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Show 0 . '· -other points, after that people by. the o. verthrow of theirA City and thetr utter defolation, without all hope of refiiru. tion., ccaied to be a people. But, for U! foreiners, we dbte!ned not this by the cummino of Chrift; to be frted from .Ma.fes Law: but, we who before haa only an obicure ho{'e ·placed in the good. :rref-s of God, are -now fu{teined with a perlpicuous Covenatlt, and the HebreWI Law, the partition • Wall between ws, I being taken away,·: we are incorporate~ with them into one Catholick Church. IX. what argu~ents Ch,·iftians m~ deduce from Mofes Law, and bow. NOw, feeing the Law given by M~ "es cannot induce upon us a dire~. polioa.tion, as we have lhewed; lett~ fee ~ ila t ocher ufe. it may have, both ir this ofWar,and ocher the.like qucfi!om To know this is very utefull to mAn! purpofes. Firfl then,the Hebrev. La~dotl manifefi,tbat which is commanded tntm L:~w not to be againH the Law of N3 ru~ For the Law of Nature,as we have lail bei~g perpetual and immut::tb1e, it confl· fteth not with tl1e jufiice of God to cofl mand au-v thing contrary unto it. Mor(· over,the taw of Mofes is called pure a~ 1·ioht by the PtalmiH ; and, by the A· P~!He, h6lv., jufi and good. I mc:~J1 t~ rrt 4Xt. ) 1 precepts ; for, of the permitlions we muA: fpeak more diflin¢tly. Legall permiffion (for. that which is meerly of fatl, and .figmfies !emoval of the impediment, is not. per~mem ~ere) either is plenary, ~htch glVes a nght to do a thine: lawfullY: ; or lefs than plenary, whi~h only gtves impunity among men, and a Tlghc that no other can lawfully hinder the doer~ From th~ former permiffion, .as _from a pr«cept, It follows, that the th111g permitted is not aoainfi the Law uf. Natur~ : not, from ~he later. But this. conle.quence fcldom is of uie : bec~ ufe, the permitting words being am- . bJguous, ;ve mufi rather, by the Law of Nat~re, mterpret what kind of permit:. hon I.s meant, than from fi.:ch a kind of permiflion pr?vc it to be tl e Law of ~~ture. Our iecond obfervation is, That lt IS now lawful! for ChriHian Govern~ urs to make Laws of the tame fenfe With the Laws given by Mofes: unleJ~ the whole fubHance of any L"w h . " con-ce. rn t e tJme of ChriH ext"peeted and of the Gofpel not yet revealed. or' I ~ef~ Ch.rifi himfelf, either in gene;al~ ~; ~ pectal, hath ordained the contrary . . or, no other rcafon can be . • gmed h nna- . ' W Y any of Mo(cJ confiitu-ttbo! ls c~n be uow unlaw(ull. A third o lervatton's tl · • Wh r · US • attOCVel' pertai .. D~g· tl th~ ve.rtues. Chrifi requires of hi9 ctp es, ts iJlYen ln pl·ecept by Mofu, the |