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Show 1895.] FOEAMINIFEEA FBOM THE AEABIAN SEA. 29 152. LAGENA CASTEENSIS, Schwager. Lagena castrensis, Schwager, 1866, Novara-Exped., geol. Theil, vol. ii. p. 208, pi. v. fig. 22; Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 485, pi. Ix. figs. 1,2, 3? This species occurred in the Pliocene deposits of Kar Nicobar. Found in Sample No. 1, very rare; No. 5, rare. 153. LAGENA STAPHYLLEAEIA (Schwager). Fissurina staphyllearia, Schwager, 1866, Novara-Exped., geol. Theil, vol. ii. p. 209, pi. v. fig. 24. Lagena staphyllearia, Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 474, pi. lix. figs. 8-11. This species occurred in the Pliocene beds of Kar Nicobar. Found in Sample No. 1, very rare. 154. LAGENA ALVEOLATA, var. SUBSTEIATA, Brady. Lagena alveolata, var. substriata, Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 488, pi. Ix. fig. 34. This variety was recorded from the Southern Ocean, from 1375 fathoms (Brady). Found in Sample No. 1, very rare; No. 6, very rare. 155. LAGENA QUADEICOSTULATA, Eeuss. Lagena quadricostulata, Brady, 1884, Chall. Bep. vol. ix. p. 486, pi. lix. figs. 15 and 7 ? Found in Sample No. 1, very rare; No. 6, very rare. 156. LAGENA LAEVIGATA (Reuss). Lagena Icevigata, Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 473, pi. cxiv. fig. 8 a, b. Found in Sample No. 1, very rare. 157. LAGENA OEBIGNYANA (Seguenza). Lagena orbignyana, Brady, 1884, Chall. Eep. vol. ix. p. 484, pi. lix. figs. 1, 18, 20, 24-26. Found in Sample No. 1, rare ; No. 5, rare ; No. 6, frequent. 158. LAGENA FOEMOSA, Schwager. Lagena formosa, Schwager, 1866, Novara-Exped., geol. Theil, vol. ii. p. 206, pi. iv. fig. 19 a-d; Brady, 1884, Chall. Rep. vol. ix. p. 480, pi. Ix. figs. 10, 18-20, 8?, 17? This species was originally described from the Pliocene of Kar Nicobar. Found in Sample No. 1, rare ; No. 6, very rare. 159. LAGENA TEIGONO-OBNATA, Brady. Lagena trigono-omata, Brady, 1884, Chall. Rep. vol. ix. p. 483, pi. lxi. fig. 14. Found in Sample No. 1, rare. |