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Show The Prefttce. great Cities an~ Stat~s, feeming t6 contain all thtngs m themfelves, which are ne~dfull for the well fup. porting of life , (~em not to hav( neeei of ·that virtue that looks a. broad , and is called J uRice. Bu! (not to repeat what was faid, thai Law was not onely provided for profits fake ) there is no Common· wealth fo {l:rong, that may not fome. time ftand in need of help from without ; either for commerce, or alfo for repelling the F9rces of rna. ny forein Nations united together againft it: .Whence ~e fee the mon potent States and ~mgs have de~: red Leagues , all vtrtue whereof 11 taken away by thofe that confim Law. within the bounds of a Cicy. ~ Omnl4 P~"! It is moft true, Jt Take ttwtty Law, Jnctrea , 111m 4 d 11 h . · If h jure di{ceff11m an ttu, t tng s ar~ uncertA-,tn. t ere tfl. Cic. ep. . be no Communtty that can .be co~· 11 ' 16·Pltttar'h ferved without Law ( whtch Ar~· blames that ' faying of Pyr- jl1tle Eroved by a memorable ex· rhus, That h.e ample 'of Thieves t) certainly that fhould he h1s Heir who had chc fuarpe(l fword , as a bloody fpeech , .add : ~, So Ull' fociab/e and {avllgt is Amiitio11. t Thieve.r, 1[ they be not trNI ,to one 1tnotlm (faith Polybir4s, 4·) ntl do not ~eep 11 Law •· m~~ thtm[tl-rJes., CllmiO~ fi•b{ifl. which T!Jt Preface. whi~h binds Mankind and many Nations together , hath need of Law: as he perceiv'd who faid, Unhoneft things are not to be, done, no not for ones Countrcy. Greatly doth A.ri.ftotle * accufe them, who, when " P/tltar&b in they would have no man govern. hi~ A.gefilaus, fa1th, The Laamong themfelves, but he that hath ccdcmon1ans right, have no regard of right or ~'IJbw 11ohontfly wrong towar d F orem· ers. Th·a t tra me lbau'at1 prboMfitt , tn~aotr Fompey, whom we named afore on whi.cb mafr.u the other part correttcd this Speech for the advan .. f '. t11~e of Sparr~. o a Spartan Kmg, That Comm1n- The AthmiatJs wealth u moft happy , whofe bounds in Thr1cydidtJ , are termt.~ ate d b'Y ~h e Spear an d fl.A mr.e f,a v of the That they Sw~rd, faytng , 1 hat s truly ble(Jed, 4re civit tD /)llt whtch hath fuflice for iJs 6ounds : to ~nothtr ; but, h. h . m rtfPtll of o- W IC purpofe he m1gl1t have ufed tbm,thllf[etms the autf1onty of another Spttrtttn hone(J, which is Ki~~ , who preferred J ufrice before ~~th~/ ,t:~: MthtaryValour t, upon this ground· ubte. becaufe Valour mufr be govern'd by' t Ag,fttaur, Ju f t1. ce; bu t 1'f all men were jufl: twhhee nP hrerf ihaena rd there would be need of Valour Va~ King ftilcd loubr it felf· is defined by the S~oicks fG:~·ehath, H.o-n;,, :ut e, ts oe to e .a. VIrtUe fighttng for equity. Greater tban I Themijltu,.i . elegantly fbews that am, tmlt[J he be Kl.n gs, 1r.U C h as the rule ofWif' dome Ju~er? ** re- |