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Show 470 DR. R. B. SHARPE ON BIRDS [May 21, Petronia pyrgita, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xii. p. 296 (1888); Reichen. Vog. Deutsch-Ost-Afr. p. 195 (1894). a. d ad. Shebeli, Aug. 25, 1894. Iris light brown. b, c. d 2 ad. Okoto, Sept. 7, 1894. Iris dark brown ; bill light horn-colour ; legs grey. d. 2 ad. Furza, Sept. 12, 1894. Iris brown ; bill and feet g^y- Mr. Lort Phillips only observed these Sparrows on one occasion near the centre of the plateau. Heuglin only met with the species in the wooded region on the western slope of the Bogos Mountains towards the lowlands of Barka. According to Dr. Reichenow, it is found as far south as Teita. 34. SERINUS DONALDSONI. (Plate XXVII. fig. 2.) Serinus donaldsoni, Sharpe, Bull. B. 0. Club, iv. p. xii (1895). S. major. Similis S. capistratae 2 > se^ subtus concolor, gutture minime maculato : hypochondriis nigro striolatis : fronte pileo concolore, anguste nigro striolato : supercilio lato noteeo vii'idi, plumis nigro medialiter striatis : uropygio flavo distinguendus. Long. tot. 6'2 poll., culm. 0-55, alee caudce 2*55, tarsi 0*65. a. d ad. Smith River, Sept. 10, 1894. Bill flesh-colour; iris dark brown. Mr. Gillett also obtained a specimen in the same district. This large species of Seed-eater is of the size of Serinus sul-phuratus, but has the colouring of some of the smaller kinds, such as S. flaviventris. The characters given above, however, will distinguish the species. It comes into the second section of the genus Serinus, as given by me in the 12th volume of the ' Catalogue of Birds,' p. 349, with the flanks streaked with dusky blackish, no yellow frontal patch, but the eyebrow yellow. This would make it an ally of S. capistratus, but it is enormously larger and has no streaks or spots on the throat, the whole under surface being bright yellow. It may also be considered a large edition of S. imberbis, but its streaked flanks and the white margins of the inner secondaries distinguish it. 35. SERINUS MACULICOLLIS. (Plate XXVII. fig. 1.) Serinus maculicollis, Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xii (1895). d. S. hypochondriis distincte nigro striolatis: fascia frontali angusta, superciliis, macula auriculari, gutture et pectore Icete Jlavis: abdomine toto albo, distinguendus. Long. poll., culm. 0*35, alee 2*7, caudce 1*7, tarsi 0*6. 2 mari similis, sed gula albida, torque gutturali nigro distinguenda. Long. tot. 4*3 poll., alee 2*6. This is a curious little Serin Finch, which is apparently unnamed. The yellow colour of the bird is everywhere brighter than in the Canary (Serinus canarius), which appears to be its nearest |