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Show of W~tr Afli Peiee h defection did noc proceed from a~y t ueblick determinat~on. In the fame Auph Zeno ·lntercedino for the Magnetes t or o . h h' to '1. ~intm and the Legats WJC tm , befought them with tears, !hat the madne[ s of one might not be tmputed to the v ·t but that the Doer might run the pe~ft ;fhu own actions. And the Rhodi~ns before the Senate fepar~te the pub.ltck caufe from the private, faymg, T~ere u ~o City which hath not fometimes wtc~ed {ttitens, and a rude multitude alwayes. So, neither is a Father bound by the fa_ult of ·his children , nor the Mailer of hts fervants, nor other Governours,cxcept fame-what. that is vicious adhere to them. Now, . amol;lo the wayes whereby Governours of oth~r men becotne: gu i} ty' there a.n~ two of efpeciall u(e , and require our d1ltgent confideration: Sufferance and Recetpt.Of fufferance we determine thus ; He that k._nows a fau1t to ·be done, that is t~ble and bound to forbid it ,and dot~ not, i~;uilcy. CicerfJ againfl: Tifo: Ni:Jr u the dt;rerence . ' much ' efpe6ially in a (on[ul' rvh~ther himfelf by pernicious Laws and JPtckfd fpeeches vex the CommoJ-JWettlth, orfu/fer others to vex it. Brutus to Cicero 0: You will [ay then ' Do you makf. m~ gutlty ~f anothers fault? Yes trulj 'if tt were tn t Pttrt{t del~- ou to hinder it t. So ' in the Army of quert, & de/111-Y quentes ntm proa R:' i ~"it: t • patitur pte care Jt&&amern, bzbert,ait Ag3petus ad Ju. m ~0·~ 11', ts ~ · d .p. ·t obviare &tlfl il ..,;res (ubmi~i{trat audA."~, a•t Arn?bms.hi~' aJ·'~flud Helioili, pote[t, ~nflrmt : Auguftmus. Egregle Proc s11, · '!'he fee'"~ Part. 38J S ttpt luit populMs p~tnltd 'u,iius iniqui: alt , ut qui cum prohJbere.po!fit ·, non prohibtt unius maliti~U~~. "f the Grecians , where Agamemnon him-"' So is rhisexfelf and the relt were under the· u:nmnon plained by c, .. Council,ir is right, that the grecians were rbilokin his. S' ~ . pumJ;,t h t fio r t he o1J1 fe nce s of t h et.r Pr t.n ce s _; Juol ian.a gCahmruy;- becaufe it was in their power to compel .. foftom in his e.Agamemnon to render the Priefi his lidl ho~ily ~o dauahter. It is in Livry The Kinfmen 0 -t:tbe .Ant10ch1- . o ,.,.. 0 L h ' l 1 'J' 'J ansmvelves Kmg J at;us (/eat t e Emuaj[aaors oft he them all in the: Laurentes: and when the Laurentes plea· crimei'Theaft- aed the Law of Nlfltionl, Affection to his fairh he)was 1 Jrtends prevailed more with Tat ius : thus done by a fewJ h d h 0 e rew upon . tmJr el'f t he pum;Jf L'.,, ment du e ltahied guupiloen 1 1a U. to them. Here IS proper that of* Salvian Weare all .n concerning Kings. Th~ Higheft power fearand ~x:; which Cat! reftrain the higheft fin, doth pect pumfu-. r 0 ;r l. 0 • I . l mc:nt tor lhe1r J e~m 7tllppTrohve // ~ 'J f\.!'OWdrng 'J tt (le per- otfenfe: which m~tte • . e "etentes an La:ins excufe if we had prcthemfelves m Z:tvy, that thetr fubje&s ve~ted, and helped the enemtes of Rome without their dnven them knowledge. But the excufe of Teucat out ofhthdebCin.. f' h Ill . . y,we a een ~een o ot e :yrtans tS not accepted , now in fafety. iaymg, Ptracy wa~ not exercifed by her- ~iv .. J:bo 1 • felf, but by her fubJeas; For .the did not Ltb. 1. forbjd them. So ,'of ol,d, were the ScJrt\.. !Jhuc!d.l. ~· ~ns condemned by the .AmphiCf;oones • 6• ~" ~,':: t: r. ffi . fc f . ' ro, :vavOI:CJ,V.ll.,.. 1?r 1U 0 enng orne o ~heu men to exer· s-•e;,• lp~ Dion c1fe Pt.racy. Now , t1s eafily prefumcd, fa_ich in cheli~e the thmgs are known, which are confpi- ot G~lba, It lS · cuous, which are frequent. That h. h . fu~ctent for w tc ts pnvatc men .... _ , not to offend , t1a.11.1tte "h'.u Cle~:mso mneu.f t take care tbat no other do tranfgrefs, ,-. lJlu-done |