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Show The· Prifttce. Tile Prefoce. is Anothcrs; ·and if we have a~y without the higbefi: fin, "1h11t thtre il , thing of that . fort , or have gained n8 God: o~ , That he hath no C11re of by it,Rcfr~tution ; ' ObJig~tion to ful- h11mane t.Ajfairs.: the c~ntrary fill promtfes ; Reparation of Da- whereof being Implanted tn us , mage un jufi:ly done, and the Merit partly by Reafon, pard~ by perof Puni01ment amongfi: Men. petu2l Tradition, and confirmed by From this lignification of Law is many Arguments and Miracles te- . ~erived another more large: for, ftified in all Ages, it follows, that becaufe Man above other Animals, we mull: without exception obey hath not onely that focial virtUe God, as our Maker, to whom we which we mention' d, but alfo judge- owe our felves, and all we have: ement to dikern what things delight fpecially, feeing he hath many waies or hurt~ not prefent onely, but fu- declared his infinite Goodnefs and ~ure; and what things can lead to Power; So that , he is able to give either; it is conveflient to humane unto thofe that obey him greateft nature, according to rhe meafure of Rewards. and eternal , being himhumane underfi:anding , in thefe feJf eternal ; and may be believed things alfo to follow a reCtified willing; and mucl1 the more , if he judgement, and neither to be cor- hath exprefly promis'd it: Which rupted with fear, or the allurement we Chrifi:ians, convinced by unQf prefeot pleafure, nor to be tranf· doubted tdtimonies, do believe. ported with any impetuous railinefs: This is now another fountain of .f\nd tnat,whi~h is plainly repugnant Law, befide that natural, coming* Inde M. An~ ~o fuch a judg~ment, is alfo con· fro~ the free will of God*, ro r?nino ju~ice_, ~eiv'd to pe againft the Law of Na- whtch, that we ought to be fubject, ~!i~: ~~~~; ~ure, to wit, humane. our own underfranding doth irre- cr u,ju(t, iJ ir- . What we l1ave now faid would fragably dictate to us. ~eti.~ious, in tl e_ · ~aye fo!ll~ p~ace, t· ~Q'u gh we' ihou·l d M. o reover, that natural Law o.f ychd~gt emcnt ot J>hilofo- ~rant ~ wh1ch ~annpc· be granted \lVhlth we have fpoken, ( wh~ther 1r phlck Eulpc- . without be rour. |