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Show Memori~tls of and of all things done valiantly in de .. fenfe of it, and peculiarly favour'd the renown of Prince .!Vfaurice , tny Books may tdHfy; which I have partly divulged , an~ partly commu~i~a ted to my friends. For rhe!e 0 fficcs, 1t I had ex peeled a Reward, truly ir had not been without example ; buc I never regarded that, being comenc wirh my falary, and the recompenfe of a goocl Name. What Return had I , after ail my iervicc ? That /for the fpace of nine months, beinggrievoufiy fick , I was kept uuder a molt !height cuitody ,fo as I could not to mu~h as once have the comfort to fee my wife or any friend : That, in the habit of a guilty perion I was brou?ht into char Au. ditory, wherein I had upheld the honour ofPublick Jul1icr. That, being lhur up afterward in one chamber, I was to clo!e· ly guarded with Soldiers, that my wife fcm::times had not liberty to go abroad ; That tho(e few Goods I poffeffed , and (if ever any man) had gotten honeflly, were taken from me and my five Chi!· dren. Than all which , yet, This one thing is more grievous , that the cares of my Coumreyman and of foreiners are filled with a fa He rumour, as Jf I had confphcd and p!orted a.gainfi my Counrrey l bccaufe1 it is incredible to me>ft men, that any Man of truth and honel1y flwuJd be 1o u(ed, as I have been. Neither is the injury confined to my perion alone, but part The .At~tho'f •· part of the odiu~n and Calumny redounds to thofe that ar~ allied to me by blood or marriage : who, as publick enemies and traitors , in fcveral places , are perfecuted by evil words and deeds. Againfi all thefc chmg5 , my comfort is in God , and in a good Confcience , and in the example of very many excellent Patrlots, ¥Jho for no lin but for folid vertues 1ake have endured the like · AffliCtions. Of 1ate , there is come forth a Latin Book of an unknown Writer, who faith, that, by reafon of the iu juries done me , I will be in affeCtion , if not in body , with the King of Spain. This is far from Truth. I know all defire of Revenge is forbidden ChriHians. To the King of Spain I am not, obliged , nor do I defire to be obliged. My Body is in' France : there I live; and fo long as Iremain there , I will be faithful and obedient to the King,as tis my duty. Toward my Countrey in the mean time, which hath fpecial need of the Kings friendf11ip, I will preierve the fame AfFection I ever had, follicitous for her fafety,liberty and profit, and ready to do Her fervice , if fbe can make any ufe of me. For which Affeclion I defi'rc nothi.ng,but that You All of what Order and degree· foever ('for I know, many among the Rulers too, by the cunning of others, are depriv' d of the true underllanding of what was done in our Cal:C) layingafide prejudices, would be pleas'd to judge of mine and other . mens I . |