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Show 181 of W4r an4 Peace. V. Defenfc may l.tivfu /~y be amine d. W Hat we have faid.afor~, ald: oug~1 it be la wfull to klll h11n that at· tempts to kill , yet he doth more commendably who had rather be killed than kill ; fome do grant, fo , that they except a pelion profitable to ma~y: But , to me it feemcth unfafc,to impoie this Law contrary to Pattence upon all, in_ whole life others are conccrnd. Wherefore I may conceive it is to be reHraincd to them whole office 'tii to keep off force from others • fuch as are the companions in a journ~y undertaken on thole termes , and publick Rulers , to whom that of Lucm1 may be applycd : ,., Twas cmelty to rce!d him[e~f to detah, So many thoufands livmg by his ~mr.th . * Cum tot ab hnc anima populorum vita falufq; l)endt'at, & t:mtus caput hoc fibi feccrit orb·s, Sa:viiia eft v<>!uiffe mori, -- Cnrtius lib. 1 o. Sed e11m t~m avide mani~(lis pericul/4 offmu CQt'· _v;:s > obtitm tut c1vilfln amTI'1114 trabere te m cafum. VI. Defmfe VI. Defenfe is U11lawjufl fometimeJ againft a perfon very pro.firable to the Public/z.. 0 N the contrary it may happen , that, becaufe the Invader's hfe .is profitable to many , he cannot be flam without lin : nor that one] y by force of Divine Law , whether old or new .C of which afore, when we 1hewcd the Kmgs perlon to be facred ) but by t.hc very La:' of Nature. For the Right ot nature, as It fionifies a Law, doth not oncly rcfpctt thole thino;:,s which are di~tJtcd bb y that . J uflice that is calld Expletrix ,.. , ut con- "(f .f.i·a).lc."7n,~ • ceineth "in it telf the aets of other vcrtucs All(/.ott lt,mmu alto. as of . 7 ~e mpetanr/e, p orfJ· tll de , p rtt- a. dto, vocabu. la: ' ' . ' . (l J((('J_, J~'Jf9 .cdence; as being,m ccnatn c1rcum ranees, 'T11,J id~mfili,- not oncly honeft, but due. N?w, to. that cir~sdjxil. which we have fpokcn Chanty obltgeth us. Nor doth Va(quez:.. remove me fi·om ~ib. r. contrc:-'. this opinion, when he t:.ich , a Prince 'll#Jl. 13• who a{faulteth an innocent pcrfon,ceafcth to be a P1:ince in that very aet : than which, fcarce any thing could be ipokcn, (either 1eCs truly, or more dangcrot1l1y. For, as clominions , to allo Et!lpires are not ]oil by delinquency,, unlc!s the L1w /ordain it. But, no where is found a Law ordait1ing this concerning Empires, that they i11ou 1d be lofl: by an offe~1ce :1~:1in!l a pnVlte tn"n; nor wi11 ever fuch a L1w be found,a:s I believe; for it wou~d bring in |