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Show 1895.] BOBNEO AND NEIGHBOUBING ISLANDS. 121 The typical form of this species is a little larger than L. triliratus, Pfr. It differs also in the greater number of spiral lira? and the stronger and more widely reflected lip. The variety is conspicuously smaller than the type and has a paler appearance. One of the three specimens examined is of a uniform pale olivaceous tint, the two others having a few more or less distant radiating stripes or spots. L. bellulus, Martens, has four lira? upon the penultimate whorl, but about 14 on the last, and the red stripes are flexuous and the umbilicus broader. 65. LAGOCHILUS KINA-BALUENSIS. (Plate IV. fig. 7.) Testa subaperte umbilieata, depresse turbinata, lutcscens, rufo-radiatim et undulatim, strigata, spiraliter tenuissime striata, liris tenuibus (in anfr. ult. duo, ultimo quatuor) cincta, epidermide setosa induta ; anfr. 6, convexi, superior es tres saturate rufescentes, sequentes duo in medio carina vel lira cincti, inferne ad suturam lira secunda ornati, ultimus carina vel lira supremo, paulo supra medium sita, infima circa medium basis, antice vix descendens; peristoma recte refiexum, margine externo tenue, lutescente, intemo continuo, leviter incrassato, sublilaceo, suturam minute sinuato. Diam. maj. 9 millim., min. 7, alt. 7 ; apertura intus 3| lata. Hab. Kina Balu, 3000-4000 feet (A. Everett). Very like L. inornatus in form, but differing in the number of the spiral lira?, the spiral stria?, and colour. The short brown hairs of the epidermis arise from the spiral lira?. 66. LAGOCHILUS CONICUS. (Plate IV. fig. 8.) Testa anguste perforata, conica, lutescens, rufo radiatim strigata, epidermide tenui setosa induta, spiraliter tenuissime lirata; anfractus 6, convexi, regulariter, haud celeriter accrescentes, ultimus antice vix descendens ; peristoma tenue, duplex, margine externo angustissime expanso, nigrescente, intemo leviter incrassato, pallide livido, continuo, ad suturam minute sinuato. Diam. maj. 8 millim., min. 7, alt. 8^ ; apertura intus 3^ lata. Hab. Kina Balu, 3000-4000 feet (A. Everett). The spiral lira? are rather feeble, four on the penultimate, and none below the periphery of the last. 67. LAGOCHILUS BALABACENSIS. (Plate IV. fig. 9.) Testa L. trilirato similis, sed anfr. ultimo in umbilico liris tribus ornato, epidermide decidua lutosa induta. Diam. maj. 8 millim., min. 6§, alt. 7 ; apertura 4 lata. Hab. Island of Balabac, between Palawan and Borneo (A. Everett). This species is of the same size and colour as L. triliratus, Pfr., from Labuan, and the latter has four lira? encircling the body-whorl, of which the lowermost is around the middle of the base. The present species has six lira?, the upper three situated as in |