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Show 444 of War · -nd Pt4ce Epift. :ad Art. carriage. ID another place , Where no J, IJ. ;7. great emq/ament U' pojfib/e, and a /ittfe mifchttnce will he h~~r.tfull , what need is T fc fi 1 there to run the ha:;:,:ard. Dion PruGren-d, ar en 1 a re- fi1 ~ : B e t.t HnJ·H J, n~.. an d unwort h'Y , w ht ·c h u· Jujferd, Yet muft we not therefore, in tJ contentious humour, expo[e our {elves to greater incommodities. And again: We feel to rid our {elves of burt hem that do Jorely pinch us; hut if they he portahle,and we fear we Jfhall change them for heavier $jcuH. ~. loads, we compofe our [elves to patience, ,Arill:ides alfo , Where our fear u greater than our hope , ht~ve we not great reafon fb be cautious? C XXV·. AnExampleofa 7>ebate about Liber-ty and Pe.:tc~. LEt u~ take an example from that which Tacitus faith was of old con· fulred of among th~ Cities of Gallia, Wbether theJ _(hould prefer Liberty or Peace: underfland (ivil Liberty, that is, a right of governing theCommonweal th by them· felves; Vvhich right is full in a popular fiate, tempered in an optimacy , etpecially fuch wherein none of the Citizens is excluded from honours : Uoderlland 'alfo f~tch a peace, whereby is avoided a de/lrn- Lib. 9. epift. EliV.e ~ar; t~at.is "as {icero expreffe~ ir, ad Auic.cp:fl-. wherem -allts m danger to be lofl: or, 1 u. where a right dHmation of the furure feemeth fcemeth to portend nothmg els, but even the deftruthon of the whole people : Which was the cafe of the people of Jerufalem befieged by Titus. No man is ignorant, what Cato would fay here, who chofe ·rather to dy than to fubmit to One: to which purpofe is that femence , It is none of the hardeft., vertues to embrace j~Utl~ not Ji!. d.e at h , to ~voz' d fl av.er~ ; an d many ~ he 6II.eTruvUiati uvmJr tfl/o4· hke. B-ut nght reafon dtcbtes otherw1fe, giffc ma""· to wit, That life, which is the founda-tion of all good things temporal and eter-nal, is of more worth than Liberty; whe-ther yon take both in one man , or in a whole people. Wherfore God himfelfim- :.: Paral. ~~ putes it as a benefit, that he doth not de- ;8. £hoy men , but deliver them up to fervi-tude. And e!fvvhere he perfwadeth the Hebrews by the Prophet, to give up Jer. ~7. IJ. themfelves to ferve the Babylonians , that they may not perHh by famin and peHi-lence. That then , which was praifed by-the Antients , that Saguntum d:d being Au~. de Civit: bejieg'd by the (artha;Jnian, is not to be Dct,l.:u,c.f, praifed , nor the things that lead tht .. ther. For the _int-ernecion of a. people in this kind of things , is to be ac-counted as the greateH Evil. Cicero in his fecond De I nventione , fetteth down this example of neceffity ; It was neceffary the Cajilini.ans fhou· d yield themfel ves to .Annibat : though that nec~ffity had this - ~~junct,Except they would rather perifh )Vlth hun~e1·. Of the The hans, who lived in |