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Show of Wt~r 4nd Pt4ct but in the Laws alfoof the Tyrians,men. • Nte tJliu~:de tion was exHa·nt , as we learn out of Jo. 'crbitrer t'J_rie'Dtis fephus • s . difputanon againfi Appion*. pr~pul!sdictos, This errour therefore,in that place,Cbrifi Gr,.czs lfJtl0~<(- oppofeth. Tertullian faith , the antient Jilt, qt~te v "" b h ,.r, f h . •pudvf.[chylt•m Chrifiians fware 'J t c lt1.~ o. t e Pn~ce & Eurieidem more facred than all G cntt. In Vegctzm txflat. I(Stf~'foll. there is a form, above mentioned,wherein I' ~l>.ic jc"/Zf. the Chriftian foldier f wear , not by God ~=~• m ·' only , but alfo by the Maje£ly of the Em-perour , which is next to God to be lov'd and honour· d. t Liber Sap. c. XXXVI. Of [wearing by .falfe Gods. 1 4. ut vertit . L~tin.us: Non ANd, if one fwear by falie.Gods, he tmm 1uratorum f11all be bound t · becau{e thouoh · [edptc- .' ' 0 vmtr'! tlln zum' ep re n•·• uader falfe notes , yet 10 a ge.n erall nett. \ per.1m~ulat {tm· on , he looks upor: the Dclty : whe:e- per in;uflorum fore the true God , tf one [wear faHly ,m· 1 pr~tvaricatio- terprets it to be done to his diihonour. "em. ·a .1 And we fee that holy men , though they .Aug. ep1 • a" d h c h Pub.1 S'4· never gave an oat~ un e.r t at _rorm,muc • Strm. 1.8 •• cklefs did they ever{wear to; wh1ch I ~.on· vtrb • .Apo{loll• der is permitted by Duarenus ; yet, 1t the'\ cifature •. ~cce perfons with whom they dealt,could not deeD caN1a 1.1.. h · · h tjll, f, be dra wp to f wear ot er~1le , t ey. con· tEl qui ptrla- tracted with them) themlelvestrulyiwea· Jidtmit~rat ,fi ring as they ought , but receiving from falfum JU{lrat' them tuch an oath as cou1d be had. Wee pe-tJrtruJ td:t have an example hereof in Jacoh and Nontt au J . • h h'ch lapis lo1runttm, Laban, Gen. 31. 53· Th1s JS t at w 1 fed punit De~ * Auftin faith :Even he_that f~e~rs hy ~ fallt?ltm. Au· ftone' tf he [wear fa!fe, u t p~r;Hr a. Af. guftm. 1 cer. · 'the [ec1nd "~ i. · ter:The ftone hears ~tot thy words,hut GoJ.· punifhes thy fraud. XXXVII. The effect of an oath. THe principal effect of an oath,is to md controverjies, as the divine writer to the Hebrews faith : and likewife Philo , An oath u Gods .te.ftimonl of a thing·i:•Procopius que.ftion: and Hahcarnaffenfis, The laft Per~cor. :z.. c(Jnftrmation amdng men,both qreek.f and Jus;Mrandu'!'. Barbarians, which no time will abolifh, is qreodl. •bb homm~ h h h d b bus ~a etur om .. that which by oat callet t e Go s to e nibus ultimum • Sureties of their Covenants. So, tq theE- gtti; ftrmiffi-_ gyptians was ah oath the greate(f aj[u- mum & fidte · ranee among men. Wherefore he that mu~rt~t.& .ve· [wears is under a double tye, fufi that the raGJtatJS P•g,- words agree unto h1. s meam· ng, w h1' c h Ch ry- nDuiso. d. Sic. jippm calls c"&opxti'r, next that the deed a- ,w,_1S11 ,.; ,;,. gree unto his words, which he calls lwo'•"•. 9p'bhou,{p~. He that offends in the former , is faid by · the fame ChryjippH4 *, ..J.tulbpxtir. in the later -tJioe' .Z.•~pxfi• lmyxtir, very difiincH y , though the terms vetat~r Ex~d. ' r . b f" d a . 2.o. t7DO,_, are wont 1omet1mes to e con oun c • Levir. 19• ut H ebr11i. volunt XXXVIII. When an o-ath gives arig;ht to pr~tctpt~jubent~ God and man, when toGod11lone. 2.4·o, ANd verily, if the matter be fuch , and the words fo conceived , that they be referred not to God alone, but to man, a right doubtlefs will be acquirt d by man out of the o~th,as out of a promife or con· traei, \'fhich ought t~ be underftood moil · . fimply ""'. |