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Show ..t ,snJ Pe~t'e v. 2.3. And fuch a ~ro~if~ may be ful~d at any time , nor .1s hm1ted tG certam perfons. XXIX. An o.tth deceitfully procured, when binding • .Of Jofhuah• s Mth. By that which i~ fai~ , may be undcrfiood what is to be Judg-:d of an oath procured by deceit. For , if it be certain, that he who fweareth fuppofeth tome- 1{4'VAr. e,12.. thino done, which indeed is notfo *;and n. 13. . that 0 unlefs he had believed it , he would ,. ll~ dHippoly- not have [worn, the oath will not binde: tus , e quo h ld modo diximus. But if it be doubtfull , whether e wou not ,-even without that , have [worn the fame , he mufl: Hand to his word, becaufe the oreatefl: fimplicity, that can be,agrres ]ofu. ,. ·untg an oath. And.hither do I refer the oath , which Jo(hua and the Princ~s of the people of IfrMl fware to the Grbeonites. They were indeed deceived by the Gibeonites, feigning that they came from a far Country. Yet did it noc foJow thence, thlt Jofhu~t and the Princes, had they known their vicinity , would. not ha..-e fpar·d them. For, what theyfatdto the Giheonites Peradventure ye dwell a-mong m t!tnd h'o w [hall we rna"z.\ c I ue tf. eag with you'? may have this fenfe ' that the qibeonites may be as'ked ' what le.a~ue they defil·e, whether Social, or of dedmo~; or alfo that .the Hehrer~s may lhew '. was no' t lawfu1l for them, · h erta!n Wlt pce op 1e, , • . . TIJe /ec~nd p!lrf.~ · i'ij pegple,, to ent~r mto a facia~ league·,~ Dcut.zo.Io . .' and .n~t , tl:at they 1~a y deny , life. m1ght t lmo & ~x be gl\~en ~o tho.fe ·that yield themielves ~aufa Lcgt do For.,., t..~ e divdi ne L·a Vv', which"dcvoted thofie. JOdtde:ncoE·Qne . a Ha x l. J · na. t lho ns toh eHruchon ' by ~omparl· fon t 3" ~ ' D c'u e. 7• • 4""•· Wtt a not ~r law , was .fo .to be undJ::r- cctfat e~im e;a fiood, that 1t had place, 'except 1n them .. ca~fa iii illis that being fwmmond were ready to obe 'i~J..pr~cepra Wh' b · d Y· fihorum Noz IC l~ p~·ove , ;IS by ocher arguments, fufcipium, 8c fo ~y the htltory of Raha6 * , who was tribura penfpared f0r her good defc:rcs ; and of Solo"- dune,. Ita Maimon, who received the reliques of the Ca~ momdcs' ~ . ~aam:e~ under E.mplre and tribute. And ~::r~o~~c~; 0 th1s purpofe ts that we read in the Kotzi in pra:B~ ok of JoJhua *,That there was not one cepro jubentc: Ctt.Y ~f the feven Nations , which r&<!e ~ r! &. ro8. . m~he tr pe.a c. eh ! for tbh e"y- were hardened , that haEbi~t aGnatJ~w;mr~ ercx tn~g t not e mewed them. Where- Jof. r6 1o. ~ . ha ' lth 1t was credible, if the Gi6eonites Gergclzos ad d to!~ the plain truth, which for fear Chrifti ufC!J; they dtd not ' they 1hould neverthelefs [C:!D~ora fil~ ! have obtained thei'r lives and faved th p~rEfiues fu:.trc: felves d' . ' . em- ex vangelto 0 h on, con ltlon. of obedience , the apparet, Mart•' at was of fo:ce ~ tn fo much that af- 8. 78: .nam hi terward moft gnevous revenoe was t k a? mitio..fe de-by the hand of God forth 0 . . a en thderanr; Ideo· it. e_Amb 0 r. . e VIOlatiOn of omitruntur in Jo u r .J e trea ttng upon this fiory : hoftium e-h'fh a ( fatth h~) thought not fit to recall numeratione~ . t e peace which .he had ~ranted them b Deur. :z.o, r 1 • caufe it w.u confirmed by the Re/iO'i;n :f-{or. 9· I. an uath' left while he cond-' <( h . ]of. u. I9, fraud h (h . . , r:mnea t etr. :z. :>. wi ' e ou!d lofe hu· own credit. Not- z. S:tm. :x. 6. b t~fl~n~n~ .'the Gt6e~nites, being now De Officiis I. 3. y t ctr dedltlon beccme fu'Jject-s of the c. lo. Q.. 4 Hebrews |