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Show of W~tr 1-nd Pt~tce fions again ., ga v.e his opinion , in the RoDe Veiis idem m4n Senate, thus : We Romans believe in Romulo rhofe poj[ejfions to be mo_{f honourable 11nd nclarrat Phlcar- 3·ufl., which we h~~,ve takJn bv the Law of lUS, J~ b . d d1 H'ar , nor can we e tn uce ·, by a foolifo facility to part with the monumehts of oNr valour , and reftore them to thofe that were not able to k..fep them. N or do we judge Juch pojJeffions to be communicatel only to our Countrymen now living, bm to be left to our po fterity. So f ar ttre we from relinquifhing what we have got, and dea· ling with our [elves .u if we were our rtwn enemies.Andin the anfwer of the Romam H.Zic. l.a. given to the .AurHnci: We Romans areof th~ Jud~~ent ' what one ha,th gotten of hu enemtes by valour, he may tranfmit to Lib. 41. his_Pofterity by right. Livy,after his nar• rat10n how the land neer Luca was di· vided by the Romans , notes , Th11t [,and w.u takJn from the Ligures, and had been formerly the Ethrufcian's. By this right was Syria reteined by the 'R.f?mam , as .AppiAn notes , and not reflored to Antio· chus Pius , from whom Tigranes the Ro· mans «:nemy had forced it : and Juftin Mithrid.Civi1.1: out of TrDgus make~ Pompey anfwer the Lii. 40. fame Antiochus in chis manner : .Ash( did not deprive him of hu King4om wh(ll he had it , Jo would he not reftore him ta the Kingdom he had loft to Tigraneli, and k__new not how to kfep. And likewife chofe parts of qallia which the Cimhrians had taken from the G al/J ,the Ramans cookfor their own. XL. XL. Of the Right over Captives. Cap. 7· T heir {ondition , and the rea[Pn of it. IN the Primiti ye {h te of Nature,no men L.Libtrtm §. 1• ' are fervants ~ yet is it not repugnant to 'D. de fl•tM Natural J uHice that by the fa a of man , hom. that is, by Covenant or tranfgreffion,fer-vitude fi10uld come m. But, by that Law ofNations. of which we nuw fpeak, fer-vicude is of larger extent , both as to per-fans. and as to ejfefls. For, if we conu-der Perfons , not only they that give up tbemfelves or promife fervitude are ac-counted for fervams , but all indeed that are taken in publick iolcmt. War, after they are brought within the guards , as L PtJflt 4 Pomponim faith. Nor ·is Tranfgreffion o: de ,~;;iv:1 • necdfary, but the lot of all is equal, even L. inbtltoD.dt of them, who by their ill fortune * , after captiva. war is on the iuddain beaun are depre- *.P~i!o: .Mul-h dd 'h' b 0d' tJVIYJb011£Vil ~ n e ~It m the oun 5 of the ene- riu cajihtU ua-mtes. Nor, are they fervants only them- t ivAm Libert•· felves, but alto their poHericy for ever: to tem ami(truut. wit, they that are born of a mothe1· beina Pueros be~lo .. a fervant after fervitude t· Now , the ef~ capt~~ a~ce- r .a. f . . . . re wo .. •,cc• rG~ ' 1e~,s o th1s nght are infimte, lo that, as vocat Op~ Seneca the Father faid , there is nothina pian. which is not la wfu 1 to a Mailer over hi~ t L. & [ervofervant. No iuffering , which may not rMm 1. 1: D. de fr ee 1y be 1· mpo1r e d on h't m; no wor k w l1 .1 c l1 flatu h1mmum. 1 Cor. 1. may not every way be commanded or ex-torted from him : fo that even the c1 uc1ty ~f |