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Show Mar. 10. 11: of W',tr ,,,, Pt~tee ternal precept, (or c 111rn~l cDmmandm_tnt) it pertaineth co the mouons of the m1~do that are ' difcovered by fome fa& :which plainly apptars by S. Mark_the Evangolift, who hath expreffed that command thus , 7Jefraud not : when -he had fee down a little before ' 7Jo not fteal. And . that fenfe the Hebrtw word and the ~reek anfwering it are found, Mich. z: z. and elfewhere. Wherefore o~ences m· choate are not co be avenged With arms ' unlefs both the ma-tter be of great co~ .. cernme.nt, and it be gone fo far, that ei• ther fome· certain miichief ( though not yet that which was intended) hath already followed from fuch an aCt' or at leafl fome oreat danger : fo that th~ revenge eithero may b~ joined with cauuon of fu .. ture harm ( of which above'. ~h~n we fpake of defenfe) or maintain 1D JUr d ho~ nour' or with!tand a perniclous example. , X C y I. war for violation of Natures Law. M0reover1we mufl: know,that Kinp5' and fuch as have equal power~Jth Kings ' have a right to require punJfu. ment not only for injuries- committe a• gainfl: themfelves or their fubjetts,hut fo~ them aHo that do not peculiarly tou~e themfelves ' whatfoeyer the perio~fNa· that: do immanely. violate t~e Law b u· ture or Nations. For the llber,t.Y~ y p nuumencs, Tht /ttDIIt/ nilhments' to provide for human focietr, which adirfl:, as we hate faid ., "Was m the hand of every m·an ; af~er Commonweal chs and Courts of jufiice were or" dained, relided in the hand of the highefi: Powe~s :not properly as they are ove.r others , but as they are under none. For, fubje&10n to others hath taken away that riohc. Yea, fo mwch more honea is it to 0 ' .• . vindicat~ . other mens 1njuries than ones own,by how. much more It is to be feared; that a man jn his own, by too deep a refentmenc, may either exceed a meafure_, or at leafl: infect his mind. And upon this [core, Htrcules was praifcd by the antients, for fetting Councryes at libeny · from (1ntttHs , Bufyris, 'lJiomtdts, and , the like tyrants: travelling o'r the ~odd, : as Seneca fpeaks of him, not to pleafe his· numor,buc execute jufl:ice: being the Author of very much godd ro mankind , as LJfiM declares,by punilbing the unjufl:t. t Diodorus Si· .Thefo;u is likewife praifcd for Cutting off c~J. ~ceo fie tholeRobbers,Sciron,Shiis andProcrufl-es: lo~l.w~r-: HQwhom Euripides j ·n his Supplices bdngs ~nReJ tnf'!~:s m.. 1r pea k' h fh' .lf ~:r eges m,o• 1ng t us o unie : Lmtes tollenrlo btat/14 ,eddtbat 1ivitates. Mibi dixit: Orbem obiit p~tt.u tie iniquu t:xpeuns, Dio Ptufzen6s de codem: HomintJ maloJ punieh•t, & fuperbtYrrtm rttna dt{trutb•t, aNt in alios tr~~nJferebat. Ariflidcs io Panathcnaico ait tum [u{cepta communi hum ani gnur id cur a meruifR in Dtos refirri. ~hilo de Legatione : Hercules purg•vit tm.u & ,maria, certttmina ji1biens hominibzu omnibM-4 par tim rmffari(l, pal'tim peruutia , ut tol( cret hominqm a11imA11liumq; aliouun ea q11.e txitia'i4 a11t noxiJ tjfer~t. · A a .A·f_y |