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Show 1895.] HYMENOPTERA O F T H E ISLAND O F G R E N A D A . 747 (2) KLEIDOTOMA INSULARIS, Ashm. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xxv. p. 69. Balthazar. A single specimen. In not having the front wings emarginate at apex, no pubescent girdle at base of abdomen, and in having black coxae, this species approaches nearest to K.atrocoxalis, but it is slightly smaller, the antennae are different, and the cup of scutellum is without punctures on the fore part. (3) KLEIDOTOMA SMITHII, sp. n. §. Length 0*9 to 1*1 m m . Polished black; antennae (except tbe funicle and sometimes more or less of pedicel, which are more or less piceous) black ; legs (except the hind coxae, which are rufo-piceous) reddish yellow ; mandibles and palpi yellowish. Antennae 13-jointed, extending to apex of thorax, the scape hardly three times as long as the pedicel; funicle 8-jointed, the first joint about twice as long as thick, the second very little longer than thick, the following small, moniliform, the last a little the widest; club 3-jointed, the first and second joints about equal in size, 1\ times as long as thick, the last ovate, about twice as long as thick, all delicately fluted. Thorax subovoid, the mesonotum hardly twice as long as wide; scutellum striated at sides, behind punctate, the cup small, with a single fovea, but without punctures. Wings hyaline, ciliated, the apex rounded, entire; the veins yellowish, the marginal vein quadrate, the marginal cell a little more than twice as long as wide, open along the fore margin, the first abscissa of radius a little longer than the second. Abdomen a little longer than the thorax, with a raised non-pubescent ring at base. o*. Length 0*75 m m . Polished black; antennae 15-jointed, filiform, about 1\ times as long as the body, brownish yellow, more or less dusky toward tips, the flagellar joints all fluted, the scape not twice as long as the pedicel; the first joint of flagellum slightly curved, about twice as long as the second, which is the smallest joint, the joints after the second longer, subequal, about twice as long as thick. Wings as iu female. Legs brownish yellow or reddish yellow. Balthazar and Grand Etang. Described from 2 male and 4 female specimens. (4) KLEIDOTOMA MARGINALIS, sp. n. 2 . Length 0*45 to 0*8 m m . Polished black ; antennae (except club and sometimes the two basal joints) and legs (including coxae) reddish yellow; club black or piceous; mandibles red; palpi yellowish. Antennae 13-jointed, extending to base of abdomen, the scape only a little longer than the pedicel: funicle 8-jointed, the first joint about 2\ times as long as thick, the following joints moniliform, the last two or three a little wider than long ; club 3-jointed, the first joint the smallest, about 1\ times as long as thick, the second about twice as long as thick, the third ovate, slightly longer. |