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Show of iJ .tr JHJ Peace by Law which agrees .wich Na Ap.tiq. u.. J. So JfJjephus taich ; It is mee"t . that fight they be pun· flu that ufe weapons no hurc rnuH be done t~1e guil clefs... C amtilus Liv.lib. 1. at thr La k' ng of Vettt prodamed, chat the unarmed ihould not be touched. In this rank are fi .-fi to be placed , Miniliers of Sacred things : for thele by the antient ~uHom of i!ll Nations abHein from arms, * Hi1·canua be- and therfore no force was 1 ff..:rd them. So 1ie~mg Jeruf~- the Philtftms, enem1es of the Jews, did I:m fent Sacn· no ~rm to the Co .leoe of the Prophets* fices to the h r• b ~ . Temple,asthe t at was at "Ja a, as we may fee, I Sam, Hebrews re- I o. 5, 10. And fo,to another place,where late. So the was the like C()llcge, as Cccluded frcrnall Gotcd ~e in jury of arms, 7Javid fled with SamHel .t~~c~piJs, I Sam.19. 18. The {re'tians, t Plutarch whofparedthe te:l~ us, vvhen they were embroiled in Priefts of Pe- Cl Vll War ' fa ved the Prielts * from all te.r and Paul harm, and chofe whom they called ~~· WGoitththo.u tRome. 6 h h d h fb . 2.. vide ~ 1111 ' men t at a t e care o ur:als, Ltgem LB11go- ~trabo t notes,, when all Greece in old bard./. I.t.u. ttme was enflam d with war, the EleAns, I-t. as being facred to Jupiter ,and their ouefis, ! OE 5 u~fr.dt;r. lived in fecure peace. With PrieRs are }Ene.r vN · aam e7u•m J·U fnl. l Y eq~a ld ·m t h· lS rd·p r -n:;1.: , t I1 ey t hl t defindtbat a. hl ve choien a like kind of life, as Mwk! beflo, ft r:on and P:nitent_! ; whom there(ore, as well ~t~ ,faltemr~- as Pnelt , the Canons followincr na· l1g'o S t~.certlt~tu. 11 · · r d 0 t Et Polyb.l. T 4 • tura. equ~ty ~ will have ,pare .... o & oiod. sictt- theie you rna y derervedly add thole, who lU4 in txc. Pti· ref. Likcwife they that went co the Olympian, Pyrhiao, Ne; meafl, Ifthmia Games, in the time of War , had fafeguard and fccurity. T- bu"fd._l. f, &- -8,(?iU·- IN-'·h • .4r-a·t o. * -'' Iff· treu,, (f Jail. ~ive |