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Show 1 war and Peace nature. Leifer faults are wont to be paA:, by with mutuall diffimulation , unlefs t As Simler t in th~r:'ondit~:t~ of th~ League i~ 7ere relatci in the othervvne prov1 e . , .an r a more co e aLeague of the greement made. Th1~ IS aho to be known, Helvetii with that Robbers and Puats , who are grown the Mediol,.. [0 {.hong that they have made themfelves nLen[es. Thef formidable , aJe rightly received and de-theea gEunesg old h rre n de d , as to .pum· 1m1.. ment.; be cautre 1· t with die concerns mankmd, that, tf they canFr~ nch, ap- not otherwife, they may be recalled from P0 1 10 1 teddrfue- • their evil courfe by being affur'd ofimpube san gt- . d l G f rives to be yiel· mty ; an any peop e or overnour o ded; wzth the people rna y, if they be able,effect fo good Burgundian•, a work. This is to be noted too,that fup· tlodbe expdel- pliants ar.e defended til their caufe be A'm J·oc am en d d 'f h h f h 1600• trye *; an 1 t. at w ereo t ey are ac• 1t Sic Demo- cufed be not forbidden by the Law of Naphon ad Le· ture or Nations , the caufe mull be judged gatum Eurif- out of the Civil Law of the people whence theos apud SophGdetn; they come. Si &timen ifli., tlliquot ho[pitibus ftmis, ]tis im1etrafJis : vi quidtm binc non •b· ~,.,,~ · C X. How [Hb jeffs are partak.,ers oft he fault .r oft heir Rulers , or parts of the whole; and how their punifh-ments differ. ,.,~ hvl WE have feen how the faul~~b;~ fc:th upon the Rulhs frorus ,J . s .. b je6h,either ancient or e~ f Iy come : the fault will likewife pafSI::. :Ill . . ~e the fubje&s from the higheft ·Power , if the fubjech confent to the crime, or do any thing by the command or perfwafion of the highe!l power, which they cannot do without tranfgreffion ; ot which we fhall more fitly fpeak below, where we iliall ,c:xamin the duty of fubje&s. More-. over, between the whole and the parts , the Community and fingle perfons , the fault is communicated ; becaufe , as S .. .Auguftin faith, The Community and the particulars go together, that being made of thefe; and. the whole being nothing el(e but the parts, in one. Howbeit, the fault perteins to the feverals that have confented, not to them that were overcome by the votes of otliers. For, the puniihments of the whole , and of the parts , are difl: in&. As the punifhment of particular men fometime is death, fojt is the death of a Common wealth to be ovtrthrown : which is, when the Civil· bady is diffolved. Single pcrfons are by way of punHhment brought under flavery (as the Thebans by !!Alexander the Great, thofe excepted, who contradi&ed the decree of ~eferting his fociety;) So alfo a City un· t- ~~·goes Civil flavery , being reduced in. 1.a province. Single perfons lofc their goods by confifcation ; fo , from a City are taken away things common,as walls, iliipping,ammunitionand the like. But-, that particular men for the offence of the Community , Without their confent ; fhould |