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Show of WAr 4ntl PtA&e hath no doubt indeed , as to ftrangers; who afcer the beginning and notice of the War, come into the enemies quarters.But, they chat went thither before , feem by the Law of Nations to be accounted for ,. 1 9 l9lfl enemies after fome fmall time *, wherein Ci;':rosu Jres ·they might have departed. For fo the ~har aefenfe CorcyrttanJ about to befiege Epidamnum, in his.or:lt.ion firlt allowed !hang~rs 1ibercy to.goaway, for LJgar:us. denouncin a other wile they fhould be ta· You have an c ~ · example io Li- ken ror enem1es. vy l. 2.r . oftbe Cirizms of Campania, Othcrcumples in Thucyd.lih,r,& f· XXIX. Tht entmies fuhjeEls may evtry ·mher-e he offended. This right extends to Inf.mts and Women, to (aptives, andfuch as J•ield themfelves without conditions. BUt, t.hey that ~re truly fubje6l:s of the enem1es , to w1t, upon a permanent cau!e , may be offended every where, by this right of Nations , if we refpeCt their own p.erfons. For, when War is proclamed againH any one , it is withall pro· clamed .againH: all his men, as we lhewd Liv . I . ~r. . above in the form of indiCtion : and fo in ,. Vclleut j11be- the decree ; Was it their will and pleafure, r~nt • .)hilippo_ re. war fhould he denounced againft Xing g: .!Mae~~om- Philip and the Macedonians which art buf"q; quJ (t'b d h . G * N h hat tiru regn6 cffint ~n er ts overnme"!t • ow, e t hdlllm indici. 1s an enemy , may every where acc?r"' dm~ 'The tpirJ p4rt. dina to the Law or Nations be affal-tedt. Enemies therefore may be flain t Eurip. ,_b;..· on their own ground , on the enemies ~unq; pr~nfu111 grgun d, on that that. b.e lonos to none on 1ura l,edJ hofl!"' ~ ,. . {inunt. Marc~- · the Sea. But , ~hat 1t IS not lawful.to ~~11 on. I C. Tran(or violate them m a peaceable tern cone, fugMlicet ubi· proceeds not from their own perfon , but cun~; inventi from hi.s .r ight who hath Empire there *. flh~fl·~· IJ.U:ji 1 . . . . h 11• l o es antel"petrt. For, ctvl toctettes mtg t connttute, c. Jat 1. 3• in -fine o. nothing £hould violencl y be don~ agamlt ~ad I. Corn. de men in fuch a Country , unlefs according ~c:~~. . to procefs of Law t. And , where- the Ve1. Al~mc. . h . h d h Gentz[. H:fpan. Law 1s open,~ ere are wetg. e t e ~e- Advilc<ti.I.J.6• ritsof perfons, and that promtfcuousrtght wuh11er.i;J con!. of hurting ceafeth , which we have iaid Frane~mico 9"· was introduc•d a- t Apud Eu- . L. ripidem dh mong enemies. I- Si crime~ if!u aliquod hofpitibru ji;'uu, ~1 relates , that ] 114 impetrahu :vi·qrtidem binc tt O/J ab#rahu. feaven Ships of · · the (arthaginians. , . . were in a H~ ven \lndc~ the Syphax s ~~v.bb. ':8. dominion , who had peace at that time dSeedthe/te bo h . h h C h . . d v ec o t le t w1t t e art agrmans an p.,omans; .Vcoedam that Sbip'io arrived there with two 01ips, hindring the and before he eritred the Haven they might G r_e~ks fro:n eafily have been opprelt by the Cartha- huwn~ the . . b b . b . . l 11 T u 1 ks m a Ha~ gmt~ns , ut emg orn 111 VVlt 1 a nrong ven under the winde before · the Cflrthaginians could Venetian GO"' weigh anchor , they durfl: rt:>t fight with vernment, in them' in the Kings Haven. But to retum, Chalcocond~l. h f: h 1. h h . h l.90ftheVeOW ar t . at tcence reac et , ts ence ncti~ns and underfl:ood, that the flaughter of Infants Tw ks at Tutoo, and women ooes unpunifhed, and is nis,See Bemb, . comprehended ii~ this right of war. I vvtlllib, 4• not |