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Show not fet upon by Gcds com~and,yet Wai . . d by him aftet 1t was done. Mit a_p.prove God hath prefcribed to his 01 eover., 1 L f Je aeneral and perpecua :1. ws 0 Deu.r.z.o.xo. wpeaoa~l naD oVVar ' thereb.y Jbewhtn' g, .V V.a rI 11• n be' jufl even wtthout ts lpecta ::~date, For he doth pla~nly diHingullh the caule of the feven Nauons fr~m_ ~he caufe of other people : a~d preicnb!ng nothing about the jufl cauies of entnug into VV ar, thereby fhews them to be ... manifefl enough by the lizht of ?atu~e, . as the cau(e of defending che frontiers 1n the VVar of Jephtha aga ~nft the Am• monites; andthe caufe oi En~ba ffa~ors violated in the VV ar of Dav td agat~fi the fame. It is alto to be noted, w ~tch the divine writer to the Hebrews fatth, that q edeon, Baruc' Sam pfon, Jephtha, Heb, n. H' Davzd \'amuel and others, by Fatth o· - 3 •· verthr~w Kingdoms, preva~led in vyar, pnt to flight the Armtes of Altcns~ Where, in the name. of Fat~~' a~ ~e learn by the feries of that dllc?urfe,,ts includ.:d a perfuafion w~ereby ts belte: ved that the thing done !s plea fing t~n to God. So alfo the wiie woman fat~h . of David, that he fought. the battaJ!t 'iam.J.f. ~l. of god, that 1s, pious· and J~ft. .. . I. ' . r • .e i r ~ XII.1h~ XII. That War is not contrary to tht voluntary Di71tne Law, hefo.re the time of the Gofpe/1. THe greatefl: ditEtulcy lie~ in chis 17. p·oim, concerning the poftciv~ Di:. :vine Law. Nor may a~y object, the Law of Nature is immutable, and therefore nothing cou!d be confl:ituted by God to the contrary ; for this is true in ~hin~ C?mmanded or, fox:bidden by the taw or Nature ; not in t . iqgs ~ !Ditced only t which things, being not properlyc:>f the Law of Nature but with• out it, rna y be eithe1: forbidden or commanded. FirH: then, againH VVar i~ brought ~y fame that Law. given to No- . , .• , . ah and h1s pofierity: And furely (iaith Gcn·9·f.JI~ - God) Your 6/ood of JOIIr lives will .I re- •. r' •• quire-: at the ha11d oj eve,ry he aft will •i- · ·" I require it; anJ at the ~and of man, At the hand ofevery mans Brother will I require. the life ,~f man. W..ho, fo Jheddeth mam hloud, _by man1 Jhdll hu 6/o()d he Jhed: [or, in the image pf God made· h6 11Jan. Here do feme mofi generally un-derfla~ d that which b faid of requirini blood_: and what is faid of Jl?edding htood fo~· b/oo4, they wiJl!ha:ve to be a cbmini· pation, not an approbation~. I can al~o~ low of neiche.r ; for the prohibition, .not tt? jhe~ b~ood, is not of larger extent ~han that m the ia w, Thou jhalt not k.jll :: C and t, - I ;' t |