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Show 242 MESSES, COLLINGE A N D G O D W I N - A U S T E N O N [Mar. 19, exist between the slug-like molluscs and those possessing a more perfect shell; further, an investigation of their anatomy is likely to throw considerable light upon the relations and position of such genera as Parmarion, Microparmarion, Damayantia, and Mariella on the one hand, and Girasia, Austenia, Ibycus, and Macrochlamys, &c. on the other. DAMAYANTIA, Issel, 1874. II. DAMAYANTIA SMITHT, n. sp. Shell (fig. 4) broadly oval, with a slight indication (a mere impression) of the apical whorl, the whole of an equally membranaceous and thin texture, transparent, shiny ; when removed from the animal in alcohol it becomes much contracted by wrinkling, in the fresh state it would be convex in outline and of a pale olivaceous colour. Major diameter about 12 millim. Animal (figs. 1-3).-Ground-colour pale ochre in alcohol, tentacles black or very dark blue, a very dark blue or black streak runs along the side of the foot posteriorly, crossing it diagonally downwards to the mucous pore. The dorsal lobes are streaked and mottled with jet-black on a yellowish-grey ground, this being more conspicuous anteriorly. The black markings on the shell-lobes are concentrically arranged as regards the edge of the shell: in the specimens examined they are probably much contracted, but in life would cover the greater portion of the shell; they are probably very similar in size to those of Damayantia dilecta, Issel (4. pi. iv. figs. 5, 6). The mantle differs very much from that of the typical Girasia (1); in this Bornean slug the left shell-lobe has been developed to a greater extent than the right, and extends back behind the respiratory orifice, even posterior to tbe apex of tbe shell, and it is clearly defined by the white edging. On the left anterior margin a cicatricial line marks very distinctly where the shell and dorsal lobes meet. The left and right are continuous all round, the left being the larger and concealing the bead of the animal. The foot posteriorly is long and narrow, sharply keeled, and terminates abruptly. Foot-sole divided into three distinct planes, faintly marked with transverse lines, colour yellowish brown. Foot-fringe slightly darker than the foot-sole; two rows of elongated rugae arranged in parallel rows lie above the foot-fringe. Large linear mucous pore (fig. 6) not extending to the foot-sole. The pallial margin is well marked, as is also the pallial line, which is deeply crossed by grooves into oblong spaces. The animal in alcohol measured 28 millim. in length, breadth of foot-sole in the anterior region 4^ millim. Hab. Poeh Mountain (3500 ft.), Sarawak (A. H. Everett). It gives us much pleasure to associate with this most interesting mollusc the name of Mr. Edgar A. Smith, F.Z.S., of the British Museum. |