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Show of Wttr •nd Pe(l&e is the concord of hiJ mind and tongue; He ftnows a lJ is a fin 1 not only of a low and little mind , /Jut fervile too : 4nd f eeing that poverty indeed,orfear, mafe.! men qars, the Emperour that lye; underJhand1 tzot the greatnefs of his fortune. PLutarch commends Ariftide.r , for his conftant nature, holding faft that which is JUft , and abhorring to ly, though in [port. Probus of EpaminondtU: He lVM fo ft udiouJ o_f truth, that he would not ly ,niJ nor in .iejf. Which indeed is the more to be obfcrved Mar. 10 · 1 ~. by Chrifl:ians , hecaufe l1mp licity is not Mar.,,., 36. l d on y comman ed them, but vain fpeech forbidden, and He is propofcd for an example, in whole mouth was found no guile. Laflantius ; T!?at true ,;wd ju.ft Traveller faith not that ofLuci:ius , It tJ not my property to ly to my f riend and.familiar : hut a!Jo to an enemy ar.d ftranger, he will thinlz.he muft not ly :nor will he commit at any time , that hir tongue the interpreter of his mind (hort ld d;[.1gree with his mearJing. Such a one is Neopto- * I Ph.l a. lemus in Sophocles .. , excel!ine: tn rt rrene-n 1 O.L Le- rous fit mp l tcity, as 7Jion Pru,( £enjis ""h ath te Sophoclts' well noted. So, Alexander [:aid he would Neoptolemus not Heal the viCtory. And CJJolyhi.e:J faith, Ulyffi ad dolos the Achaians abhorred from all f, aud afionanti lie re- gainll the enemies, becaufe they eftcemed fpondet: that only to be a true vi8:ory, which drew a confeffion of it from the enemies themfelves. Such were the Ro?'l(ans'tiJl rhe end of the fecond Punick._ war. 'Ihe third Pl[trl. Ego ttudiem qu ~ dolrQ , Laert• fate, Imple•e f.:Ciu ode,ii1J tm·lto nugv: N am ftc ntr. tgo fum n~tt>t , Tt~ [d/.t~r itt.~ sea~) , uec o!tm gemtor ' l'l }'tfhzbtlo t mcm: .At (um pnr atU6 VZ1t1CIR, 11011 {t llUrJibus Pcrtr>1htrt rapzum. De Gcnitore ejus, Achille Hor. cann.lib. 4· Ode 6. " lfte non inclujUJ tquo Mmerutt, Saer• mentltO' mat· r~ iatos Trtuts & l~et am 1-',,.zmi thgreu Falltret Aul.1m: Sed palam raptugratm, &c. Ubi Schol"afi:es diCit Achillem 'llrhtlj;.ltnit ,('"d {emper pa[,tm Vmll&k (lduGia d1mw1]fo. Eu ·ip.dcs lthefo : . Genera{ us animus hoftibm fimim necem 1~/emneftit. £1ian : Va/Qttr is prpper to the 1(_gmans , not viilory gotten 6y fraud and cunning. Whence, when Per(eus King of tMacedon was deceived by hope of Peace , the old Senators iaUi, Thofe were none of the R0man arts; Their Ancefl:ors never waged war ro £hew their wit but their valour; They left fuch deceits co the Carthaginians and (j'reelzs, who accounted it more glorious to enfnare the enemy than to beat him. And then they added : ~t pre[ent perhaps Deceit ma7 he more profitable than valour, 6ut a perpetual victory is obteined over his m.:nd , who i.r forc'd to a confof!ion~ that he is .ove1come, neither by art nor chanc~, /Jut 67 plain battell in a ju(l and pious war. And in af- . ter-times , we read m Tacitus , T/;at the Annal. hb. 2.. Romans were wont to revenge them{elvcs of their entmies, not hy fraud, mt Jccret-ly, |