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Show 1895.] HYMENOPTERA O P T H E ISLAND O P G R E N A D A . 753 piceous ; antennae, except the six terminal joints, and legs brownish yellow ; mandibles reddish yellow. Antennae 13-jointed, longer than the body; the flagellar joints long, cylindrical, the seven terminal joints stouter than the preceding and forming a more or less distinct club; scape only 1| times as long as the pedicel; flagellar joints 1, 2, and 5 sub-equal, a little shorter than joints 3 and 4, joints 6 to 12 subequal, stouter, from 3^ to 3 times as long as thick, the 12th joint the shortest, joint 13 ovate, one-third longer than the 12uh, joints 8 to 13 fluted. Scutellum rugoso-punctate; the cup small, ovate, produced into a carina anteriorly, rimmed, the rim piceous or ferruginous. Metanotum bicarinate, the carinae widely separated, clothed with a glittering white pubescence. Wings hyaline, the tegulae and veins brownish yellow, the marginal cell closed, nearly twice as long as wide, the first abscissa of radius about two-thirds the length of the second. Abdomen not quite so long as the head and thorax united, piceous beneath toward base, and with a hairy girdle. d . Length 1 m m . Polished black; mandibles and legs reddish yellow. Antennae 15-jointed, brown-black, 1| times the length of body, the scape not quite twice so long as the pedicel, the first flagellar joint not quite twice so long as the second, a little curved, the second and third subequal, a little shorter than the following joints, which are a little more than three times as long as thick. Balthazar and Grand Etang. Described from one male and one female specimen. (2) AGLAOTOMA TRICOLOR, sp. n. 2 . Length 1 m m . Eeddish brown, the head having the vertex and occiput black ; legs and basal six joints of antennae brownish yellow; antennal joints 7-11 brown-black, 12 and 13 white. Antennae 13-jointed, longer than the body, the 7 terminal joints a little stouter than the preceding, and forming a cylindrical club; all joints cylindrical, the first joint of flagellum a little longer than the second, the third and fourth longer than the first, the fifth a little stouter and a little shorter than the fourth, the following joints slightly longer, a little more than three times as long as thick. Scutellum finely punctate; the cup small, ovate, with a small fovea posteriorly. Wings hyaline, strongly fringed. Abdomen as long as the thorax, with a slight woolly girdle at base. Balthazar. Described from one female specimen. CHRESTOSEMA, Forster. (1) C H R E S T O S E M A PALLIDIPES, Ashm. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool, vol. xxv. p. 68. Balthazar. A single female agreeing perfectly with the type from St. Vincent. (2) CHRESTOSEMA PLAVIPES, sp. n. 2. Length 1 m m . Polished black; antennae, except first two joints, black or brown-black; legs yellow. |