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Show 1895.] ANATOMY OP NAUTILUS POMPILIUS. 675 swells out slightly, forming the buccal gangliou (buc.g.). From this pass backwards two nerves into the sponge-work of the pharyngeal wall (ph.n.). Whether they are continued back in this along the sides of the crop to become connected with the gastric ganglion, I was not able satisfactorily to determine. From the aboral end of the buccal ganglion anteriorly a twig passes to a ' Fig. 4. Buccal nervous system of Nautilus pompilius. ph.g, pharyngeal ganglion; buc.g., buccal ganglion; cc, cerebro-pharyn-geal connective; buc.phar.con, bucco-pharyngeal connective; ph.n, pharyngeal nerves; b.com, buccal commissure; ant.com, anterior pharyngeal commissure. large elevation of the buccal lining, within which it divides up into numerous branches. At its oral end the ganglion passes into the short convex-forwards commissure which connects it with its fellow. From this two nerves pass adorally on each side, the smaller more mesially situated immediately underlying the radula. V. The Innervation of the " Inner Inferior Lobe." Posterior (ventral) to the buccal mass, well within the hood-tentacle complex, is a flattened lobe, bearing on each side a 43* |