f. [cammoc [fro Impregnated with camphire ~ Lat, kind of water camlet, of an excellent azure colour adj ‘CA'MPHORATE Ca'mrer. See CameLOT He had on him a gown with wide flecves, ofa Ca'MMOCK CA CA CA Browsn Ca'NDICANT |