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Show • I of War and Peace mem of yor"'r reputed Gods , keep their hands ,pure for facrrjices, that they may offer them to your [upp~(cd Gcds, with hands unb!oody ,and de~!ed with no Jlaughter :nor are your Priefts li{l-ed Jo!dim in any war. Now, if that be fJOt without reaJon,, how much more than other fo!diers, are our men in their Jr?ay to be acr:ounted mtlitant , IU the 'J>riefls and worjhippm of the true God, who indeed kJep their bands pure,but _(lrive with Godly prayers, on behalf of thofc that fil}tin ju{f wan, and of him that is the jujf Commander/ In which place he ttileth all Chrilhans f.riefts , after the qcample of the holy writers , Apoc. I. 6. 1 Pet. 2. 5. C X X X V I I I. I'Vhen the arms of SubjeUs are jufl in an unjuft War. ANd I am of opinion, it is poffible, that, in a war not only doubtfuU but manifdlly unju!t , there may be lome ecfenfe jull on tpe JubjeFfs parr. For, teeing an Enemy, through waging a jufi I war, hath not ~rue and internal right (except for neceffary defenfe, or by con· fequence and beyond his purpofe ) to kill fu b je8:s innocent, , and far remote from all blame of the war; (and [u<;h ar~ not ob· noxious to punifhment; ) it followeth, that, if it certainly appear, the enemy comes with fuch a mind, that he wHI in no The fec~nd 473 no wife (though he be able) fpare the l'tfe of his enemies fubje8:s ; it followeth , I fay, that thefe fubjects may fiand in their own defenfe by the right of Nature , whereof they are not-deprived ~y the law of Nations. Neither lhall we iay (upon this ) that the wa1· is jull on both fides : for our quefiion now is not concerning the War , but concerning a particular and determinate aEtion; which achon,though of one othervuife having right to war, is un juft, and therefore is ju!tly repelled. The End of the Second Part. |