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Show of WAr and Peace d . d the Minifl:er of this wrath, / or ame c h' d' &om.I.J•4• Mofes is commended ror ts excee m.g , .. meeknefs : yet this fame M~fes pumfhed the guilty, a~d .that wtth death, We are often bid to u~utate the mee~ne~s and patience of Chnfl: : yet Ch~tH lS he who did in£li& mofl: heavy Judge· • Mat.n.4-t• m;nts • upon the rebeHious Jews, and 2.%.·1· wma; the day of)udgement. con~emn Luke I9·U, the wicked accordmg to thetr de.em, ~t:;roll. ad Their Mafl:ers lenity was fol \o~cd by Rom.14• ~ar- the Apofiles, who d~d neverthclels make ratii malis ufe of the power * gtven them from a• icrofo ~y ~~ hove for the chaHifement of ungodly Jutncbrijtu e"t d · r 11 * lac s qui b•c ftmit, men, as we rea m levera p e . ,utliip(um pr~t- , r. l ""Ch [! ft ~d tun turn per paraboleU, turn aperte & tx,trt •. .' ry 0 • ~Cor·4~7.I·lnttrFciam, mutilabo?. EflenirM ut{;mtatf!, Jta~ feverittiti&[piritU4, Vide & Augu{bn. de fcrm. om. In mont liD.x."& aliosquoscita~Gratian.J.3,8."' 1 Cor.4.2.I.I Cor.~·f• 1 Tim,t.,o. XXIV. The fourth ObjeCl-ion anfwered. THe fourth place, which is obj~Cled, RoM.n.l1, is Recompence to no man evtll for IS.&c. t7iill.'Provide things honeft in the fight of ttll men. If it be poffible, ~· much M lyeth in you, live peaceably Wtth all men. ' -' Tertul. de Dearly heloved, avenge * not your Jti'lle~, pat. !i(uid~i- but· rath~r give place unto wrath, for '1 bi ~um ulttone, is written~ Vengeance is mine, I wtll ~e· cuJtU modum . r . h h L rd Therefore if thene rtt,tre non pof- . pay' J att . t e o • . f he thirft, fum ptr ir»ptr- enemy hunger, feed hzm : 1 ·ve eimtia dol~ri41 · !,1 TheFbft 47 give him drink._; for in fo. doing thou Auguft.Epift~ Jhalt heap coals of fire on hu head, Btt J 14· Rinc AU. not overcome of evi I, /net overcome evil tetn d10um dl~ with good, But hcre alfo the fame An- ~lflarcp[IAm~U fw er of fie rs 1. t fce I f., w h'1 c h was g.t ven a- ',l,l.ian d'i tlnae dne~~tts. ; bove. Font what time it was faid by Ott, qu~ alieno God, Vengeance i4 mine, I will repay , ~~~~~~ ttlliiiiNTII at the . fame time were capital judge- paJ,,t. ments exercifed, and Laws written con .. cerning Wars. Moreover, benefits are commanded to be done (even then) to enemies, being their ow~ Country• E~od.&J•4,f~ men. Thefe things notwithfl:anding , there were, as we have faid, both capi• tal punilhments, and juft VV ars upori the Ifraelites thcmfelves. Whercfore1 the fame words o1· the like precepts, though of larger extent, are not now neither to be forced to fuch a fenfe : the lefs, becaufe the divifion of Chapters is not from the Apoflles, nor their age, but of much later time, for the more difiin& reading, an~ ea_fy alleoation of the text. So, the begmmng of the I 3 ~- to ~he Rom~ns~ Let every Soul be fubjef!- to the htgher powers, and that which follows, was continued with tbofe f~rc• ~oin~ pr.ccepts againft reveng('. Now, 1? th1s dttfertation PaHlfaith, the pub· hke powers are Minifters vf God, to execute wrath (i. e. p.unilhment) upon t~e~ th~t ~o evil : therein moft plainly dtilmgutfhtttg between venoeance for the publike good ( whi,h is ~dminillrcd in |