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Show 122 MR. K. A. SMITH ON LAND-SHELLS FROM [PeD* *>> L. triliratus. The fourth lira surrounds the umbilicus, and the others are within it. The epidermis seems somewhat different, and the peristome is a trifle less thickened than in the Labuan species. These appear to be small differences; still, they will probably prove to be constant in specimens from the two localities. 68. LAGOCHILUS MUNDYANUS, Godwin-Austen. Lagochilus mundyanus, G.-A. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1889, p. 338, pi. xxxix. figs. 6-6 b. Lagochilus altus, Smith, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. vol. xxiv. p. 345, pi. xxv. fig. 9. Hab. Busau Hills. I regret having overlooked God win-Austen's L. mundyanus when describing L. altus. They are undoubtedly identical. A specimen recently received differs from the typical form in being of a uniform dark purplish-brown colour. 69. LAGOCHILUS QUADBICINCTUS. (Plate IV. fig. 10.) Testa parva, anguste umbilieata, turbinata, tenuis,pellucido-ad apicem fuscescens ; anfractus 5|, supremi 2-3 convexi, Iceves, penidtimus convexiusculus, bicarinatus, ultimus mediocriter convexus, carinis quatuor cinctus; apertura fere circidaris; peristoma subduplex, tenue, late expansum et recurvum, margine intemo columellari ad suturam minute inciso. Diam. maj. 8| millim., min. 6, alt. 8; apertura intus 3g longa et lata. Hab. Mulu, N. Sarawak. This species is somewhat like L. baritensis, Smith, but is much smaller, without colour-markings, has larger nuclear whorls, and is differently keeled. The peristome also is more widely expanded and not so distinctly double. 70. DIPLOMMATINA EUBICUNDA (Martens). Paxillus rubicundus, Martens, Preuss. Exped. Ost-Asien, Zool. vol. ii. p. 164, pi. 4. fig. 16. Diplommatina rubra, Godwin-Austen, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1889, p. 349, pi. xxxviii. fig. 7. Diplommatina rubicunda, Smith, Ann. Mag. N. H. 1894, vol. xiii. p. 463. Hab. Bengkajang and Singkawang, W . Borneo (Martens); Niah Hills (Godwin-Austen) • Mt. Rabong, West Sarawak, Kina Balu, and Gomanton, North Borneo, also Palawan (Everett, in present coll.); Natuna Islands (Smith). The intensity of the reddish colour is variable, and the outer peristome is more remote from the inner in some specimens (e. g. those from the Natuna Islands) than in others. 71. DIPLOMMATINA EECTA. (Plate IV. fig. 11.) Testa dextrorsa, ovata, superne acuminata, cornea ; anfractus perconvexi, lamellis tenuissimis obliquis numerosis ornati, |